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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. Howay man! Pre-match deluded optimism is what we do best!
  2. Just bought BTSport month’s pass for this. Warming up nicely with pre match tipples and watching a football programme South of the River—canny, but nowt about Gateshead yet!
  3. Last poli-ball point. How exactly? Given most people on here live in areas which are always going to return a labour MP. Illusion of choice not a personally or even collectively (within our localities) controllable option.
  4. I’m uncomfortable living with a Conservative government, but as long as their morals and values expressed through their policies don’t prevent me enjoying living in England, then I’ll just crack on. Literally nothing that can be done to change a regime here or elsewhere. No point protesting, just spoils the vibe/chance to actually get some real enjoyment out of supporting our team. If we just treat people as we personally see fit and hold the beliefs that seem fair to us (… may be a bit of variation in here!) it’s probs the best plan. At least we all have control over that.
  5. To be fair, he is perfect for them. Anti social, deluded re the importance of his own opinions, and I hear he pretty much lives on Greggs’ pasties. (Last one may not be 100% true, nor that negative to maintain the ‘fairness’ theme…).
  6. Signings like this can lift the whole team/squad. Here’s hoping for a plethora of ‘A games’ on display.
  7. Just seen him at Ashworth Hospital. Told him in no uncertain terms he’d be mental not to come.
  8. Is it Tuesday yet? Ridiculously excited about this game.
  9. Is Saturine Portuguese for Makem?
  10. Coffee_Johnny

    Dan Burn

    Well said and stuff, obviously
  11. you'll get no argument from me. Funny though.
  12. I really like this! May need to print song sheets though... maybe just: COS HE'S BRUNO, BRUNO GUIMARAES our GREATEST MIDFIELDER IN AGES COS HE'S BRUNO BRUUNOOO GUIMARAESSSSSSSSS WINNING with PASSION, and Brazilian passing AT ST JAMES'SSSSSSSSS WE FELL IN LOVE
  13. Coffee_Johnny

    Dan Burn

    Just noticed title of this thread . Harsh... but fair! Media training overdue me thinks. Perhaps from someone with credibility and a wealth of interview experience. Beardo's probably got time on his hands, and could be persuaded to do it, obviously.
  14. I think this key. We definitely need more players joining, even if only to create space for the usual candidates to have a shot.
  15. Great points, well made. Sorry to read about your early experiences. All credit to you that it has put your good human values in sharper focus.
  16. Just enjoyed 15 minutes picking through this. Interesting, perhaps personal, choice of events/images.
  17. Coffee_Johnny

    Dan Burn

    Job done! Welcome to Dan. It has been a long time coming; hope you enjoy every minute of it lad
  18. Disappointing but more disappointed re Elitike (one for the new regime/future). Aubameyang??
  19. Really, really happy about this signing, by the way.
  20. For the record Dave Beasant has been kicked up the arse by a(our) Brazilian. Think he kinda liked it. I once got stabbed in the arse by a Brazilian (doctor and with a needle). I didn't like it; it hurt but it was a remarkably effective therapeutic intervention. Not sure whether Stan enjoyed the dildo close encounter... unless the 'nee joy' was an expression of disappointment?
  21. Never fear, we've got a great history of easing the transition of Brazilian newcomers... (see last 20 seconds of this.) Think there's a 'fish and chips on way back from away matches' clip out there somewhere form Mira.
  22. To make this a bit less of a Sunday morning random brain fart, for those who’ve seen more of him than me, which past player would you most like him to?
  23. Could Chris Wood be the new Alan Gowling? Off to fish out my rather fletching (and faded) black silk Gowling scarf.
  24. First time in here in a while. Seems Makems are in the third division and RTG is still world of the strange and shouty. All is right is the world. Golly good. Carry on.
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