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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Someone with rewind please grab a screenshot of that.. what an absolute toe rag.
  2. Protecting the assets now. Pathetic. This was a pretty poor Man Utd team tonight, there was something to be had but Bruce simply doesn’t have the belief in himself. The second Joelinton went off we crumbled, no plan b. The only silver lining in this is that Ashley probably will start sweating now. Another loss and he’ll pull the trigger imo
  3. If Jones hadn’t been brought in we’d be in the bottom 3 right now.
  4. Be gentle Steve, please baby I've got to tweet tomorrow about how the players are letting you down. Nah, Steve is a submissive for sure.
  5. “It’ll be different this time I promise” http://prod-upp-image-read.ft.com/b1df1bba-6342-11e7-8814-0ac7eb84e5f1
  6. It’s all connected though. The defence they had just bossed the pitch, they were able to hold a very high line knowing that they’d win 99% of balls in the air and then quick enough to deal with counters. Their midfield are having to drop back much deeper to get control of the ball leaving the whole thing disjointed. Doubt has set in and one by one the players are dropping out of form. They know it’s over and it has been for weeks now.
  7. Correct. It was a clear goal scoring opportunity and he was impeded.
  8. c*** is dressed like Rainman ready for the casino. “Oh you poor unfortunate man. Let’s get you out of those clothes immediately. And we’ll do whatever we can about the smell”
  9. If we continue with this fraud of a manager I can’t see us getting any more than 5 points going into the last game of the season. Man Utd - lose Wolves - lose West Brom - 1 point Villa - lose Brighton lose Spurs - lose Burnley - 1 point West Ham - lose Liverpool - lose Arsenal - lose Leicester - lose Man City - lose Sheffield Utd - 3 points Fulham ? Looking at Fulham’s fixtures, they’d be doing well to get more than 8 points before they play us. But it’s possible. Sheffield Utd - 3 points Palace - lose Spurs- lose Liverpool - lose Man City - lose Leeds - 3 points Villa - 1 point Wolves - lose Arsenal - lose Chelsea - lose Burnley - 1 point Southampton - lose Man Utd - lose Newcastle ? That could leave us on 30 points and them on 27 going into last game, currently they have a better goal difference than us. If they pick up more than 10 points before last game we are fucked.
  10. Forum speculation turns into a general internet rumour which journos pick up on and publish as news which creates a frenzied speculation on the internet and also another flurry of forum posts on the topic until that topic runs out of steam and another is started thus keeping the cycle going. Are we the head or the arse of the snake?
  11. My hate for him at this point is well past Pardew levels.
  12. How could you know that, or anyone else for that matter ? That just sounds like something plausible but it reality is just utter nonsense. It’s mentioned in the charge file that was put up on the companies house last March/April that the amount owed could be claimed against any potential financial judgements in the Barclays case. If she would have had her 10% to put up back then, the Reubens wouldn’t have had to front her for it.
  13. It’s definitely connected, the money that the Reubens put up as a deposit to cover Staveley was based on the money she'd make off the case. I’m sure she could probably scape it together if she loses but it’s still significant. Like I mentioned before, I’d heard there was a different setup that could move forward that didn’t involve her.
  14. Dr Jinx

    Mikel Merino

    He started well but got injured and wasn’t quite the same for us after for whatever reason. Rafa didn’t seem that keen on giving him game time, yes he had a release clause but he could have said no, which he might have if his situation had of been different here.
  15. January was the time to make a change. We needed personnel in and all we got was Willock. He’d be on a hiding to nothing if he came back to this mess. This team without Wilson does not have goals in it, even just from his overall play and making space for others. Without him it doesn’t work.
  16. Dr Jinx

    Graeme Jones

    What are you supposed to do though? We don’t have a midfield or defence that can set a stall out for a 0-0 Our only way against half decent teams is to soak up pressure and counter. But when you only have 1 striker that’s really capable of being effective in that system and the only other options are a Brazilian fraud, an over the hill spent force or another who’s drastically unfit and not the type to impose on a game anyway, well where are the goals coming from? Relegation is a reality now, a likely one.
  17. Steve Bruce “I’m really pleased with the point we earned in the second half”
  18. The game is lost, bring off ASM, why risk an injury? We need to pick and choose our battles between now and end of season.
  19. Is he getting ridiculed by any other set of supporters?
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