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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Realistically, how much more could we pack in. Hypothetically, we’re owned by someone ambitious. We’re doing well. Some star players. What would be peak demand? 60? 75? It’s not always a given that we sell out games currently.. are there really an extra 20k supporters just waiting to spend money?
  2. Dr Jinx


    But he’s not a striker is he
  3. Longstaff looked like he was running in treacle after the 50 minute mark. Made Shelvey look like an Olympic sprinter. Was ok on the ball but so slow that every pass was telegraphed. He’s played enough minutes now to be fit, so what’s going on?
  4. I hope so. Whether or not some of his points are correct or not the fact is he doesn’t support the team. He’s doesn’t feel that empty depressing feeling of seeing the club continue in this zombie state year after year. But we do and we really need this glimmer of hope, even if it is misplaced and the fact he so smugly feels the need to shit on that just makes him a troll with press credentials. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on, if the admins banned him, fair played to them
  5. Totally isolated up front, poor service. He struggled at times. Only really showed his best when Rondon did the heavy work. He got a lot of stick but so did every other player pretty much when we were playing poorly. A bit like Joelinton in some ways. Callum Wilson is never going to get through the dirty work like Rondon but he’s enough of a handful to let Joelinton show a bit more. If or when it all clicks for him I think he’ll be far better than Perez ever could be.
  6. If this is postponed we could very well have a full (or close to full) strength squad by the next game. Only Dummett and Carroll out for longer. Dubravka and Gayle will make a difference.
  7. Unconfirmed because it’s not true. He’s trying to buy Debenhams through Fraser Group. There’s a bread trail there. They have the money. If PIF were involved it would be known. It’s not their modus operandi anyway, the retail sector.
  8. Aye possibly it certainly seems that NCSL and Kennedy have confirmed at the very least that De Marco is working on the takeover in next 3 weeks. So he’s just been making bread up to this point? Possibly a bit of painting and doing his new apartment out aswell. How the other half live eh ? “yes I’ll work on your 300m takeover but I need to perfect a stottie first, oh and my guest room needs wallpapering.. in fact I’ll give you a call in 3 months”
  9. Aye possibly it certainly seems that NCSL and Kennedy have confirmed at the very least that De Marco is working on the takeover in next 3 weeks. So he’s just been making bread up to this point?
  10. Why would you say this? He was making tremendous progress under Rafa and the owner sacked him and brought in a clown that has seen every player regress. Why on earth should he sign a contract to stay here? He's making the right decision and it has nothing to do with him having ideas above his station. Regardless of who own it or who manages it, he owes the club some loyalty. They’ve brought him through and gave him the chance. It’s not like he’s given years of service. He’s literally had a handful of very good games and the rest absolute rubbish over what would amount to a season and a half of playable game time. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to question his character and his motivation if he thinks he deserves a big move based off that.
  11. He’s not useless but he’s nowhere near as good as he thinks he might be. That 50m to Man Utd story gave him notions, his head hasn’t been in it ever since. Probably thinks he should be earning 100k a week and resents every second he’s here not earning that amount. Wouldn’t surprise me if his brother was of the same mindset.
  12. Just my opinion, but I have always felt that he only posts when he has something tangible to contribute. So - I feel that he will be back !! I doubt he will come back. Why would he when the other guy try to threaten him and all. What did the moderators do to protect him? You lot deserve the silence. Saudi and Qatar are on the verge of making peace. That will unlock lots of things. Master and Hoffman will get their pay day from Qatar and will be told not to stand away on the Saudis way. Perhaps they’ll sort something out but why would you assume that it would pave the way towards a takeover here? The reason Saudi wanted to buy a club in the first place was to stick it to Qatar. Less motivation now if everything is all happy families
  13. Which one was the international player? We haven’t many of them in fairness ?
  14. It seems to me that the foreign office didn’t particularly want the takeover either. What information were they given by the PL about their future plans that would have been disrupted had a takeover gone through? The smell of corruption is wafting at this point.
  15. Imagine 52,000 of these all around SJP for the next few home games. One in every seat.
  16. That sounds batshit crazy. Maybe they just sold the flats to a Middle East investment group that fucking hates football. If Saudi were going to buy the club and money was no object, they’d look at other options. (Leazes Park) The damage has already been done by Mike Ashley with regards to any future development of SJP, it’s almost impossible to reverse that
  17. Dr Jinx


    We’ve had a few no.9’s since Shearer which were not no.9’s. It’s not a big deal. I don’t care how many goals he’s scoring if he’s putting himself about and creating chances, he’s worth a place in the team. His transfer fee is irrelevant, it was a punt by Mike Ashley that he’d tear up the Premier League and be sold to Chelsea or City the following season for 3 time the amount. Like many of his gambles, it didn’t pay off. As a squad player he’s going to play his part this season. Get behind him, he’ll start delivering more regularly
  18. I hope if that’s true that his daughter hasn’t been exposed..
  19. Class goal that! His movement is so good for a big lad
  20. Dr Jinx


    Last night he was much better, he made a few good runs into the box and was unlucky with that through ball from Wilson that got deflected away by the defender, he was well positioned to score there. It was the most attempts on goal in one game that he’s had for us. In general him and Wilson linked up quite well. If he gets service in the areas where both goals came from I think he could salvage this season which frankly has been dire up to now.
  21. Absolutely nothing coming down that side. Why didn't he just start Murphy there? I actually thought he (Murphy) was one of the few positives of our last few games. This game is made for his curling long passes up the channel. Palace would be caught out again and again
  22. It’s quite impressive that Hendrick can be so anonymous with the hair-do and beard that he has.
  23. No but he can adequately top up his pension with a few jobs in the champo. Whine the myth remains that he’s a good manager, some sucker will have him on a shortlist
  24. He couldn’t give a bollocks about turning it around, he’ll get paid anywhere between 3 and 6 million to get sacked, all he has to do is turn up and give the turgid sound bites each week to keep the charade going that he’s actually trying. Ashley won’t want to pay that so it’s a game of chicken right now.. who blinks first. He’ll get another job eventually, perhaps not as high profile but most certainly it will be at a club above his level.
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