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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. I wouldn’t go reading too much into a website. They’ll have hired some company to do all that for them. Populating a new website with content from shutterstock is standard practice. It doesn’t mean they don’t have a pot to piss in, just that they were in a rush to have a web presence for the new company. But they are not PIF.. that’s for sure.
  2. I don’t know why they didn’t just go ahead and do this. Would have forced the PL to make a decision either way, which then would have opened the door to go the legal route.
  3. Dr Jinx

    Jeff Hendrick

    I don’t hate this signing. He’ll win the fans over in the same way Daryl Murphy did. Not a step forward but also in terms of Benteleb, not a step back either. Just another body for the middle.
  4. I hope he’s on the wind up. Or maybe all that Twitter attention has gone to his head. People are weird
  5. The PL refusing to reject it for fear of being brought to court over it. So the consortium in limbo, a situation they can do nothing about if they’re waiting on the PL. Surely the answer would be to just proceed with the sale (which is a private transaction). The PL would then be in a position where they HAVE TO either approve or block it.
  6. As a business do they have a right not to make any comment which might incriminate them? The longer this goes on the more guilty they look.
  7. Symbolically it’s a fantastic achievement. Last week was a real low point but since then the fan base has come together for the first time in what seems an age. Just imagine the unity if the takeover actually went ahead
  8. I think piracy was a convenient road to go down for them. It’s clear it can’t be proven that the state ran BeoutQ so they are just pissing in the wind there. I suspect Amanda Staveleys case against Barclays was not insignificant here. And generally Qatar just not wanting Saudi to be able to flex their muscles in an area they thought they had sorted. So collusion and corruption are what’s going to get the PL in trouble here. Imagine the sorts of emails that have been exchanged since March, or minutes taken from meetings about it. An enquiry would expose everything we’ve suspected about them.
  9. Damn it! I never thought of that! This could be a deep state move to suppress the North East. https://twitter.com/HaddawayMan/status/1291624500199596032?s=19 I doubt it. I think the corruption here starts with Qatar and ends with the PL. Certain clubs having a better seat at the table is of no surprise but plenty of consequence. Liverpool, I get, Spurs i do not. Of course they would want to protect their position by any means necessary. It doesn’t look good for them in a competitive point of view. Afraid of little old Newcastle doing well.. It’s been a week since they “pulled out” and initially i was despondent, but this is an obvious ploy to show the PL how much support they have. It’s changing the narrative in the media away from negative story after story paid for by Qatar. They can’t launch a legal challenge if they haven’t been rejected so this is to force the PL to make some sort of announcement one way or the other so they can set about phase 2.
  10. He was reiterating the info he was given from a source aligned to the PL side which was nothing more than PL propaganda as they were aware PIF had reached their limits and were about to blast them for it. All about covering their arse and passing blame. It’s no surprise his info came about shortly after multiple sources suggested PIF were not responding... For once Mike Ashley isn’t the one to blame here. He genuinely wants/needs to sell now. He risks losing it all anyway with no signs of this Covid madness ending any time in the next year or so. SD are probably only worth a third of what they were, if even. If you had a little nufc shaped nest egg worth 300m, and you could add that to your stash (or what’s left of it) would you not be thinking right now.. “fuck this.. I’m done” ? I think the club will be sold within a year regardless of what happens with PIF
  11. They'll potentially disable replies, but then that limits the point of their tweets in the first place which are designed to provoke engagement. It will annoy them at the very least which is all the more reason to carry on doing it. They have a very high engagement in their posts and basically 50% of what I’m seeing is takeover related. As someone above said, they’ll have to have very thick skin to weather this. They’ve fucked us over, we won’t forget this in a hurry no matter how much the rest of the media will want us to.
  12. They’re getting absolute pelters online, how long can we keep this up for? Wouldn’t it be amusing if they had to make their Twitter private like KBA.. their silence on the matter is quite telling
  13. Because MBS probably isn’t directly involved in this. PIF yes and I’m sure he takes credit for their successes but that’s all down to Yassir Al-Rumayyan.
  14. Thought that Richard Masters chap was a smarmy cunt the first time I saw him being interviewed and questioned about it. The test itself is/should have been a process which took a month, maybe 6 weeks at best. “Do they have the funds? Check.” “Do they have any criminal convictions? No” “Are they involved in anything that could be seen as criminal?” “Well, no.. but let’s try and link them to something and if we can’t we’ll just bury our heads in the sand.” The Premier League has shown itself to be run more like Formula 1, where a handful of teams or sponsors can call the shots and lobby against anyone else ever threatening their position. I’ve always just taken for granted that this organisation (the PL) represented its members equally and fairly. How wrong I was ?
  15. We had a takeover, now we’re back to speculating on potential takeovers. It’s best just to tune out, turn your attention to something fulfilling, like growing a shrubbery and just check in here every few days or so. You lot have turned into a bunch of Cathy Newman’s this morning! PIF: “we’re pulling out of the takeover” Cathy: “So what you’re saying is.. you’re not pulling out of the takeover”
  16. From BBC.. “ The delay to the process came because the Premier League lawyers struggled to establish precise links between the consortium and the Saudi government.” Fuck me. So they basically made their minds up from the start and then went about trying to make a case to support that, but failed to do so and then just let it drag on indefinitely. What a shower of absolute cunts.
  17. Fuck George Caulkin. He’s shown he knows fuck all about this and is still trying to get clicks off his overly inflated reputation with nufc supporters. He’s let us down here. It’s the hope that kills isn’t it. Am utterly deflated by today’s events.
  18. Well he’s mates through golf with Richard Bevan isn’t he. So he’d definitely hear things about all that from a managers side of things. How he knows about Mike Ashley being the one to slow things up is another thing though. I’m not doubting his claims, just wonder if said source really knows what he claims to be talking about? ?‍♂️
  19. Exclusivity over. A fake bid by fake Henry Mauriss and now he’s looking for PIF to bid an extra 50 million based on competition and that we avoided relegation. Or he’s just buying some time so he can pocket the next tv money instalment
  20. I think the wording of the articles earlier this evening is telling. The PL did talk to someone off the record but in a very deliberate way. They use the word delay instead of reject and shift the focus from human rights or piracy to needing clarification on the structure of the club as the only remaining issue. That’s very easy to clarify (as if it wasn’t already) That just paves the way for another article in a few days from now to say that they’ve now been given what they need and it can proceed. It will look like another round of negative stories but read between the lines and I think what they’re saying is that the piracy and human rights concerns have been addressed.
  21. Yes no way would KSA walk away embarrassed by it all falling apart. They’ll take whatever recourse they need to ensure that this happens. Pressure on the tories will be huge, who of course can’t get involved officially.. but in back channels they’ll be in the thick of it. I’m surprised at how quiet Staveley and the Reubens have been though.
  22. Bournemouth winning again. They have a chance. A 90th minute West Ham winner would make my day. I’d happily give Liverpool 4 goals second half just to see that.
  23. Preparation? NUFC ? Perfect excuse for Mike to not spend any money. Mike is gone. Have faith.
  24. I promise I'm not saying this just to be contrary or a knob... but they won't give a flying f*** about that, I guarantee it. Oh I agree. But they won’t want to be accused of it ?
  25. Once it ran into the restart of the PL, it was never going to be announced before then. The window opens on Monday. I think we could see something announced then. The PL won’t want to be accused of affecting a teams preparation for the season ahead.
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