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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. They’re seriously rattled. I’d imagine it’s the same information they presented to French courts which got dismissed. If Saudi outbid Bein for the tv rights for the Middle East that would essentially make them irrelevant very quickly. Keys and the other tool would be out of a job rather quickly. It’s also far more likely to happen if Saudi have a direct interest in the PL.
  2. He sounds rather ingrained in the whole life there. Maybe that ship has sailed as far as nufc is concerned.
  3. The world is a shitty fucked up place and we need things to take our mind off it. Following this club is one of them, that’s been somewhat taken from us for the best part of 13 years. We’re now in a position where we might be able to enjoy it again. I care more about that then I do about the fucked up things that happen around the world. I’m not going to be sorry or feel guilty about that. As much as the BBC or whoever want to push that narrative.
  4. BBC running the Khashoggi fiancé story for the third time, slightly different quote this time. It’s almost as if some agency was releasing press releases on her behalf....
  5. and you need a Fede/Lascelles type in there too. His name is Koulibaly ?
  6. 150-200 million on 4/5 players should do it.
  7. This is great, but again, who’s the source here. Proof will be in the pudding once the deal is done. If it really is someone involved with advising Staveley then it shows she has the right people around her, possibly a former player to have that kind of knowledge of the current setup. As for the current site for training.. there’s quite a bit of land just beside it but is that farming land? There’s a few other gyms right beside it, so we use those facilities too?
  8. He’s a far better player than we thought he was going to be, that’s for sure. He doesn’t owe this club anything so I’m fairly ok with anything that’s happened since. And regarding the Robson/Souness/Shearer thing, there’s a degree of truth about that. Shearer wasn’t going to be used as much and he lobbied Shepherd to move him (Robson) upstairs and get someone in who would let him finish his career being picked as as first choice striker. That first choice was Harry Redknapp who was either at Southampton or Portsmouth at the time, I believe that was the first of three approaches we made for him. Talks had also taken place with David O’Leary as he’d gotten Villa into the top 10 but there was an issue about using Lee Bowyer who he’d fallen out with over the book he released. So Shepherd changed his mind at the last minute and went for Souness without actually knowing how close he would have been to getting the sack if he’d just waited a week or two. The rest is history. With hindsight, Redknapp was smart not to take that job. It was poison at the time. Too many egos in the dressing room who had won fuck all professionally. (apart from Shearer at Blackburn)
  9. Mandy will be ‘fuckin in the bushes if she gets what she wants
  10. Bringing back club legends is a double edged sword. There’s rarely a thing in football is an everlasting situation. Short term PR gains could be long term discontent if things didn’t work out. If being an ambassador to the club was all it was, I have no problem, but giving someone an official title with responsibilities can always go wrong.
  11. If he has to tell people he thinks his job is safe, it means he definitely doesn’t think his job is safe.
  12. Dr Jinx


    I can totally see Mike Ashley swooping in at their lowest ebb. What would the club be worth considering how fucked they are? A tenner and take on the debt?
  13. There’s obviously a reluctance by British ex players or managers to admit that foreign coaches these days are just light years ahead. Several reasons really, most are bilingual.. easier to communicate directly with foreign players who make up a good portion of most clubs squads now. But then also, they just seem to be better educated generally and more astute. Secondly, anyone who’s not a Newcastle supporter is not going to want a world class coach taking over from Steve Bruce. Think of all the clubs who could potentially be dropping to that sort of mid table mediocrity if this takeover happens and we do things the right way. Liverpool and City are set up to be competitive for a long time to come. But Chelsea, Spurs, Man Utd, Arsenal will be under threat soon from us, Everton for sure under Ancelotti and maybe a side like Wolves as well as Leicester if things keep going well there. And then you’ll have clubs like West Ham, Crystal Palace, Southampton etc who may have had some ambition to be better at some point who are just irrelevant now. Lots of salty ex players and managers associated with all those clubs..
  14. Didn’t Barclays pay for joelinton? Staveley can sue them for that one as well.
  15. Ferdinand for a start (not even mentioning Shearer or Cole) was a far better player than Rondon I’m not disagreeing with you about that. My point is that Rafas team with inferior players would have beaten Keegans team with all those star players.
  16. Watch the highlights of our 90’s games on YouTube. We were absolutely shocking at the back. We’re rating managers here but you have to take that into consideration. As crazy as it sounds, I think Rafas team with Rondon up front beats any of Keegans teams As would Robsons circa 2002/2003. Rafa v Robson? I think Robson had technically gifted players who could transcend generations but ultimately Rafa would pick the team apart with his inferior players so how is he not the best manager we’ve ever had?
  17. Also the bank that nufc has its loans or overdrafts with. Why are we talking about this?
  18. I’m not sure that’s how it works, there’s no way the PL have the resources to carry out 2-4 week checks out on every single owner before a season starts. I think it’s a one time deal unless something scandalous comes out like fraud, corruption charges etc.
  19. Charnley and Bruce clearing their desks They will keep Bruce on for a bit if the remaining PL games have to be played.. then a shorter break before the new season would start, hypothetically that would make it harder to sack him, get someone else in and carry out transfer business. The best situation for us would be the remaining games not being played. Then a clear out could commence.
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