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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. So could PIF/Reubens/Stavely for that matter, but for the same reason they won't, MIke Ashley won't let go either. Newcastle is a more attractive club, I don't know whether it's the geography, that it's a one club city, or just the Keegan effect. The only other club I think comes close is Leeds. It’s a few things, an already decent stadium. Big local fanbase. And yes the Keegan/SBR effect where a new investor knows the club can compete if the right things are in place. As far as PIF are concerned, they don’t really care about that. They want to appear in a good light globally as they push their nation as a benefactor in sports. Any profits the club would make would be small change to them. They would have preferred Man Utd but that’s obviously a no go. We’re still a massive club in many people’s eyes. A debatable point imho, we’ve won nothing in decades. The biggest point is that the club could be bigger than most of the other premier league teams. Certainly on a par with Arsenal, Spurs, Chelsea etc.
  2. That’s just a rehash of a spurious rumour from earlier in the week. It claimed that the Saudis want Allegri as manager and he has a condition that his first signing would be Mauro Icardi who’s currently on loan from Inter to PSG. The Italian journo who made the claim though has been correct about a couple of big managerial appointments before which is the only reason this hasn’t been filed under Indykaila type Twitter nonsense
  3. He could easily buy another team in the PL or say for example, one of the bigger clubs in the Championship and just replicate what he’s done here. Same result. Promotion, mid table mediocrity, relegation, rinse and repeat. Some clubs fans might even be happy with that.
  4. Who gets emotional if something doesn’t happen within 2 days of a story breaking. They haven’t agreed a final deal but that’s coming. The PL know and will be prepared to do their checks. Relax man, if this does happen it will be another month, add pandemic to the issue and it could go on longer. I believe the end is nigh for Ashley. It’s happening. There’ll be no football until next September/October anyway.
  5. Rafa: "How's the Paella did you say?"
  6. Most likely the club has laid them off and there's no new owners The club would need those people more than ever if there’s no new owners.
  7. Perhaps the non playing staff side of things, for example the numerous business development managers they have selling corporate packages won’t be needed by the new owners. I can’t see the Saudi PIF scrounging around for whatever change they can get out of people. Sure there will be corporate boxes still but they will probably go to much higher bidders who will be attempting to do business with the elite. My take on it is that if the club have laid them off. Then new owners come back in, that’s one less headache of letting dozens of people go and having to deal with compensation. Or having to deal with the bad publicity that goes along with it.
  8. So did the buying side leak the story to the WSJ back in January while at the same time stepping back from negotiations? Sounds like they knew they’d be in a position to put the squeeze on Ashley.
  9. Thanks to Coronavirus. I’m not really sure how to feel about that.
  10. The difference between 2008 and now is that the players even at that stage would have known who he was. Young players now wouldn’t have that awe factor from the start. The only thing they seem to buy into now is a resume of winning trophies. I read something recently about a player (might have been at Spurs) who was telling one of the younger squad members about a former club legend, the player hadn’t a clue who he was talking about and had to look them up on YouTube. That’s what you’re up against with these young uns
  11. I think Keegan should be made a lifetime ambassador for the club and give him a wage. Football has moved on and he’s done nothing in over a decade. Let him relax and enjoy watching us if that’s what he wants to do. I think having a young(ish) manager with enthusiasm is important. I like Conte.
  12. Rafa doesn’t break contracts. I can definitely see him coming back at some stage but when depends on who they bring in first (hypothetically) The first appointment will reveal how astute they are.
  13. I think the PIF registered company is enough proof I need that this is genuine. Page 9 of the incorporation statement is the authentication. It’s genuine and the percentages are accurate. Although this was registered back in January so I’m surprised it’s taken until now for someone on the internet to notice. I just don’t see any evidence that it’s moved forward. In George we trust?
  14. You aren’t getting planning permission for a stadium at the racecourse. They built some houses on the site recently, and it had major objections and was only just allowed. At the other side of the racecourse North Tyneside council had trouble getting a housing estate through. The existing site is the only viable option at this stage surely. Hypothetically if we were ever in a position where new owners wanted to invest. We’d have to move for a season or two and have a new stadium built. Perhaps having the pitch at a different position so as to not interfere with the existing surrounding buildings.
  15. Fuck it. I’m biting. It occurred to me that a takeover of nufc by Saudi would be full of negative press. Endless negative press and quotes from human rights groups about how the premier league shouldn’t let it happen etc. So what’s the best time to plough ahead with something like this? A fucking pandemic when everyone is looking the other way. That’s all I’ve got. I’m still 90% on the bullshit side.
  16. The timing though... If it smells like bullshit then it’s probably most likely a takeover story about our club. Is anyone biting?
  17. Not sure if you've been watching the news recently, but the share price of SD and every company is doing that all by itself without his help. It's the opposite, the whole thing is flailing and he is desperate for revenue. Definitely, but the nature of a plc, they don’t need to disclose their cash position in real time so we’ll never know how desperate they really are but you can guarantee if this goes on past Easter they’ll be in bother
  18. That’s the own goal of own goals. Cancel culture will be on this as we speak.
  19. The whole thing screams of desperation. I think this is going to hit him hard now. I don’t think it’ll be a case of as you were once this eventually passes. He’ll either borrow against the value of nufc to lend to Sports Direct or he could be more willing to accept an offer for the club. The problem with the second option is if there will still be wealthy people even thinking about buying into football if Coronavirus plays out in a worst case scenario.
  20. Can’t someone just cough on the fucker
  21. I would assume Sports Direct will take a hammering through this virus situation. How affected will MA be in terms of his personal fortune? Could he be forced into cashing in on his assets?
  22. If he caught it, he’d go into intensive care and be moments from dying, only for things to go quiet on his condition and then suddenly we find out he’s made a full recovery. Ventilator watch would be fun though
  23. Bad for NUFC in general though as if there was any interested buyers, the coronavirus business must have killed it stone dead. Our best bet now is to hope the fat b****** contracts it himself and he suffers from acute asthma and diabetes. Reading through this thread, someone suggested that about 6 weeks ago and got ridiculed. It’s scary how quickly a doomsday scenario can become a reality.
  24. Can’t decide whether this global chaos is going to be a good or a bad thing for this vulture.
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