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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Being at his boyhood club, the move didn’t make much sense but if he was in the depths of it, all that self loathing, he might have just thought a fresh start was needed. It’s all speculation right now, but maybe he was getting threatened by dodgy fuckers as well. Now if it turns out his gambling followed over to here, then I’ve less sympathy.
  2. I just saw that. Fairly smart to get ahead of it. Gives Eddie a standard response now as he can say that he can’t talk about it. When they say full support I very much believe them.
  3. Will be very interesting to see what Howe is allowed say about it on Friday. It’s highly unlikely he’ll be involved at the weekend in any case but it will be reassuring if we hear him say “Sandro has our full support”
  4. The club won’t be happy about this but he’s our player so unless there’s some obvious legal get out clause, let’s assume we’re going to take him under our wing and give him a second chance. His head must have been all over the shop and god knows who he owed money to. There’s literally no rock bottom with gambling, doesn’t matter if you’re on crazy money or on the dole. It’ll take pretty much everything and changes your whole character as a person when you’re an addict. He’s young enough to come back much stronger.
  5. You’d think for 55 million quid that due diligence would be fairly extensive on a players background. Bit of a balls up by Dan Ashworth if they failed to pick up on this.
  6. The second goal wasn’t his fault. Someone in the middle decided to run out to the wing leaving Kudos totally unmarked and open for a pass.. I could see the fucking move about 15 seconds before the goal went in. Tonali was fine. They are a good side and it’s a small pitch. Nobody had time or space to do much. Disappointing that we shrank back after bossing it for most of the half. This will be seen as a good point later in the season.
  7. I just realised that he has that same emotional connection with the club/supporters that Keegan had. Lightning in a bottle. Great news. Onwards and upwards.
  8. Dr Jinx

    Kevin Keegan

    I also think for the most part, that women are not funny / lack a sense of humour / make absolutely shit stand up comedians. Prove me wrong.
  9. Dr Jinx

    Kevin Keegan

    He's not wrong in his comments but he should know better how that would have been taken up. It's an equality of outcome thing as opposed to equality of opportunity. Every pundit panel must contain a woman regardless if she has the personality of a turnip, or she has to be the presenter.
  10. He makes a mockery of the doubters (including me at times). He'll have surpassed every great manager we've had here by the time he's finished. It's mad that he's young enough to stay here for Fergie/Wenger type timelines and would still be young enough to take the England job to cap off a career.
  11. Another rotten club. It was a failure of a project. When you start paying players obscene amounts of money like what Mbappe is on.. it can only ever lead to the opposite of what we have at our club. Zero togetherness. Enrique isn’t a shit manager but I don’t think he’s ever been the same since his kid died. Who would in fairness. He’s a classy bloke and was very respectful of us before and after the game.
  12. Man you’ve been on this board long enough all through the Ashley years. You should be able to sniff out false dawns easily. The Glazers make too much from the club, or potentially having it as an asset to get cheap credit on from other ventures. I’d be shocked if they sold.
  13. Such a weird club, they have players that can win a match against any club on any given day but they don’t seem to have any interest in being consistent about it. Something rotten there.. the way they’ve handled significant player situations (Greenwood, Sancho) has been appalling, owners that have no sporting interest in the club, no direction, what kind of scouting do they have? You can see clear as day this will continue on and off, season after season. Change a manager, no difference.. ETH has been made to look a mug by his players. His aura of the work he did at Ajax in tatters, he’s been exposed there big time.
  14. The nufc blog is shutting down. Dr. Ed Harrison has stage 4 cancer so unable to keep the site going. Very sad to hear this. Seems like the site has been around forever and definitely a part of my in and off season info gathering over the years. He must be given his dues.. it’s some effort to have kept that going (just as it is here too). Hope he gets to enjoy the club with the time he has left. To those running this site too, you’re appreciated massively. You’ve basically given something that I’ve spent as much time on as Facebook during my adult life.
  15. He’s definitely improved but he’s also playing with better players and he benefits massively from the leadership Trippier has on the pitch. One thing to note was that midweek, Pope had zero confidence to play it short to either Lascelles or Dummett.. they just kept passing us into trouble. At the weekend Schär sort of covered over that as Lascelles would just play it sideways but overall our play from the back becomes more predictable. With Schär and Botman, it’s options and calmness from both sides, that’s why Lascelles can’t get into the team. We build up play much better and are far more comfortable keeping possession with our first choice. For heading he’s as good as anyone at the club, he’s also far from slow. But the things he lacks are sadly things Eddie Howe can’t coach into a player at that age.
  16. It’s really a shame Maxi isn’t part of the squad for this one. He’d have been well up for it.
  17. Good timing before PSG to give the whole squad a lift.
  18. You still need Tripps for the leadership, influence on the pitch but there’s definitely a scenario where both start. Both taking turns going forward and the other covering.
  19. Not the best of debuts. He looks like he’ll need to be eased into things gradually but definitely showed flashes of potential. Howe will know what to do with him.
  20. Dr Jinx

    Lewis Miley

    He’ll never have to work as hard defensively against any other team. It wasn’t his fault, it was just one way traffic. Did his job and we didn’t concede. You can point to Bruno coming on but Gordon for Hall was the bigger upgrade.
  21. We might not see an in form Joe Willock until next season. He’s had no pre season. We should take it that there’ll be 5 in competition for the first team. Bruno, Longstaff, Tonali, Anderson and Joelinton which should be enough to cover most if our games. If we start picking up injuries there may be trouble.
  22. Excellent yesterday but against wank opposition. When he starts performing like that against more competitive teams he’ll definitely have earned his place. But all the right signs. He deserves to be kept in for next game at least. Big Joe coming back will give some selection problems.
  23. Not over the line but a handball. Accidental or not, it directly led to a goal scoring chance so by the rules as I understand them, that shouldn’t have stood.
  24. Having a squad to cope with these pressures is why we need to start using them. I suspect Tripps and Tino are both going to end up in first team by end of season, with the latter playing more advanced.
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