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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. We look tired all over the pitch, we’re having to push the issue more in games now and there’s been times when we look stretched. It’s leading to individual mistakes, injuries and a general loss of form across the board. The World Cup was terrible for us. Not that we had too many there, hasn’t seemed to have affected the England players but the squad who remained just look shot. I know giving the players time off is not something Eddie Howe does much of but they look like they need a week in a health spa.
  2. Willock going off changes things up a bit. We’ve been stale in the midfield for a while, even with Bruno in. This might just be an eye opener for Howe that different lineups can work.
  3. Remains to be seen if Shelvey would even have played as club didn’t want to extend his contract. Whilst we all would have liked another midfielder in, none wound have been our top targets and what’s the point in bringing a body in for a short time who may not be the ideal plan going forward? Bruno will back.. we’ll be fine
  4. Howe said he hasn’t played much so a bit behind on fitness.
  5. Dr Jinx

    Alexander Isak

    "Moaty, it's Alex.."
  6. Dr Jinx

    St James' Park

    If we didn’t mind moving for 2 years, I’d knock the lot down. and rebuild by turning the pitch 90 degrees. There’s so much you can do so without having to spoil the area. The Aviva Stadium could be a loose template to work off, the shorter end could keep Leazes Terrace happy but absolutely go to town on all other sides. Not a fan of the space ship/childs potty design, something with cleaner edges would be better.
  7. I would have a bet for a red card on their next game at the weekend.
  8. Leeds getting stuck into them at every opportunity, it’s great to watch. Quite clear they do not like playing against a team who presses relentlessly.
  9. We’re calmly sitting down taking all this in.. whatever happens, we’ll just continue on as is until there’s a clear message of - “the punishment will be fuck all” and then they’ll go full moneybags. Big moment for the PL this.
  10. If he was on the 9th floor of a collapsed building, it’s not likely that he’ll emerge alive or if he does, with life changing injuries. I loathe social media at times like these.. accuracy is a distant second to being first. I really hope I’m wrong. ?
  11. I don’t want any points taken off them this season. Whatever we earn I want it to be on our own merit and not tainted by “oh but you only got that because City got punished” etc. I think we’re still right in the mix for where the title is going to end up. Arsenal lose more points and then suddenly it gets very interesting.
  12. If they’ve known about this for weeks it explains the pissy mood Pep has been in and the drop off in form maybe, players pick up on this stuff pretty quickly.
  13. We'll be fine and he’s needed a proper rest.
  14. Man Utd have some tricky games coming up, 2 games home and away to Leeds without most of their midfield will be interesting.. and then Leicester who seem to have found some form. Spurs have Leicester, West Ham and Chelsea. Can see both sides dropping points along the way here. Wouldn’t read too much into the City result today, they’re not in a good spot currently, something off similar to Liverpool. They’ll drop more points. All eyes on Arsenal to see if yesterday was just a blip or not. If we can get a run going, we’re still right in the mix for top 6, top 4, even top 2 perhaps.
  15. I noticed yesterday that Rice wins most of the 50/50 challenges he’s in and has excellent anticipation of where the ball will be. Bit like Bruno in that regard. He’s an excellent player.. not sure who makes way for him though? As in lineup, formation etc.
  16. He hasn’t started a match since August. Confidence, rust, no form as such to build on. Think people are being massively hard on the chap. He’s always been at his best when he has a run in the team
  17. After seeing the level of respect between Rice and our players yesterday and even Howe name checking him in the post match interview, I’m 100% convinced the courtship has begun with this one.
  18. West Ham were decent. They easily matched if not outplayed our midfield. Rice was excellent mostly and they looked threatening without ever really causing us all that much bother. Gordon looked sharp when he came on and if Wilson hadn’t been tired at that point we might have won it with that through ball he played. Last 10 mins we were just trying to force the issue, we’re not that good at chasing a goal so have to be mildly happy with the point. Fatigue is definitely an issue for us and it seems like we have to have a game won early doors at the minute.
  19. Arsenal have been great this season but they have yet to face any real adversity. Be interesting to see if they have the bottle to fight back if City manage to take 1st spot in the coming weeks
  20. He goes to an Italian team I reckon, after a while. It’s a hard asset to just write off for Man Utd, it’s an easy case to make in todays mad money that he could have been worth 70-100 million. Certainly as much as Sancho.
  21. Bed wetters! We’ve gotten this far this season on what little we have, we’ll be fine. A cup final and top 6, each and every one of you would have snapped my hand off if I’d offered that as a possibility. And we’re still in with a great chance of top 4 if we can keep things ticking over. The big money will roll in this summer. Have faith.
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