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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Seen a few kids with it on down Whitley yesterday, looks nice without the sponsorship.
  2. Did they not use to cap season ticket sales at around 40k ? Also think it was acknowledged that there we’re about 30k season ticket holders. Without looking at stadium plan would it account for all empty seats or just ones available for season ticket purchases ? I would guess we’ve probably sold about 27k so far. I think people might get a shock next season we could be looking at sub 40k attendances.
  3. Looking like low 40k attendances next season.
  4. Surely this part would just refer to PIF governor being duty bound by PL rules and having authority from KSA which Al-Rumayyan does. In any case would any subsequent detrimental changes to rule book in relation to our bid not make the PL look more guilty and that the original ODT didn’t have the scope to fail our bid ? And there is a new guidance note added to the O&D test in Section F that states "where these Rules impose an obligation on a Director (or proposed Director) to submit a Declaration (whether under this Rule F.2 or Rule F.24) and the Director (or proposed Director) concerned is not a natural person, it must ensure that the individual signing the Declaration on its behalf is duly authorised to do so and to bind that Director to comply with the obligations placed upon it by these Rules."
  5. I’m presuming Beloff hasn’t been responsible for writing these changes to section A of the rule book.
  6. Depends who other bidders are, there’s clearly nobody else with any real credentials interested. If Jeff Bezos all of a sudden declared an interest we’d all be in, unfortunately it would more than likely be a US leveraged buyout by some chancer like that De Grosa.
  7. Oh well Luke Edwards line about the club now thinking about considering other bidders seems like a load of bullshit.
  8. Making changes after the horse has bolted in relation to our takeover, or would our bid now be subject to these changes ?
  9. Reading between the lines they must think they can use all these non replied to letters/emails to either add pressure somehow, or force them to reply.
  10. If you’ve previously sent any correspondence to PL re takeover send it to these lads. Email us [email protected]
  11. Barring small issues such as ticketing etc, what significant changes can NUST influence with the current ownership ? I’m all for NUST having a constructive relationship with Ashley to help him leave, but they’ll not change his thinking on anything meaningful at this point. All NUST’s efforts should be focussed on PL at this point.
  12. Surely they’ve set a precedent when the mancs got away without a deduction. We’d get loads of stick nationally but at this point who cares.
  13. I’ll certainly be looking to support these people next time round, good to see more direct action being planned.
  14. I don’t disagree promoted teams seem to outspend us every season. It’s embarrassing and makes us small time. I want him gone as much as anybody, I just don’t see a route to changing his policy for club at this point. He’s immune to criticism and protests. If the trust really wanted to remove him they could support a complete boycott of matches. As many others have maintained an empty stadium is probably the only route to getting him to reduce his price. But a) which kind of buyers does that attract? and b) as we’re regularly told the trust is not a protest group. We’ve got buyers and all I’m saying is that’s where I believe our energy should be focussed, getting them owning the club.
  15. We’ll soon find out when end of year is released. Look I’m not defending him, he clearly stole land from the club and is guilty of out sourcing merchandise and catering etc. He strikes low risk deals that minimise overheads and involve employing as less people as possible. Our revenue streams are minimal outside tv contract due to covid, by all accounts the latest kit deal looks small fry in terms of a lump sum. Due to covid I think the accounts will be showing 10 million in the bank, as most clubs are probably in debt. As I mentioned earlier other clubs will spend against future income and pay installments, we simply don’t do this under Ashley.
  16. They can concern themselves all they like, but I think their efforts would be far better focussed on facilitating his exit. Ultimately is he going to be persuaded to improve stadium, training ground or make a telling investment in team ? After 14 years we already know the answer.
  17. That would be some turn around if Qataris ended up buying us.
  18. Not really I like many others have stopped going, but beyond that what can you do at this point with Ashley ? In my opinion helping to facilitate his exit is far more productive than trying to change his behaviour, which history tells us won’t happen.
  19. The coffers are empty though by all accounts, despite all the furore I’m yet to see any detailed report to show where money has been taken out of club by him. He’ll simply not change and allow us to buy players based on future income like other clubs. He doesn’t maximise our potential for sure, but he’s never going to so why waste our time on that now it’s futile he’ll never change.
  20. If I was selling my house would I waste money on major renovations, when I can just stick a bit of polyfilla here and there to cover the cracks. He wants out where far better using our time to help facilitate this, rather than waste more time trying to change the behaviour of a bloke who for 14 years has proved tone deaf. I like John Gibson but in a way his article was the same as Luke Edwards who gets slated constantly.
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