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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. That’s a fair point but assumes Ashley would then be happy with Jones and maybe Dawson in charge for rest of the season. That ultimately is why I believe he’s sticking with Bruce, I don’t think he wants to pay for a replacement team to come in, and thinks Bruce is better option than the previous 2 mentioned. I must add I would be happy with Jones and Dawson at this point.
  2. Yes but the point of you’re argument is why would Ashley not just pay Bruce off now, given PIF will have to pick this up anyway. However, you’re assuming Ashley is happy to take this hit on a promise it goes through, PIF could well be happy at this point to say get rid of him now and should it go through we’ll add 4 million on to purchase price to cover the loan. I just don’t think Ashley at this point is prepared to do this, he’s financially astute and will also be planning on deal not going through, relegation and how much it could potentially cost him. I believe it will go through yes, based on our legal team and the arguments they will present.
  3. I don’t think he’s going to offer a long term contract to anyone, because as I stated I believe it would involve him having to loan the club further money, therefore affecting purchase price. Why would PIF agree to pay Bruce off at this point when arbitration is 50/50 and could go either way ?
  4. I believe these deals would have been covered by tv payments in summer and agreed with buyers.
  5. Alas it’s not just 4 million is it though, it would potentially mean employing a whole new coaching set up. Jones was a cheap sticking plaster no more, no less. All indications are that the club is skint hence not even being able to make significant loan signings. If the coffers are empty then yes paying off Bruce would impact on agreed price and potentially have to be another loan from Ashley. The club have just lost a leading figure from behind the scenes who will not be replaced, due to a) the fact we are sold and b)the current state of clubs finances.
  6. I honestly think he believes we have enough to stop up though mate.
  7. Disagree Wandy, they see the price Man City are now valued at. If the club is valued at 2 billion in 10 years it still represents value in their eyes. It won’t take a fortune to get out of championship. Respect you’re opinion though, you usually speak a lot of sense on here.
  8. You do realise if it comes out of the clubs account it affects the agreed price at this point, thereby Ashley would care. The past 15 years should tell you he cares about every penny. Keep popping in for a laugh though
  9. It’s quite simple I believe, Ashley has sold the club for an agreed price and in his eyes he’s just waiting on approval. Forking out 4 million in compensation would probably come out of his pocket now. As the poster above has stated, it is unquestionable that relegation has not been discussed privately between buyer and seller at this stage. I certainly don’t think where deliberately trying to get relegated as i believe the arbitration ruling will stand regardless if we’re in EFL. Remember Rick Parry is on the payroll of project big picture so no way he waves this through. What I do believe however is that the deal will be structured in a way Ashley is not worse off once add ons have been paid. He will be very confident that the prospective owners have the cash to bring us straight back up. Also the prospective buyers are so rich that they will have no issue with paying the balance on promotion. So in my eyes it’s all on arbitration and relegation isn’t a deal breaker.
  10. The relationship between buyer and seller ensures this deal goes through in my opinion. It’s no coincidence Ashley is spending a lot of time in Dubai currently, to gain access to the Saudi market requires friends in the right places. All we need is approval and the deal will be done by hook or crook. This is personal now and the people involved will ensure our loyalty is rewarded. The deal will be structured in the event of relegation and provide Ashley with access to Middle East market for Frasers. For all the theories re Bruce not being sacked, the most obvious is Ashley has checked out and as far as he is concerned the club is sold. All that remains is approval and we have to trust in De Marco and Fatima to get that done.
  11. Even though this article is a depressing read, it highlights how our finances will be far more perilous compared to previous relegations. This will all play towards Ashley accepting a structured deal, it will take an even bigger loan to keep us afloat this time, with no guarantee of promotion. Add in his new found Middle East business interests (which require certain contacts), it’s the perfect storm for him to sell up.
  12. Absolutely, more chance of this being approved before Brucey getting sacked.
  13. More often than not there is a sensible commercial settlement. What can be more sensible than creating jobs, investment and bringing unbridled joy to thousands.
  14. Quite pleased to have been voted the worst in light of today’s clear breakdown by the bloke.
  15. They certainly won’t need to worry about keeping things civil with the PL for much longer that’s for sure. I think on the day relegation is confirmed, an open letter to Masters and co asking them how they acted in our best interests regarding the takeover would be welcome. I mean at this point it would be hard to imagine how we could possibly be worse off.
  16. Who are they kidding Bruce will spend the international break trying to find out who the mole is.
  17. In most companies loyalty is valued, as we all know however the loyalty being displayed by Bruce is something else entirely. Whereas Rafa wanted to better this club at every level, this turd is happily complicit in the ongoing neglect so he keeps his job. Undoubtedly an Ashley dream manager, who if Ashley remains will certainly get the gig to bring us back up, of that I have no doubt now.
  18. It really is a sad state of affairs where people want Bruce to remain as manager, just so we can hold him fully accountable and claim one up on certain pundits. In the event of relegation Bruce will either have the brass neck to say he is the best man to bring us back up, or he will slope off back to Cheshire even richer and not giving us a second thought. This is a man who has displayed zero loyalty throughout his managerial career. As for the likes of Merson and Sherwood, does anyone really give a fuck what these cretins think. They certainly don’t care what we think and even in event of relegation would just change the narrative to Ashley and fans. Nobody absolutely nobody with this clubs best interests at heart should want this bloke still employed by the end of today.
  19. Running away like a coward, just like his hero Bruce. Spot on another spineless cunt.
  20. I hope you mean a week on Tuesday, it’s an international break no way Bruce would be back at work this Tuesday.
  21. Has to be gone by tomorrow at the latest, it’s now untenable even for this basket case of a club.
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