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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. This plan will clearly have the support of EFL clubs with no ambition. In effect it secures their future income, as long as the top 6 don’t decide to change the rules at a later date that is.
  2. Takeover update from Liam Kennedy, Ashley’s legal team are positive. He’s also squeezed another 10% out of consortium on top of 300 million price. https://www.shieldsgazette.com/sport/football/newcastle-united/newcastle-united-takeover-timescales-alter-legal-challenge-continues-2999390
  3. This article gives a bit of history into Liverpool and Man U’s involvement in getting Masters the job. I posted a similar article from the new statesman at the height of the takeover, basically Man U and Liverpool were allowed to interview Don Howe’s son on the sly, and stopped him getting the job. As Tron correctly states a few of us were accused of being paranoid at the time, and making NUFC fans look stupid with the paranoia line. That’s by the wayside now though, and we’ve all been wrong during this process. However, I am confused at PL’s statement and can’t work out whether Masters and co are in on this, or the yanks are now so arrogant that they don’t even believe they need to consult the inept b******s. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-7988919/Premier-League-rivals-furious-Liverpool-Man-United-allowed-vet-league-CEO-candidates.html
  4. Most definitely, but it's 'consecutive' years that gets you influence now. Same reason why Villa isn't a special status shareholder under these rules. At least they've made it obvious they care about the top clubs only! They’ve made it obvious why takeover wasn’t approved, it’s all becoming very clear now. This proposal has apparently been a working document since 2017, they had every reason to keep kicking takeover down the road.
  5. They’ll have 9 clubs voting for it, who’s to say a couple of yo-yo clubs don’t also vote for it. Then it’s getting dangerously close.
  6. A blatant attempt at a power grab by the top 6 on the back of Covid. It would be the end of a competitive league forever, no surprise this is being instigated by American controlled clubs. A move motivated by self interest and nothing else, dressed up as saving football league clubs.
  7. Who would this £15 per game go to, is it the home club or a central PL pot ? If it’s a central pot what happens to the money, does it just get distributed evenly across all 20 clubs ? As per the fans are being expected to cough up, very dangerous times for the PL seems massively misjudged. On the plus side it couldn’t happen at a better time under Hoffman’s and Master’s watch.
  8. Doesn’t sound encouraging when taken alongside your previous update, which indicated legals expect it to be next year ?
  9. Soft cunts those Peruvians, if it was Uruguay there’s no way he would have been able to continue.
  10. This ties in with a twitter account under the name Ryan E Maine today, who has also said similar. His profile is city of London, he has tweeted about takeover before but nothing else previously regarding us. Was loathe to post it but very interesting.
  11. Was Keegan’s decision by all accounts, Cole and Lee Clark actually went on a scouting trip with KK and Terry Mac to Anfield to watch Ferdinand play for QPR. The idea was to pair Cole and Ferdinand but obviously Keegan changed his mind. If I remember rightly he said the deal would never have happened if Gillespie hadn’t been included. Cole had hit his first dodgy patch for us and had been suffering with shin splints badly. It didn’t work out to bad with Ferdinand, but got to say that first season back up Beardsley and Cole were exciting and unstoppable at times.
  12. Interesting article from Mark Douglas re transfer window that never was, key para at bottom of article though manoeuvring continues. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/months-work-commitments-made-newcastle-19055846
  13. Another take on the Guinness where is it brewed ? Yes even more ingenious it seems St James gate. What a bloke this De Marco is certainly earning his crust already.
  14. According to Mark Douglas tonight 90% of what baker boy does is behind closed doors. We can’t discount that he’s managed to mediate and find a solution. There again he might just be lying on the sofa covered in crumbs right now after necking a cocktail of Newcy Broon, Guinness and cheap Champagne.
  15. Apparently there’s a previous picture of his home cooked bread with a vastly different assortment of drinks in the background. My take either Mike’s hoyed him a few extra quid to deflect from our inaction on deadline day. The blokes totally oblivious and he’s now thinking what the f*** have I done. He’s subtly sending us a message it’s in the bag. Or he’s an evil b****** with a great sense of humour.
  16. He spent months researching the Mauriss story before putting it to print. He actually confirmed that himself.
  17. Best breakdown of picture I’ve seen on twitter so far - 1. The Brown Ale 2. The Guinness “good things come to those that wait” 3. The bread loaf cut into an 80-10-10 ratio suggesting the consortiums percentage splits. 4. The champagne bottle that has white and black written on it.
  18. Beer bread I could perhaps overlook that, but would you use brown ale and not just any ale ? And who the fuck drinks champagne with a loaf....
  19. Nope unfortunately seems like this will drag on for a while yet, though you can never rule out an announcement out of the blue.
  20. One man team unfortunately, think he has actually bought decently in transfer window, but still heavily relies on the French man remaining fit. Without him we lose or draw against a s**** Burnley team. His philosophy going off last week still seems to be 10 men behind the ball against any remotely decent team. Contrast this with Bielsa yesterday, five players in around city box when breaking forward. There’s absolutely no reason we can’t play like that with a combo from Hayden, Longstaff or Hendrick playing the holding role. Unfortunately his answer seems to be Hendrick to play in a 3 to cover for Shelvey’s lack of mobility. With a front 4 we’ll drilled to press and keep our shape when we haven’t got the ball, we could be quite explosive getting men breaking in box. That will never happen with this clown though.
  21. Perfection conditions in NE1 for Brucey to encourage Shelvey to launch it long and straight out of play tonight.
  22. Ongoing must say my prediction of before xmas looks off, but still very confident PL will buckle. If they thought they were on sound footing they would have rejected it on insufficient evidence provided. They’re simply kicking the can down the road in the hope PIF would walk, they haven’t so their strategy will come under pressure with De Marco on the case. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/revealed-pif-takeover-stands-preparatory-19041094
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