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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Disagree this will be over turned on appeal, or miraculously approval will be given in coming weeks/months.
  2. The following statement from NUST is pretty uninspiring, got to say been a bit disappointed since their initial call to arms. I’d like them to ask the PL a few follow up questions instead of this passive response, for starters how do you believe this decision is in the best interests of NUFC. Good to get clarity from NUFC[/member] even if it’s not the news many wanted to hear - also positive that Mike Ashley is still very keen to sell the club We need to hear more from him on what the plan is for #nufc for this season if he is unable to rescue this deal
  3. I’m certainly intrigued why they became confident deal would be approved. Is it because they believed PL genuinely had no grounds to reject, they had provided a name, or was it due to political pressure. Some journalists seem to think PL will respond tomorrow, I’m not so sure though now that legal action looks a real possibility.
  4. Thanks, much appreciated. All I want, all I ever wanted, was for this great club of ours to get the chance it deserves. The deal was obviously never dead, I just said that we should WAIT for the outcome. We have it now, or at least the "beginning" of the outcome. I certainly didn't expect it to break out quite so dramatically though, but "off we go" . . . It was obviously never dead to some of us, despite the abuse you took on here. There’s a few more who also owe you an apology.
  5. Another plus in relation to this rejection is that PIF can appeal the whole decision to reject. If they’d accepted arbitration it would only have been on one aspect of the test. My only concern is they initially said they’d only come back if green light assured. Caulkin clearly indicates they were expecting approval after new docs submitted and political manoeuvring. Will they now have the appetite to go again, as they’ve been rejected publicly. Let’s hope it’s all part of plan to get the decision and now take them to cleaners.
  6. Just a shame there’s not 3 thousand down West Ham on sat giving the PL dogs abuse.
  7. The PL have now lost a lucrative tv deal in China and now face an expensive legal battle potentially. This alongside crowds being unlikely to be back in October now, can only mean more potential rebates to tv companies. Masters and Hoffman are under serious pressure now, basically if PIF are considered a separate entity by governments and business, and let’s face it the U.K. govt called them a company in the commons, we could get our wish after all.
  8. From Mark Douglas below, for those thinking this is just a public rant, this supports everything is being done for a reason. I’m confident an appeal or legal action now follows - ‘We'd heard for a few weeks that discussions were continuing between the consortium and the club. PIF, Amanda Staveley's PCP Capital Partners and the Reuben Brothers all remain "committed" to the deal and Ashley has made it clear that he is too. There has been quiet work going on: political manoeuvring and strategies discussed. But it always required Ashley to make his move - which he has now, in fairly incendiary fashion’.
  9. Was longer than I told it would be. But there it is. Hats off certainly more reliable than that useless cunt HTT.
  10. Yeah it’s dead nothing happening Yesterday: PIF have long since withdrawn, citing PL twattery and Covid Today: PIF have long since withdrawn, citing PL twattery and Covid, and have also failed the owners test so couldn't buy us if they wanted. N-O: Ooh, progress... The deal was in limbo with no decision, now they have a route to appeal the decision. Which judging from the tone of that statement is a serious possibility.
  11. The bid was never withdrawn, and this is probably the outcome following further discussions. They’ve got a decision, now challenge it through the courts.
  12. Masters, Hoffman and the top 6 will happily approve this in less than 4 weeks.
  13. Agree about fans and I’ll start off by saying I won’t be back this season on the back of this. However, this is just Ashley protecting his asset, nothing more nothing less. He has been guilty of gambling on our future in the past, however I believe he genuinely wants rid now, and the only way to get 300 plus million is by ensuring we stay up. As much as part of me wants us to crash and burn, the only chance of getting a decent owner is by being in the PL, getting relegated attracts all the waifs and strays as seen down the road, staying up is our best chance to get the type of owners we need.
  14. Anyone thinking Ashley’s 18 million deposit has gone anywhere but his back pack pocket are deluded, this is money from the clubs own income.
  15. You must see that that is a nonsensical statement though. It's worth nothing because the PL are clearly not just going to say "oh, ok then". Is there not a scenario where maybe political interventions alongside informal discreet discussions, may lead to a scenario where unofficial nods and winks are given which gives PIF the confidence to return ? Oh of course, I would agree that that is not beyond the realms of possibility. In my opinion though, the chance of it happening to help Newcastle United, is very small. I don’t disagree our history certainly points to nothing good happening to us.
  16. You must see that that is a nonsensical statement though. It's worth nothing because the PL are clearly not just going to say "oh, ok then". Is there not a scenario where maybe political interventions alongside informal discreet discussions, may lead to a scenario where unofficial nods and winks are given which gives PIF the confidence to return ?
  17. I don't think they said that. People have assumed it. “Even now, if the Premier League came to us and said ‘we will approve you’ we would do this deal tomorrow, all three parties of the consortium,” Amanda Staveley interviewed in The Athletic on 30th July. Massive massive pinch of salt. I think that's pretty obvious. Not really it’s an actual quote from the woman who put the bid together, so not pretty obvious at all. Also local journalists have actually spoke to PIF, Mark Douglas stated he was told they’d be back like a shot to complete deal if given go ahead.
  18. Pure guess work but Ashley hasn’t taken bid off table and it’s still with PL, we know for definite all communication must go through club. It’s rumoured Ashley is working to save deal, I suspect he’s still in dialogue with consortium and PL to find a way to get this through. Will it happen who knows, but the point being there is a glimmer and certainly discussions are still happening. It’s been reported PIF will return if green light is assured, how they get to that point is for far more skilled people in this sphere than ourselves to work out. Also it’s still worth recalling the Southampton takeover, they initially knocked it back but found a way to restructure it. I still retain hope that Rick Astley will be belting out over the tannoy before Xmas to herald Staveley’s arrival (sorry for the last sentence Shaun).
  19. More evidence to suggest this is not dead. https://www.shieldsgazette.com/sport/football/newcastle-united/all-parties-are-newcastle-united-takeover-silence-evaluated-transfers-pre-season-slips-are-our-toon-trending-topics-2961856
  20. Well Ashley cant withdraw his bid as he never made one. PIF who did make a bid have very publicly withdrawn theirs's. I believe it is the clubs responsibility to inform PL that the bid has been withdrawn and thereby the bid is no longer with the PL, this has not happened. Frustrated with the process they did, however it has been reported that they would be back like a shot if guarantee of green light was given. My opinion is this was a tactical move with no other option available to them. The weight of evidence again in my opinion suggests there is still mileage in this, local journalists Caulkin, Douglas and Liam Kennedy have all reported this.
  21. Any chance that silence can mean that nothing is happening and the buyers have moved on ? Also, believing anything that Ashley says All negotiations must be conducted via club, therefore by leaving deal open with them discreet soundings can still be made between parties to seek resolution. Will they be successful who knows, but confirmation deal is not dead. I do appreciate the thinking and fair play to you if you are still able to optimistic about it all. I can't i'm afraid. I also cannot see how it gets past the PL. I remain cautiously optimistic, but very much of the belief things are going on behind the scenes still. Time will tell whether they can restructure this in a way to get it through.
  22. Any chance that silence can mean that nothing is happening and the buyers have moved on ? Also, believing anything that Ashley says All negotiations must be conducted via club, therefore by leaving deal open with them discreet soundings can still be made between parties to seek resolution. Will they be successful who knows, but confirmation deal is not dead.
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