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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Lose tonight and things will get interesting, the toxicity will certainly ramp up to another level. Burnley have injury problems and appear ripe for the taking, anything less than 3 tonight, may even have Ashley moving to protect his investment. According to Caulkin Staveley and co are consulted regarding the club at present, if things are looking dodgy they may act faster than previously.
  2. He’s very similar to Pardew in terms of ability. Both rely heavily on having a match winner to paper over their deficiencies. That bit of magic that fools the lazy media, who then conveniently forget the previous 89 minutes. He claims it takes time, it only took Potter last pre season to get Brighton playing a certain way. He’s now refined it further as a good manager would do. This only ends one way, I suspect after the initial enjoyment of not having Rafa’s disciplined approach, players are now realising he hasn’t got a clue and have lost all respect. I suspect we’ll start to really see that with St Max and Almiron, the body language with these 2 is already starting to show tell tale signs. It’ll be a long process under Ashley though for his demise, only a seriously bad run will see his job under threat.
  3. Looks happy enough to still own the club there like. Looks happy enough with a lucky point that keeps us away from a relegation fight which might stall the club's sale. He is attending all our matches now, as it is his "last hurrah". He desperately wants the deal to go through soon, but he knows he will 'miss it' on some level, so is attending matches as the owner, while he can. I understand that, human nature. Just let it go fella. Let it go No reason for him to let it go, the body language was clear for all to see. Smile as wide as the Tyne chuckling away to himself = Fuck you Levy have some of that you cockney cunt, that’ll teach you for lobbying against the takeover. The rubbing of his hands = That keeps this on track I’ll be in the money soon once Nick’s done with Masters and co. Easy didn’t need to be a body language expert, Manorpark on the money yet again.
  4. Yes, we have been covering all the EPS Developments involving the Reuben Brothers, since 2009, in this thread here (linked below). You may not want to read all the hundreds of posts of (what is now) 'the history of how we got to where we are now with EPS' but it is definitely the place to follow ALL of what happens from now on . . . https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/eps-east-pilgrim-street-newcastle-various-u-c.530131/unread Good thread and good to see investment on a big project at this time. Shows just a small glimmer of what we could expect when takeover goes through.
  5. This was already in the pipeline by Reubens, however great to see them go through with it when office space must be the least sought after commodity at the minute. Shows a great commitment to the city in these difficult times. Here’s hoping it’s just the beginning.... https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/100m-office-development-newcastle-city-19010477
  6. This has all the hall marks of McLaren’s season, we had decent players then but he didn’t have a clue how to set them up either. One of the most alarming things is that Rafa’s well drilled defence has now completely gone. From only losing games by a solitary goal, the number of games where we have conceded 3 or more has become alarming under Bruce. I could even accept the lack of tactics if we at least tried to play a bit of football, after all Keegan wasn’t a tactical genius. However, he can’t even get us to pass the ball through the midfield, the number of aimless hoofs up the park is reminiscent of football from the 80’s. The most damning thing for me though is the regression of players, the likes of Almiron and Longstaff have gone backwards under this coaching set up. Hayden and Longstaff looked formidable under Rafa, even Guardiola talked them up after we beat them. With the team we’ve got now Shelvey should be nowhere near the team, those 2 should be the axis to a mobile, quick interchangeable front 4. As an outsider looking in these days it still irritates the f*** out of me to see us lumbered with a clown like this.
  7. Bruce will never change and unfortunately his coaching staff are also Z list. One of his most embarrassing performances was Villas play off final against Fulham where I don’t think they registered a shot on target. It’s not an exaggeration to say we’ve got the worst manager in the league, the only manager i‘d hesitate swapping him for would be Scott Parker. He simply doesn’t do tactics and has no defined style of play. Players love him because he doesn’t bore them with tactics and they get extra days off. His management of injured players is also a testament to a bygone era, patch them up and send them out is Brucey’s mantra. A worse manager we’d have done hard to find, the only plus side is he’s not a smarmy cnut like Pardew.
  8. The ramblings of this actual vagrant, and the cryptic tweets from a Mike Ashley parody Twitter account, suggest to me that something very big indeed is just round the corner. More reliable than some local journalists I’d suggest.
  9. Certainly looks like Ashley has chosen the very best to fight PL. I’m leaning towards this being sorted before ever reaching court. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-united-nick-de-marco-18995666
  10. I was going to suggest this but feared the backlash it would receive if it was me Yeah but you still couldn’t help yourself, until Mandy waves the white flag you can keep ya kegs on.
  11. Midfielder looks a far better finisher than his old man aswell going by that footage. Pretty sure Spurs have already been linked with him.
  12. Clarky’s youngin looks very impressive in this footage, apparently very highly rated. Fully expecting him to be poached before signing professional contract. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/54256235
  13. Listened to parts 2 and 3 not interested in reliving the Ashley era, just basically regurgitating what we already know with some dramatic music in the background. The only real opinion on where we’re currently at comes from Chris Waugh in part 2. He can’t see how it gets approved, but consortium still believe a compromise can be found and talks still in background.
  14. For the doom mongers on here, they’re still working on case. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-united-takeover-blackstone-chambers-18960490
  15. We are not doing any arbitration the matter is with the court. This guy came u with another wrong information. Is that based on any inside knowledge or just an assumption? The guy that tweeted seems to be an arbitration lawyer, so might be better placed to make assumptions about the process. There has been nothing so far to confirm this is going to court, these QC’s will regularly settle disputes before court proceedings are needed. Which in our case is exactly what will happen, I’m fully expecting a positive conclusion to this in next couple of months.
  16. Mark Douglas posted a vid with a takeover update yesterday. The main points are this consortium aren’t going anywhere, which basically means nobody else is likely to entertain bidding for us at moment. The lawyers employed by Ashley also have a big track record of getting things done without the need of going to court. Certainly get the impression from watching this he thinks it’ll go through in some form eventually. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/how-newcastle-united-takeover-continuing-18941465
  17. Facunda Pellistri is a name I’ve seen mentioned tonight.
  18. Disagree with this. I’ve said months ago they oddly been ahead of the others with the takeover if nothing else. Liam Kennedy has been very on the ball through this, probably on half the money of Ryder and Edwards but seems to have some knowledge and sources.
  19. Yeah but now they’ve drawn huge attention to the fact, and i’m sure this won’t go unnoticed by the 2 legal Rottweiler’s at their door.
  20. If it's true that they are meant to redo the checks on every club every 12 months then this is how they tackle this potential problem. Approve the deal then in 12 months, if there seems to have been influence from MBS, then do something about it. Good point give them benefit of doubt, the level of investment at risk warrants it.
  21. The fact all directors nominated have already passed o & d certainly clears up why they were confident of approval last week. They’re clearly a hairs breath away from approval, let’s hope this threat of legal action sees us home.
  22. The PL are not a cash rich organisation either, the operation is actually quite small. This could get very tasty, especially in the current climate. One things for sure other clubs will be f***ing furious I believe the clubs can vote to fund the legal action. I doubt cash will be a problem for the PL. You sure with tv rebates owed due to covid, reduced income and wages at same level. I would doubt clubs will be willing to fund this legal fight at the moment.
  23. There’s no guarantee the Saudis will bid again if we win, that’s the only issue. If assured of green light they’ll be back, this is coordinated by all parties.
  24. In my opinion he’s parked his tank for no other reason than 340 million. He’s already banked 17 million from PL refusing to make decision, this is about getting sale through.
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