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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Villa’s performance in the play off final against Fulham was an embarrassment under this bloke. Completely outplayed and don’t think they mustered a shot on target. Really not sure how he keeps a straight face when he goes on about changing and improvement taking time. As someone said earlier it’s as if he took over a team rock bottom. The reality is he’s systematically dismantled a well drilled defence, player’s like Longstaff and Almiron have regressed, and our attacking play now revolves around expecting one player to create something out of nothing. This is without even going into his mismanagement of injuries and z list coaching staff. The only attribute he’s claimed to have is man management, however if my boss joked on and give me extra days off I’d be happy. If it wasn’t for the potential takeover I’d be wanting Wolves to stick 7 past us on Sunday, however until the day it’s off the table we’ve got to hope this plank keeps us up.
  2. Wouldn’t even waste time thinking about it, never going to happen in this closed shop super league format. Clearly American backed by certain clubs, JP Morgan and Amazon, however without UEFA backing and national FA’s will never get off ground.
  3. What a fucking shit hole, makes outside of the black garter look up market.
  4. Does what your hearing make you confident this will happen ? It’s made the buying side much more positive (although we know they’ve been positive a number of times and we know that the outcome wasn’t good) Staveley now thinks this gets done before Xmas with the latest lawyer news. Good stuff cheers for the update ?
  5. This graphic spells out everything we need to know, absolutely fucking terrifying.
  6. Do mimms and ando7 count ? Even if there’s not a positive update, just lie and give me one.
  7. Not sure they’ll have an analyst at this stage, however Owen Brown seems very involved with consortium. He’s also close to Rafa, I would imagine his view has already been sought.
  8. The only thread on this forum that truly matters, until we’re under new ownership nothing else sadly matters. We can all whinge about Bruce as much as we want, but until this takeover goes through the club is pointless in its current guise.
  9. I love the term ‘we’ here, is this the same medical staff who worked under Rafa ? If so they have certainly changed their way of doing things. "Unfortunately, he nicked a hamstring just before half time,” said Bruce. “We thought he was going to be OK, but he clearly wasn’t.”
  10. The fact he also sent Hayden out for the 2nd half after injuring his hamstring was another master stroke. Not only does he not have any concept of tactics, the mismanagement of injuries at every club he’s been to is testament to his general incompetence. The most damning statistic for me however is 10 times now in his 43 games we have lost by 3 goals or more. This was a team well drilled who rarely lost by more than 1 goal to even the top clubs. This nonsense that he is trying to change our style needs put to bed, he doesn’t have any style of play and he fucking knows it.
  11. To be fair no club in their right mind goes from Rafa to Steve Bruce. The club is a joke.
  12. Is anyone even remotely interested in what he’s got to say. No excuses against a top team, we go again next week. Predictably it will be nothing to do with him. Rinse and repeat until the takeover goes through.
  13. Compare this performance at home to Leeds and Villa’s last weekend. Both these teams attack with numbers in the box and are well organised. No team would have touched this clown. I would say his methods are outdated, but I actually don’t even think there’s a method behind anything we do. A bloke off the street could pick a better team than this imbecile.
  14. Rafa’s well drilled defence has absolutely been dismantled by this fraud.
  15. Another passive inept display by the sounds of it. This bloke is so out of his depth it’s embarrassing.
  16. Nice little dig by Staveley’s fella, really hope this lot can get it done. Mehrdad Ghodoussi @ghodoussi · 3m Glad to see the ‘big six’ rejecting their own plan – obviously well thought out #20clubs #premierleague
  17. Do these EFL chairman really believe the PL won’t just do a u turn at some point, what’s to stop the big 6 just deciding they no longer want to fund the EFL after a couple of years. At this point it would be great if the govt or somebody bailed out the EFL, then this smokescreen of the big 6 caring about their welfare could be dispelled instantly.
  18. How predictable that he would voice support for a proposal seeking changes to the parachute payments structure, after Boro have used them all up All these small time clubs who know they’ll never challenge the top 6 just see the extra income. Unfortunately even though we’ve been s*** for years, deep down we know with right backing we can challenge some day. This proposal removes any dreams for fans of Leeds, Villa, Everton, Wolves and ourselves of ever challenging. The sheer arrogance that these Yanks and Levy believe they have the right to decide who should own other clubs is beyond belief. It goes against competition rules in this country and is something even the government would have to look at intervening in.
  19. Another way to look at it is its a signal that they aren't willing to keep talking for months with no resolution. If they believe the PL are just trying to waste time again then serious legal proceedings will start. At that point the PL lose ultimate control over the timescale and also risk financial loss and also loss of face if some of the s**** they've been pulling is exposed in court. Also I think Ashlety is exactly the kind of person who would take this as far as he can even without the current buyers. He's offended easily and holds grudges, I'm sure he's never been told he cant sell something he owns before and he's f***ing furious about it. Yep as above. Lawyers don't just get told "wait a bit". They're getting paid a lot of money to get this sorted and they will know exactly what they're doing. Personally I think this is all on the lawyers of the PL. If they say we can give them a realistic fight in court and have a good enough chance of winning, the PL will happily take that route. However if the lawyers advise the PL to look at out of court settlement then they're basically saying you're f***ed. I don't think the PL lawyers would be happily sitting around doing nothing. The legal team of the buyers clearly see a strong case if the info is true and that means the PL need to get the ball rolling as if they don't it will be a very costly mistake. I do agree the PL lawyers are key to this and De Marco’s record with out of court settlements is apparently high, I believe Mark Douglas quoted something like 90%. The hope has got to be that by January some tangible progress has been made, even if it is a formal rejection. Then at least the consortium can see a route to appeal. Ultimately aswell it all comes back to the fact why haven’t they rejected it, if they were that confident of their decision it would have been rejected on insufficient information supplied.
  20. If the talk of a timescale for completion is true, I now worry about this deal. To let the PL have wind that there’s any kind of timescale would seem self defeatist, and once again play into their hands. The PL must be convinced this is heading to the law courts, otherwise I don’t see them changing tact. They’ll be doing everything they can behind the scenes to ensure the PL is kept together, and unfortunately upsetting some of the big 6 by granting our takeover won’t be high on their agenda. Would the PL be convinced Ashley would continue with legal action if the consortium walk away, I’m certainly not convinced Ashley would take this all the way to high court and the costs associated with that if PIF have walked away. Still hopeful but far from convinced this gets done.
  21. If I hang on to what positivity I have left, I'd say that they must know what they are doing but on the face of it, it does feel like that would offer the PL the perfect opportunity to let this finally fizzle out. I would guess that everybody is hoping this it’s thrashed out, however if did go to court I would imagine we could be talking anything up to 2 years for it to be heard. At that point I think the Saudis would have moved on, so either it’s about compensation at that point, or it then doesn’t go to court. I agree though would seem a poor threat if PL know your not going to follow through with legal action.
  22. Liam Kennedy has been replying to a few people tonight on twitter. Can’t be arsed to copy them but basically ties in with what Mimms said earlier in week. Sounds like the consortium, maybe Saudis have put a timescale on this to be sorted.
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