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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Spot on how long did he take to waive Joelinton back on the pitch 1st half, he was actually looking over and still wouldn’t give the signal.
  2. Dry your eyes out you whingeing cockney cunts. The goal should absolutely have stood, given on the pitch, ball still in play and not a clear and obvious foul, or offside. Absolutely bouncing this morning what a fucking team.
  3. Just one of them players who needs the needle to play his best, wouldn’t change him for the world. He might get the odd red but so fuck just enjoy him, absolute born winner and competitor.
  4. Masterclass from Bruno rattled them to fuck.
  5. Wouldn’t be against Tino on the right side in place of Almiron tonight, double up on Martinelli and snuff out Saka we win.
  6. We’ll have to defend down the sides a lot better than we did against Dortmund against this lot, if we’re that open again we get beat by a couple of goals. We need Bruno and Joelinton on top of their game to win this, then hope the football gods smile on us. Big ask would snap your hand off for a point now .
  7. Scenes https://x.com/GeordieKermit9/status/1720478552989069502?s=20
  8. I can see the club wanting something in contracts going forward after being burnt like this. It’s an absolute piss take how where paying the price for this and if we haven’t paid the full fee up front, I’d hope we are looking at every legal avenue in relation to suing Milan.
  9. Nico Williams, Sesko, Thuram, Javi Guerra, Schlotterbeck and Antonio Silva are the level of players we need to be looking at to take us to the next level.
  10. Not sure how we learn from this, but happy for us to use Saudi clubs if it pisses every cunt off.
  11. I still think this ban is a disaster on a lot of fronts and is definitely a huge set back for us in the short term, long term a lot depends on Tonali when he returns. The kid owes us big time when he returns, but think he’s got a big uphill battle to become the top player we thought we were signing.
  12. What a waste of a fucking ticket.
  13. Would have took him over Barnes every time, him and Gordon would have been dynamite.
  14. Can you hear away fans from Gallowgate and vice versa though, the strawberry corner seems loud in that half of stadium but doesn’t seem to travel around.
  15. This surely has to be the camera angle, if not hope for the East Stand yet. https://x.com/EvertonStadium/status/1718995931146732013?s=20
  16. It’ll be like being in a time warp Dummett, Ritchie and Krath. Almost like the takeover never happened.
  17. Can’t see a glass construction in the East Stand doing much for the acoustics of the old place, whatever they do with the Gallowgate needs to be fan orientated and aimed at preserving what little atmosphere is left. A mirror image of the current Leazes End would finish the atmosphere off inside St James for good.
  18. Waldorf near Piccadilly is always popular with our lot on train and decent enough. Never drank on the quays for years, but would imagine be a few of our lot in some of the bars around there.
  19. Hopefully a raucous, relentless away end tomorrow whatever the result, needs to be like Spurs away in the league cup when we had that useless cunt Alnwick in goal.
  20. Even the season before it was great, remember Cardiff on a Friday night bringing 3k up, never heard the sheep shaggers from the Gallowgate due to the Curva Nord.
  21. Quite like their new logo to be honest.
  22. Jesus Christ someone in the ticket office covering their arse and compounding it by trying to claw the mistake back. Tickets had already been increased this season, absolutely no time currently for the execs that have been brought in sickening.
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