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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. I don’t like Hope but is it not a fair point, if he has continued to gamble whilst here he might face charges by the English FA as well.
  2. Be doing him a favour can move back in with his parents if he’s that skint.
  3. Hopefully we don’t pay his wages whilst he’s banned for a year, certainly couldn’t see him spending a year in the North East with no football to keep him occupied. No sympathy from me, get fucking shot and try and claim on insurance.
  4. Fucking disaster with the fixtures before January if he is banned.
  5. This was Stamford Bridges planned redevelopment which some might consider ugly, but interesting how that type of stadium design allows for a smaller footprint on certain sides https://www.newcivilengineer.com/latest/chelsea-rekindles-1bn-stadium-plan-with-offer-to-purchase-land-19-12-2022/
  6. Wonder if instead of the usual stadium expansion that we get in the U.K. such as the new Anfield road end, we might do something like Real Madrid and take all the roofs off every stand and totally reconfigure the seating layout. https://x.com/JADanielsDesign/status/1712139455966941371?s=20
  7. Gets cut in half if you show remorse and cry apparently. Well played Tonali need his agent to push this line.
  8. Not concerned January around the corner and next one on the list after Tonali was McTominay apparently.
  9. In which case he’s fucked.
  10. Insurance claim to cover our losses and take Milan to the cleaners if they knew about this. Regardless starting to look like a real flawed personality here and not one of our better deals. Have may Italians apart from Zola, Di Matteo ever been a success in this country.
  11. Just ban females full stop more chance of getting a ticket.
  12. The seven local authorities own 51% not Sunderland council thick mackem cunts.
  13. Long overdue long live the King.
  14. Certainly a warning as to the risks of uncapped memberships and how we’ve now also opened the floodgates to bots/touts. This will certainly happen at SJP in the not to distant future. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67106928
  15. Just wait till the return leg in Paris and everyone’s riddled with bed bugs.
  16. I was just messing with crocodile shoes, big river was great against Spurs in first match since takeover though. That flag some lads had over in Milan with hey mister dreamseller on is the type of link we should be going for. Play that after the game against PSG in ode to Eddie and I bet it would have taken off. It’s a perfect homage to Eddie Howe and would also make for a great display by Wor Flags. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch_5dB1FkqY&pp=ygUWaGV5IG1pc3RlciBkcmVhbXNlbGxlcg%3D%3D
  17. Lindisfarne, AC/DC, Busker, Fender and even crocodile shoes would be better than hey Jude and moving on up.
  18. Same after the match should be an old classic with local roots, for a club steeped in local history we seem to want to downplay it and play music from Glasgow and fucking Liverpool instead.
  19. That rag is obsessed with us since the takeover, only one club Bruno leave’s us for and that’s Real Madrid in my opinion. Think it’ll take the scousers a couple of more seasons to fully sink in that times have changed.
  20. Dangermouse on RTG with this classic, hopefully Milky bar is banned by the time we play them again, otherwise we’ll be in for a right hiding. Milky bar and Co usually get down the boxing and martial arts clubs when there's not a game on. Can tell as well the way they are giving the older and more reputable aways a run around/pasting.
  21. Be embarrassing as fuck if the away end was sat down, be interesting at Man U with an 8k allocation to see if this is becoming an issue.
  22. Good point today taking everything into account, where nicely in the pack and have players poised to return. Think where looking the real deal and we’ll get stronger as season goes on.
  23. Sounds like the Wembley lot are starting to get their hands on away tickets now, it’s up to regulars to educate them about away days, or basically tell them to fuck off.
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