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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. What’s the craic here with that wanker Rob account deleted ? https://x.com/CrapNortherner/status/1729491910681583751?s=20
  2. Great win and good to see some of the new lads we signed over summer playing.
  3. Fair play night and day to any owners we’ve had previously, regardless of current ticketing shambles.
  4. It’s fucking crazy the mentality of some, what’s the fucking point in resting players for Man U at weekend, to what try and qualify for the CL again then not give it a go. Fuck the Europa as well, tonight’s the night memories and legends are made for decades. HTFL
  5. Ekitike is surely a plant in the media whilst we swoop for the Brazilian kid. Though Ekitike fits the profile of playing across the front 3 Eddie wouldn’t touch with him barge pole now.
  6. Fair play to the lad launching his beer probably cost 20 Euros. https://x.com/AwayDays_/status/1729265234957734095?s=20
  7. Still common place in Europe the English scene is very sanitised in comparison these days, will be an eye opener for younger fans.
  8. Even the Blaydon Races sang quickly is better than Bruno on the middle and ei ei ei oh
  9. Since when did we stop singing Howay The Lads and Blaydon Races absolutely tragic https://x.com/1968Tv/status/1627568947108225025?s=20
  10. Just get into the cunts fucking hell what’s happened to the folk who follow this club.
  11. They’re not to concerned about the riff raff from their seats in the Milburn.
  12. Most clubs seem to have a large hardcore of fans which stand at home, regardless of whether there’s railed seating or not. Our support just reeks of fair weather types who just rock up and aren’t really arsed, I include season ticket holders in this, a large proportion sat like mutes during the Ashley reign happy just for an afternoon out. The away support is also on its knees now with pitiful atmospheres in Milan and Dortmund. I’ve seen every excuse rolled out in this thread re nerves, folk to pissed and even being tired walking to the top tier in the San Siro. There might be some mitigating factors such as the random ballot system, but the truth in the main is our support is a myth and just not really that good these days.
  13. There just as much to blame and responsible for the non support at Wembley.
  14. I think Wor Flags have masked the atmosphere issue for a long time, the truth is after the display ends the place falls flat anyway 90% of the time. There’s a real lack of supporter culture at St James away from the strawberry corner, from lack of noise to non existent song book. Whilst the current owners must accept some blame, I’m not against their criticism if it opens up some dialogue with fans on how to improve the atmosphere.
  15. You have a point the twitter world seem to be blaming the tourists, but it was this lot that sat in silence at Wembley waving their flags like mutes.
  16. It’s a soulless experience glad the owners are starting to realise. Great result but can’t say I’m that bothered that I missed being there at all.
  17. Would be a real coup but would imagine his agents are doing the rounds.
  18. Got a feeling it’s going to be a Bobby Dazzler this new home shirt.
  19. We don’t need to take punts anymore though surely, his wages wouldn’t be cheap and you just tie your hands further FFP wise with a perma crock.
  20. Only thing Kinnear ever got right was his analysis of Bird.
  21. They could always go and play in the Irish league saying they hate everything about being British.
  22. Fuck off you whingeing scouse cunt, the voting was always tailored so the big 6 could veto anything they didn’t want boo fucking hoo. https://x.com/Carra23/status/1727019724771655966?s=20
  23. Dan Roan say no more absolute cunt of the highest order.
  24. Mbeumo would probably be a very useful signing, but think we’ll be targeting younger players with our new Dutch super scout. Players with profiles like Roony Bardghji, Sesko, Diomande and Vermeeren will be high on agenda.
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