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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. It’ll be this there more bothered about than loaning players from Saudi, sounds completely unworkable and unrealistic by the sounds of it. Club will pick the battle worth fighting, the evidence keeps mounting though in terms of competitors colluding and restricting our ability to trade.
  2. Getting linked with another Brazilian youngster who looks like will be leaving Santos in January. Looks a very exciting talent going off this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lblVX5-7wy0
  3. Next 2 Windows in no particular order - Keeper CB loads of options but would love a top tier one like Silva. CF Sesko DM Kone RW Nico Williams Still think we need to find that clever player like Gundogan or Silva to break teams down, hard to find though but would be high up on the list alongside above if we could identify one.
  4. Some of our fans are thick and says a lot that they’re the worst thing about the club presently.
  5. Goosebumps, the constant Howay the lads and the Blaydon Races sang properly.
  6. Probably why it was seen as half decent, the current bar is so low. We definitely need some original stuff though I agree, the Bruno in the middle and Gordon song are hideous. Ive got an awful feeling it’s all a lost cause though, the support seems very fair weather and only interested in singing if where winning. The days of supporting the team are gone in the main, if the other teams support is loud they just don’t bother, or they’d rather video and take pictures. Its a real pitiful situation for us lot who’ve experienced different over the years, but maybe time to just accept it for what it is and accept it’s now either youngins who can’t/won’t sing, or folk who prefer to sit in silence like it’s a trip to the theatre. Didn’t even apply for Man U I’m done with the whole thing now it’s a depressing experience.
  7. Short sighted if we bring him back, despite injuries needs to spend full season with those horrible cunts.
  8. Aberdeen had a reputation years ago of never singing at home, think ours is sadly heading that way by looks of it. The away support is in serious peril as well.
  9. Good read that hadn’t heard of some of them before.
  10. Massively underused and unique to us should be a staple.
  11. Some of the lyrics are good but agree it’s just a rip off yet again, we need some original songs, or just bring back some of the old ones. Always thought it was the scousers who sang that ole ole ole song first.
  12. Great to have fans like Keith back, he’ll be in the same position as many of us who ditched it and lost season tickets/points. Obviously knows a lot more folk to call in favours with tickets, wouldn’t begrudge him though helped many out over the years and great bloke.
  13. Think the club always knew they’d have to fight their corner at some point, these owners aren’t that clever and collusion will bite them on the arse, it’s just when we decide to pull the trigger.
  14. You think Fenway and Levy are bothered about human rights ? It’s been a closed shop amongst the big 6 the yanks couldn’t give a shit about human rights. You give them way to much credit.
  15. Really think it’s time we stopped trying to be nice and just bring the house down with an anti competition legal challenge.
  16. Particularly love the fuck off Jurgen Klopp and Howay Howay Howay parts.
  17. I’m sure we’ve been linked with him over past couple of seasons.
  18. Yeah reason for going in person is the atmosphere, unfortunately a lot don’t want to participate in creating it these days. Think I’ve finally accepted it’s changed for good and doubt I’ll be back again for a long time.
  19. They might want to place a good South American kid there, but would they loan a player from Nice ? Not so sure, Chelsea don’t loan players from Strasbourg from what I’ve seen.
  20. This will certainly be loans one way and not farming players out like Chelsea do.
  21. I think I’ve just come to the conclusion the support is fucking shit in terms of songs and inability to create any kind of consistent vocal backing. Not even sure there’s an answer anymore you either accept it, or become an armchair fan, think I’m leaning towards the latter.
  22. Or the whole group is wide open again and if we beat PSG we go above them.
  23. Compare that away end with Feyenoord under Robson, no comparison the support resembles a lower division club with bandwagon jumpers on a big day out at the minute.
  24. I mean I just don’t get this talking into your phone whilst in the stadium, everything that’s wrong about wor lot at the minute embarrassing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBYtatxbQQ0
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