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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Cracking player would have provided good competition with Miggy on the right. Absolute no brainer for 25 million, far more value in Europe, PL experience isn’t everything.
  2. The corners got real potential it’s gone up a notch this season. They’ve definitely got to extend it next season it seems a big success so far.
  3. As 2 of the biggest whingers in relation to the atmosphere on here I agree with you. Was in the 1892 seats yesterday and thought the Strawbery corner was loud throughout also pleasantly surprised by the NE corner who made a good din. There’s plenty wanting to create an atmosphere just need to get them together in the ground.
  4. He’s got the lot absolutely a potential star.
  5. I’ve got no problem with the Hall and Livramento signings as you can clearly see there for the future and age of squad needs to come down. However, for me the Barnes signing is for the here and now and if he doesn’t nail down a starting place it’s a bust for me. We’ve got a potential star on our hands in Elliott Anderson who would have been great cover down the left if that’s all Barnes amounts to. Early days and they’re transfer record stands up to scrutiny so far, but Barnes looks like a one trick pony to me who wont win us games against top teams.
  6. As said above when we have an overlapping left back he’ll be even better.
  7. Thought Isak was well marshalled yesterday and our attack just seems to predictable for my liking. Whether it’s the formation or we just need a truly world class wide forward on the right i don’t know. It’s a legitimate question for Howe and the recruitment team as to why we splashed 40 million on Barnes, when it looks as though it’s a case of him or Gordon. If Barnes is going to be used as a super sub, I can’t see Gordon being switched to the right due to Howe favouring inverted wingers, then basically that money should have been spent on someone to actually come in and strengthen the starting 11. Strengthening the first 11 should have been the priority this summer and not a back up left forward for Gordon.
  8. I hope you’re right and the stats support what you’re saying, but I’ll be brutally honest and say I though he looked weak as piss when he came on today and very timid. Jury is out for me with Barnes, however I thought Gordon was brilliant and looks a real player on the positive side.
  9. Never a good idea reacting after a result like that but fucking here goes. Thought Tonali, Gordon and Joelinton we’re outstanding. Which makes the subs even more baffling for me, lost all control and composure and Tonali especially should have stayed on the pitch. The biggest standout and what a lot of people said in the summer we lack creativity. It just hasn’t been addressed for me and I don’t care what the stats say Harvey Barnes isn’t an upgrade and wasn’t a priority. Hate the scouse cunts but only ourselves to blame today absolutely self destructed.
  10. Not sure how we could be accused of distorting the market anymore than the American owned clubs. Football has rules in place FFP which prevents us from doing that very thing, not sure how they’d be able to accuse any state owned club of distorting the market unless they breached it.
  11. Just need to defend well and cut out stupid mistakes which seem to ravage us every time against these cunts.
  12. Might have more success with it in the Strawberry corner, great song and part of the clubs identity should be a staple.
  13. As much as I would love Silva don’t think there’s any chance, at least not this window, apparently release clause is 85 million. As we seen with Chelsea and the Enzo deal they’re tough negotiators and would probably want it all upfront to trigger.
  14. Some odd categories applied to seating in the Leazes.
  15. 42 million release clause for Nico Williams, very in range if they think he’s the right player.
  16. I’ve got no problem if Saudi’s want to bring their flags to the match, certainly wouldn’t offend me or anyone I go with. To be honest I can’t even say I’d be arsed if the Moscow branch turned up with a Russian flag. Each to their own and as long as they’re here to support NUFC that’s good enough for me.
  17. Klopp will accuse us of disrupting their preparation for the weekend with dirty tactics here. Cant wait for the press conference tomorrow.
  18. Will there be a ballot now for folk on zero points ?
  19. Early days but they will be comparisons that will be made as season progresses. In my opinion we took the safe route and went with PL experience, time will tell if that was the correct approach.
  20. Not the window I expected at the start was convinced we were getting Szob and Thuram. Apart from Tonali don’t think the window has excited me like the Ferdinand/Ginola summer etc, but that’s because we just seem so clinical in our approach and to be honest I think the sale of St Max confirmed Howe wants a functional hard working team. At the end of the day though its night and day to life under Ashley and I’m just grateful for that. However, I do think the success of these last 2 transfer windows hang largely on Gordon and Barnes. We need creativity and goals from the pair of them, otherwise people will rightly draw comparisons to the likes of Kudos and Szob etc if they prove big successes.
  21. They’re going to sell the seats this time but with a discount due to restricted view.
  22. They’re also the type of signings the European elite will be more concerned with long term. They’re quite happy to receive inflated fees for ageing stars they want off the books, but if the Saudis start hoovering up young stars the outcry will really start.
  23. He’ll do a job for them and they’re adding some different types of players. Doku is an interesting one seems very much St Max like, very exciting but will be heavily coached like Grealish was before he’s trusted by Pep I reckon.
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