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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. It’s almost like they’ve got nobody in the ticket office that knows what they’re doing, or they do and realise that there’s more money to be made by making level 7 tier 2. Would be interesting to know their thought process on how lower bowl seating is cheaper than inferior seats in level 7 though ?
  2. Touts seem to be in a better position and by not restricting, or having tiered memberships they’ve opened the floodgates. https://twitter.com/J_Ell00/status/1704854383970959531?s=20
  3. A lot of the ultras atmosphere seems very manufactured with megaphones and rarely has any ebb and flow with the actual action, it’s just a constant background noise in the most part. Much prefer a radged up St James, when it’s good it’s good, we just need more good days and 8k standing in the Gallowgate will sort it.
  4. Gullit, MVB and Rijkaard against Matthaus, Voeller and Brehme on Channel 4 was peak Serie A. Must admit preferred Milan in those days because of the Dutch trio.
  5. Maybe Howe thinks it’s physically impossible for us to press at the levels we did last season, after all we’ve got more games and matches seem to last about 100 minutes these days. Liverpool had burn out under Klopp and didn’t look the same team. The biggest thing for me is what we do with possession and our inability currently to create chances. There’s definitely a disconnect between the midfield and front 3, which is why Isak looks out of sorts. There was a run Isak made yesterday and Gordon just got it all wrong, it’s a major problem and will cause issues even against poor sides at home who pack their defence.
  6. Aye thick as pig shit, Hank Williams doesn’t even understand how ticket allocations work and should worry about his own club failing to sell out an away game for the 2nd time already this season. pierrot Striker Today at 3:06 PM #339 I’m looking forward to the game tonight it’s only just up the road, I wasn’t aware until yesterday when the ticket office posted there were 400 seats still available Im so used to not having enough points I don’t usually bother to look.
  7. You’ll be safe as houses just bring some comfy footwear, apparently where going to take your fan March on a 3 hour tour of the city to return the hospitality.
  8. Some good pics of our end from the Curva Sud. https://Twitter.com/dougbagleyfdl/status/1704370802148139132?s=20
  9. St Max disrupted the opposition more and attracted extra defenders. Any coincidence Isak has appeared more marked with less room this season ?
  10. Happy to re-visit these 2 deals at end of the season and hope I’m wrong. Something tells me we’ll be looking to upgrade the wide areas again next summer though.
  11. Would fully recommend the route from the Cafe Beehive, via the Cafe Geordie Star also taking in the Black Bullio to St James for your fan March in a few weeks.
  12. Not enough end product for me, looked great at home against Liverpool for a spell but anonymous away from home for me this season. Jury is absolutely out on him and Barnes, not sure it was worth sacrificing a talent like St Max to accommodate both of them. Where really missing some unpredictability and X factor going forward this season.
  13. Exactly we’ve paid 35 million for the lad he’s got to play ahead of Targett.
  14. Simple fact is apart from Isak we haven’t been able to sign a really intelligent world class attacker. We’ve signed potential in Gordon but we got rid of the one other player we had who is unpredictable and can unlock a team. We look one paced and predictable in midfield and we need Willocks pace and goal scoring from midfield desperately. We’ve had a tough start and we won’t have a problem retaining possession, but creating is different and I think it’ll be a major issue throughout the season with the personnel we currently have.
  15. Longstaff as a false 9 in tribute to Bruce recommending Howe for the job.
  16. This funnily enough, though I’m really struggling with the fact he’s neither a midfield destroyer or creative player. Howe clearly values running and intensity and seen these values in Tonali. Not sure it’s what we needed though at 50 plus million.
  17. Maybe at home when we need a goal but not permanently, especially in a 4-3-3.
  18. Tons of local old songs we should be using instead of these generic ones every club sings.
  19. These European aways might be a steep learning curve for some of the younger lads.
  20. Gutted about missing this will be a fucking unreal experience for those who’ve gone over. Remember the metro system on the way to the match last time bouncing with thousands on way from city centre. The place might be a shit hole but it’s unreal from the outside lit up at night. Stay safe all who’ve travelled HTFL
  21. Ffs our rivals haven’t suddenly become Man City and Real Madrid. Just because we’ve had a couple of decent seasons and have some money, this lot will always be our rivals it’s based on years of rivalry. Did Celtic forget about Rangers when they were demoted ? These cunts would be 10 times worse if the boot was on the other foot due to their inferiority complex. Milk it and rub their mackem fucking noses in it.
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