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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. These European aways might be a steep learning curve for some of the younger lads.
  2. Gutted about missing this will be a fucking unreal experience for those who’ve gone over. Remember the metro system on the way to the match last time bouncing with thousands on way from city centre. The place might be a shit hole but it’s unreal from the outside lit up at night. Stay safe all who’ve travelled HTFL
  3. Ffs our rivals haven’t suddenly become Man City and Real Madrid. Just because we’ve had a couple of decent seasons and have some money, this lot will always be our rivals it’s based on years of rivalry. Did Celtic forget about Rangers when they were demoted ? These cunts would be 10 times worse if the boot was on the other foot due to their inferiority complex. Milk it and rub their mackem fucking noses in it.
  4. The messiah in Jerusalem, very appropriate on the eve of our return to Europe.
  5. Hopefully Eales and Silverstone turn up to this canal in Milan and somebody accidentally pushes them both in. Nobody is telling me they’re not behind this, absolute cunts trick giving people who have travelled hundreds of miles dodgy tickets aswell.
  6. Giroud despite being surely past it has an awful knack of scoring against us. Just hope we’re not overawed like at Wembley and play with our heads for once on the big occasion.
  7. Interesting where not flying out early and holding our last training session here. No pics of the lads training at the San Siro tonight.
  8. Unreal talent who should be played off a main striker, pair with Sesko or Ferguson next season in a 4-2-3-1.
  9. The new ticketing policy only came about since Eales and Silverstone came on the scene, so I think it’s a reasonable assumption they’re behind it. I didn’t expect them to implement a policy that’s resulted in hundreds of empty seats home and away when demand is at an all time high that’s for sure.
  10. Seems massively overpriced for an area behind the goal, it’s going to look embarrassing having loads of empty’s in their all season. Sure the Barracks in the Milburn is fucking cheaper. Not to mention away fans can openly buy tickets in these corporate areas without question, which is fucking ridiculous in a home end behind the goal. This smacks of new execs looking to justify their wage packet and increase revenue by shafting ordinary fans. Personally feel Eales has been embarrassing to date with cheap sound bites. They’ve massively recruited in the marketing department and left the ticket office to operate on a shoe string whilst trying to implement big changes. Really think the whole ticketing situation has soured the start to this season for many.
  11. Apparently there were a few empty seats in the new wings corporate section in middle of the Leazes and those 17 seats in the park grill nobody could buy. One way to destroy the atmosphere even more is placing corporate seats directly behind the goal. Im sure those seats in Wings are 300 quid plus which is far more than the previous sports bar seats they had there. The new ownership have got most things right but feel Eales and Silverstone are wholly responsible for the ticketing shambles this season. Instead of scoring cheap fucking brownie points with have you ever seen a mackem in Milan shite, get the fucking ticketing policy sorted and make sure there’s not fucking empty seats all over the shop home and away you useless overpaid cunts.
  12. Silverstone and Eales need to be held accountable for the current ticketing shambles, it’s happened on their watch and needs sorting asap. Shambles getting in the ground, box office not fit for purpose and empty seats despite sell outs all over the shop. Good thread on the current shambles and why people being allowed to pass on tickets needs to revert back. What they’ve introduced has not stopped touts and if anything there’s more tickets on secondary sites than ever. https://x.com/Nusc2023/status/1703319849923993822?s=20
  13. The Mail are in full click bait mode today what a pile of shite.
  14. Think the way City play with Alvarez behind Haaland should be the blue print for us going forward. Isak looks far more suited to a free role in a 4-2-3-1 and we should build the team around a talent like him. I can see why we can’t due to managing Wilson’s fitness across the season, however a double pivot of Bruno and Tonali with the following would transform the way we attack. Gordon-Isak-Barnes/Anderson Wilson
  15. Cracking goal no matter what league that’s in.
  16. Def the go to place in London now for watching us, take it no stray Mackems got lost and ventured in ?
  17. If I could sign 2 players at this exact moment to improve us I would say Nico Williams and Manu Kone. I’ve come to the conclusion now I would push Bruno further forward he just doesn’t provide enough protection for back 4. Think if we had a real defensive presence in front of back 4, Howe would also be more inclined to play an attacking left back. Rumours Kone could be available for 20 million in January would be all over that.
  18. At this point he’s undoubtedly better further forward on the left as Forrest away last season showed.
  19. I think Barnes is a decent player, doesn’t excite me if I’m honest though and certainly isn’t going to elevate us to next level. When compared to the likes of Diaby and Doku it looks a very safe signing and based purely on the style of football Howe wants to play, which is undoubtedly why St Max was sacrificed in my opinion.
  20. Yeah it’s a clear and obvious upgrade in the starting 11, haven’t seen enough of Hall to judge him defensively but looks a good footballer from little bits I have.
  21. Would benefit massively with an overlapping left back to play one two’s with. Lewis Hall can’t claim a place quick enough for me.
  22. Exactly they had a shocking 1st half of the season, absolutely no chance we can give them a huge head start this time and reel them back in with CL fixtures in our schedule.
  23. One look at the league table confirms this is a must win if we’re harbouring any hopes of top 4 this season.
  24. East Stand built with raac concrete by any chance, be a nightmare for the rest of the ground if the flask and rug brigade have to be dispersed.
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