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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. He’s fucking bipolar and the fact the likes of him might have had any input is frightening.
  2. Got to say there’s been a bit of overreaction on Twitter from the likes of that Burnsie wanker, think he called them scum earlier. Folk need to be able to choose their own seats and not be forced to pay for a ticket they don’t want. It’s a simple fix and apart from that I can live with the pricing and ballot, as they both seem in keeping with other top 6 clubs, and at the end of the day that’s what the majority of folk want, to compete with the big 6.
  3. Clearly not a clever decision and wouldn’t be surprised if Staveley isn’t to impressed with this. They’ve employed expensive new execs to run the show and as with many new execs they’ll want to make changes. Wouldn’t be surprised that whoever’s idea this was is hauled in front of the owners, as it’s clearly a PR disaster. I’m certainly not convinced this is a decision made by the owners, but clearly they’ve employed people who think this is acceptable, hopefully they’re savvy enough to step in put a few remedies quickly in place.
  4. PIF have always stated they want to develop sport at home, what better way to get the young population interested than bringing in superstars. They will use this to get interest building then hope to develop their own players. I doubt they even consider it a long term thing spending these sums on players. As for us the Chairman has already explained clearly what the aim is to be number 1. Nothing I have seen so far would make me doubt this, they know they have to comply and build us up sustainably which they’re doing a brilliant job of so far. We’ve only seen a small part of the investment in infrastructure so far, just wait until the new training ground and stadium plans are announced. The best part though is not worrying this summer about Spurs or Liverpool taking Anderson or Miley from us. Not even Villa can say their players are untouchable just look at Grealish, I think with PIF behind us we need fear nobody domestically signing our players anymore.
  5. If he’s earning considerably more than he can get here fair enough, but I’m not sure German league titles will cement his legacy especially at a dominant domestic club like Bayern.
  6. Been some great Danish centre forwards to grace the top flight over the years, Frank Pingel and Jon Dahl Tomasson to name two. Here’s hoping this lad is just as prolific.
  7. A top drawer left back takes us up another notch and is a clear upgrade to be made. Either of the Milanese left backs would transform us.
  8. He’s been complaining about airport staff touching his arse, just wait to the Italians stick a knife in his cheeks.
  9. Huge influx of Saudi International members apparently, none of them are real though so shouldn’t impact ticket chances thankfully.
  10. Be interesting if they reveal figures at some point.
  11. It’s to be hoped Papa New Guinea isn’t under threat from global warming, their home support already has to contend with the North Sea.
  12. I hope we’re lobbying the PL for the fit and proper persons test to be applied to these corrupt cunts now.
  13. Maybe not, but even if 40k we’re in queue I bet there’s a fair proportion buying 2 or more memberships. It’s not unreasonable to think they’ve flogged 80k memberships today and the likes of me haven’t even bothered yet.
  14. Has to be the most awkward footballer i’ve ever seen in possession, he’s fucking painful to watch and his first instinct is to turn back on himself every time. Absolutely criminal there must be lads playing non-league who have more about them.
  15. Levy lobbying Masters right now on how Maxi has no French caps and is a perma crock.
  16. They can’t but if they thought he was only worth 20 million that’s all that would go down against FFP. So if we received 30 million the other 10 wouldn’t count.
  17. Shih Tzu’s are banned in Saudi so his Mrs doesn’t want to leave them.
  18. Makes what we paid for Tonali seem like a bargain in comparison. Yeah there’s an element of risk with how he adapts, but I don’t think Gallagher or McTominay will ever take you to the next level, whereas there’s every chance Tonali might.
  19. McTominay will end up at West Ham perfect fit for Moyes.
  20. Getting a good pacy CB alongside Botman should be the priority now. I’m not sold on Burn at LB but if it was a choice of one more signing I’d go for a CB.
  21. Jesper Lindstrom to Juventus potentially, looks a player and would undoubtedly have upgraded our right side.
  22. Nee chance only full strip gravy stained mags do this.
  23. The cartel will look to block our progress at every opportunity, the same cartel who we’re happy to destroy English football as we know it. The fact we’ve qualified for the CL in our first full season under PIF will have rocked Liverpool and Spurs in particular to their foundation’s. They thought by curtailing our sponsorship they’d probably delayed our progress by 5 years at least. They’ll look to hinder us at every turn but it’ll be futile, you can guarantee our training gear sponsor is under intense scrutiny at the moment. We’re playing the game and being very co-operative at the moment, be interesting to see how long we play nice for, before we decide to put Levy and co in their place.
  24. Folk are unrealistic; however, where desperate for a CD with pace, the stats don’t show it but thought we started to look very vulnerable with the high line in 2nd half of the season, especially against top teams.
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