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Everything posted by andyc35i

  1. I can’t believe Shelvey hasn’t been substituted yet. He offers absolutely nothing
  2. Should have happened after 8 minutes, but they have stood there not doing anything tactical whatsoever
  3. It’s not his fault today - he shouldn’t be in the team to defend in the manner being asked. It’s clear from the way this Lamptey kid has destroyed how left side that Almiron was needed to stifle those attacks and then you can play from there. Allan should have started in a free role behind Wilson
  4. It will be he same line up as West Ham based on previous Bruce selections
  5. Yea I’m a bit baffled by this. That’s how I see it too. You can't "sue" until the bid is first rejected. You can't "appeal" until there is something to appeal against. That is why everyone (well, some of us) are so positive now, even a little bit more positive than we always have been. If you don't get accepted when it clearly (Chelsea/Man City-wise) should be, then a clear rejection is the next best thing. That Club Statement by Ashley leaves absolutely NO room for doubt, none whatsoever. He wouldn't have said any of that if he wasn't very, very certain of his ground, and by that I mean his 'legal' ground. Off we go !! It really is quite absurd this whole O&D test. The reason it was brought in was to protect the club from new owners that couldn't support it financially or from criminal elements. Now it seems to have evolved into some else entirely. You have a willing buyer, a willing seller and a fan base that is 95% behind the takeover and yet the O&D test is being used to stop the sale. Seriously what the f*** is going on as its clearly a restriction of trade. :clap: This is what I feel too. I will never understand how a takeover, where every party in the buying and selling side has agreed, can be stopped by the league.
  6. We're not gonna spend £35m on one player, and he's hardly likely to change his mind about coming here just because we might sign Ryan Fraser. I think it’s very unlikely too as I think Bruce has found better use for £35m. But I still have this down as maybe 15% chance if no other clubs come in, Lille drop the price by £5m and the player decides to take the stepping stone option. Nah, the midfield is done now that we have Jeff
  7. Didn’t he already sign a new deal? I thought that he had done quite recently and that’s why I didn’t believe in this swap rumour one bit.
  8. I’m amazed that we are not tying to sign this lad. I have watched him at QPR quite a lot and he is a real talent - right up Mike’s street with the future sell on value. The lack of ambition at this club
  9. Mike would be desperate for a sale now to take advantage of Debenhams collapsing
  10. I am actually feeling more confident than ever before given the MP backing and the country’s financial stats revealed yesterday. I just can’t see the government let this type of investment slip through their fingers when the country is well and truly screwed for the foreseeable
  11. That’s not strictly true. I’m sure he spent relatively little in comparison to quite a few teams around the top and got pretty close to winning both the Premier League and Champions League. Also, just compare the way Spurs now play under Mourinho and you can see how good Pochettino is
  12. Why? I assume because they’re generally terrible and he made them look good?
  13. Top trolling as usual I just don't happen to think he's quite as good as most on here seem to think. This place does get a bit silly when anyone expresses anything but mainstream opinion. I think he has all the tools needed to be a world class player, but needs some help to focus in on areas to improve his all around team game. It would have been interesting to see how Rafa would have handled him
  14. Can’t wait to see him lift all the trophies #Saudioptimism
  15. He can do better than Arsenal in their current state
  16. "The World Trade Organisation has ruled that Saudi Arabia was behind a pirate satellite TV and streaming service that illegally broadcast sporting events" But they haven't though, have they? They've established that Saudi Arabia didn't do enough to stop it, not that SA was behind the illegal broadcasts. The same people would be complaining if the Saudis had caught those behind beoutQ and chopped their arms off (or whatever they do to pirates over there). Can't win. but the premier league wouldn't give half a s*** and would have rubber stamped the takeover months ago You don’t want this takeover to go through do you, now you’re straw clutching. quite frankly I would rather almost anyone else be trying to buy the club preferably someone without one of the worst human rights records in the world Careful now with that sensible opinion. Sensible? To see the club destroyed for 12 years and then think "whey I'm not sure I like these new owners lets wait it out and see if better come along". It's obviously a very sensible opinion. In a rational world people dying due to a horrendous regime "should" be more important than a football club. However, sport and football especially is tribal and is more important than anything else to a lot of people so it is also understandable that people will care more about that than human rights issues in a faraway country From my perspective the club isn't worth supporting under Mike Ashley. That's why I don't see it as a option to take or leave any change of ownership. If I could choose the owners, I'd choose just Stavely and the Ruebens alone, even if it meant a club that wasn't super rich and just slowly built competitively, but I can't choose. I'm not going to entertain the fantasy that we can just turn down a takeover and along will come another. Agree - all my future feelings of support for the club are pretty much centred upon new owners being in place that believe we can achieve something
  17. Watching the BT Sport champions league goals show and they’re replaying the Barcelona victory in 97. It’s got me excited and dreaming of those European nights again. It can’t be a coincidence that this is on right now when it’s 01 June tomorrow.....
  18. Didn’t know that Matt Hancock was a Newcastle fan - that’s the only new piece of information that I would consider to be in that article!
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