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Everything posted by Oregon_Geordie

  1. We have no interest in the ball. We never press. We just mark space. All 11 players marking space - it's not even football, there is no point to this team.
  2. Honestly, this is dire man! So negative, it's untrue! worse than anything I've seen for years. Cowardly!
  3. Few too many of our defenders waltz around looking like the big man but do fuck all. Not touch tight, not winning first or second balls, clumsy, immobile and fucking useless. Championship Level Defenders that they all in fact are.
  4. Like I said a few pages back. He's not my first choice or a glamour manager. But let's be fair, we're pretty shit from top to bottom. Seems a few of the big lads in the frame were but off by the task at hand, while Eddie has the balls to take it on. I don't think he's the type to stagnate and come for the contract, he's coming to succeed and improve the club and himself. Would be nice if we all gave him the love, support and energy we gave Keegan and Sir Bobby, who knows maybe he'll rise to the occasion and surprise us all. If he keeps us up it's win-win anyway. The fact he's a good man, who enjoys attacking football and can communicate is something alone. Howay the lads!
  5. Obviously very disappointed with all this. But watching a few Howe Videos on his Process, attitude and football beliefs, I see him as similar to Rogers. I'd like someone who wants to be here and is not a delicate flower, from the sounds of it Emery is a little delicate. I appreciate Howe or Fonseca are not in his League, yet. But let's give him a crack. He's still night and day ahead of the last few 'Managers' we've had skill wise. He also seems a really likable yet driven individual, who might just step up another level with the right encouragement, support and backing. I'm surprised by his 'dark' side he speaks about - the guys a winner! He's young and progressive - get the lad in and let's get behind him. If he does well, it's his to keep, if he's shite we move on.
  6. I remember swapping Panini stickers in a hut inside the Leazes End when I was little. My Mam taking be into the Milburn Terrace at like 2pm so I could get a good spot at the fence to watch Gazza - my hero as a kid. Collecting the Photograph Portraits of the players from the shit little club shop on the corner of Barrack Road. The smell of hops from the Brewery, mixed with the hot dog steam coming from the burger vans. The brick stairs and turnstiles up into the Stadium then the excitement of it all when you see the mighty Frank Pingle warming up. Great Stuff.
  7. No to Nuno, No to Martinez, No to Lampard. No to anyone associated with anyone already coaching or at the club. Just get a good quality progressive manager with his own ideas and methodology. A strong mind who believes in his approach. If it's attack or defence, whatever....let's just have a fucking identity. If the new guy wants Graeme Jones to help, that's fine. The rest can all fuck off. But let's get it done, it's took long enough.
  8. Whoever is pointing the finger at Almiron, needs to see a doctor. The guys clearly no world beater but I'd but him in the top 5 players we have at the club. Maybe playing him in his actual position might help, rather than playing him all over the fucking place, week on week. Clark, Kraft, Ritchie, Darlow, arguably the Captain need to be leaving before Almiron. All the above and even Longstaff would struggle to play in a Championship team right now - shite!
  9. Needs sorting now. Had plenty time. Get it done.
  10. I like Jones. Clearly a decent coach if not groundbreaking. I'm not bothered if he stays or leaves - that should be up to a Manager, hopefully not one he has suggested. I want the club cleaned out and rebuilt on quality, not jobs for the boys. My only issue with him today was he suggested the team used 2 of the 5 days on NUFC and our approach, then 3 days on Chelsea. We got beat anyway, so why not just use the full 5 to build our identity, in how we play and take that into the next few games. I see zero identity in how we approach the game, its rudderless and negative without a purpose. Let's hope we get a new manager this week, and it's not fucking Martinez! Absolute shite all round. It's not even Football at this rate.
  11. I think we sent the wrong Longstaff to Scotland. He is so limited when not been told where to stand by Rafa. His touch and composure on the ball is zero.
  12. We literally look like a mid-table Sunday league team. Fucking Crap at every aspect of the game!
  13. An element of risk with this guy, but from what I see he's a dedicated football thinker who obsesses every detail and cultivates teamwork and professionalism. I'd rather have a guy that has some experience of winning, (if even in Ukraine) over Howe or Lampard. He's a class act no doubt, but let's see how he works with our defence - I think we have just about enough to execute his vision... Just. Excited by the potential and attacking approach he brings.
  14. Can't stand this idiot. Clearly he can pass a ball but he plays like a coward at centre halve under no pressure, and has zero legs to function at this level. Another parasite that needs to be binned asap.
  15. A selection of average footballers masquerading as a team, under the leadership of a dinosaur bullshit merchant pretending to be a football manager. Just fuck off the lot of you. Fucking embarrassing effort, set up and performance.
  16. Our shape is like something you'd see on a Sunday Morning. In fact you see more innovative tactics and approaches on Gateshead pitches. The whole setup needs blowing up.
  17. Have to say. I used to quite like him, but Lascelles is absolutely atrocious in every aspect of football defending. First signing, needs to be a captain and defender.
  18. Who gives a hell what he thinks. Every Tom, Dick and Harry are green right now. Lots of bitterness and envy yet to come out. And when it boils down that's all it is. Cry babies unhappy their big boy clubs are gonna have to fight a wee bit harder to be heard.
  19. Rafa, Conte, Mancini, Lampard would be my list, in that order. Wenger would be a option for the first year to help the audit, clean out.
  20. As a person that has read this forum, rather than post for the best part of 10 years I have to say, some of the hatred and abuse to Keith is rather pathetic. I'm no fan of the guy but it seems aside from his inflated ego, he's put his money where his mouth is and tried to action change. Seems there are a lot of folk out there and some on here, happy to have a pop at anyone that get's of their arse and even attempts to do so. I've just finished work here in the US, and from catching up on proceedings, it seems it went fairly well. Who knows if it will lead to much, it does point towards the fact that much of what Keith has been saying is starting to ring true. Again I'm no fan boy, but he deserves some credit for starting the ball rolling. Without that initial action, we'd not even be in court yet. Seems the world is full of bitter, jealous folk who don't like the idea of anyone else leading the way, while they mainly type 'angrily' on their keyboard. Fingers Crossed we get the result we all want and we take the fucking Premier League down in flames, if not I'll take them throwing us out! Anything is better than existing as a ghost ship in our current guise. (Helmet on as I prepare to be attacked)
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