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Everything posted by Oregon_Geordie

  1. Let me be clear. I would keep him, if he decides he wants to work hard and improve and most importantly play for the team This is Newcastle United, not a fucking one man circus. He needs to shape up and realise he's as bad as the rest. He's been mainly dreadful most the season and an absolute nightmare to play with I'm sure.
  2. I think 3 assists in 19 is pretty dreadful for guy that has the ball most of the time and often on the edge of the opponents box. Maybe I expect a little more. I think he's a show pony who is out for himself and not the team. I actually think for every one piece of magic, there are 99 pieces of zero! Opinions though I guess. I'd swap him for Origi and play Murphy and Fraser on the wings.
  3. https://fbref.com/en/players/2b16cb1a/Allan-Saint-Maximin I must be reading this wrong then. Also 4 & 3 is not above 5. 3 Assists in 19 is shite btw for a guy that has the ball for 90% of the time we do.
  4. He has never hit above 5 for goals or assists in a Season in his Career. He's 25 in March. Aside from step overs and bandages he's nothing unusual. Wayne Routledge had better output.
  5. People even comparing the two. HBA had everything but the right attitude and a manager who trusted him.
  6. Should stick to cards, or maybe try tap dancing?
  7. I think he's a smart guy. His comments this week about not upsetting the squad and around wages, makes you wonder if he's already aware of how 'delicate' this bunch we have are. The core group have been here for 6-7 years thriving and hiding within the mediocrity that we all knew. A nice cushy number, making great money, doing very little. average players making above average money - win, win! It's going to be difficult to strike a balance after today. Even the interview from Hayden suggests there is a attitude within the camp of complacency. The new regime and that attitude don't mix. So it's time etc shape up or fuck off! I'd get them all in tomorrow. Make Tripper Captain and ask each player, who wants to fight or who wants a taxi. If they want out, let's replace them in the 3 weeks or start giving the kids a game. I'd even be tempted to tell them, they wont be let go but will stay with the reserves for their contract duration. Fuck the cowards!
  8. Keeping the faith with Eddie. We need to give him some better tools to use. When I say Tools, I mean the worthwhile type.
  9. Oregon_Geordie

    Joe Willock

    Bang average. Move him on. He's not a midfielder. Has zero movement, intelligence of space around him, he's weak as fuck and not up to for the fight. next.
  10. Totally toothless. Longstaff should be driven to Merseyside tonight. Willock can fuck off too. Just a lazy passenger when he came on. Fuck know where his heads at. Other than that, great display by Cambridge and utterly inept and pathetic from us. NUFC the charity of Football.... Can we just buy all the Lille team now?
  11. He's fucking shit if we're being honest. He's a show Pony who rarely creates or scores. Ginola and Robert would have torn Cambridge apart. And he's treat like he's a superstar. A metaphor for what football is. Tricks, flicks and haircuts.
  12. Pass. My Barca mate, was gutted they signed him. He's done very very little. Always injured, suspect attitude and not what we need. Especially on those wages. I'd rather look elsewhere and pass on him.
  13. The Geordie Socrates Coming to a Farnon's near you....
  14. Lovely interview that. We have some really likeable guys the team. 5-6 quality signings of the right kind ad It's exciting times again. As someone said earlier, it's games and atmospheres like that, that give you goosebumps and make you realise what a big fucking club we are and can be. Great performance all round. In Howe we trust! Love the guy.
  15. So so unlucky, we never seem to get a break. We should take huge encouragement from that performance though. Serious investment is needed now. HWTL!
  16. Athletic? thought he looked lost at times.
  17. He was better on the ball, but he has zero turn of pace or positional sense. He very very one paced and slow to move the ball. Alongside Shelvey and the beast, we need something else in there.
  18. I remember watching FA Cup games as a kid, when a little non league team would play the mighty big boys! This is pretty much what I'm watching here. We should just forfeit the rest of the games until January, when we can hopefully buy some Footballers.
  19. Not really the point though is it? We shouldn't be. Both goals conceded were down to our own ineptitude.
  20. It's like watching the Pantomime, but every week with these fuckers! absolutely braindead.
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