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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. This is normally when we concede - maybe we’re so shocked we’ve actually scored a goal that we lose our shit. Fucking heads on, tighten up and don’t let Clark anywhere near the fucking ball
  2. Holmesy

    Miguel Almirón

    I really wanted him to succeed here but his decision making is league one level. No footballing nouse at all. Such a shame
  3. Holmesy

    Football pet hates

    “Needs to stay concentrated” cunts!
  4. I agree with the majority of that but I still think it oversimplifies the transfer market in January. We will have a number of players we've put offers to who are waiting until the final week to see if they can get more/better. If we were riding high in the table it probably wouldn't be the case (or maybe it still would). Agents are whoring their clients around, trying to get the best salary/bonuses/opportunity for players and even if we agree a package with a player, we then have to negotiate a fee with the selling club, who might want a replacement in first. It's too easy to say 'we should've had agreements in place in December' - we weren't cut adrift at the bottom then. There have undoubtedly been mistakes - Emery, keeping Bruce on too long, possibly hiring Howe, not having a DOF in yet but i'd still rather have this lot in charge, go down, reset and come back up than have Ashley and his stooge cunts anywhere near us. The new owners will learn and it'll be a great ride. It's sad that the shine has been taken off this season by the league position and form but it's still more fun than the last 14 years. We've signed an England international FFS!
  5. Holmesy

    Diego Carlos

    Why have we chosen to pay tens of millions for an uncapped, unproven, almost 30 year old CB when we could probably pick up half a dozen current PL defenders for that, or the best of the Championship. It doesn’t seem like a good business at all this one. If it was £10m, ok. But £30 odd?!
  6. He's going to love playing Hull City, Blackpool and Luton etc. on a rainy afternoon.
  7. We're going to get bummed in this one - they'll run through us, round us and over us, and our pedestrian league one plodders will just stand there and let it happen
  8. Our lack of pace and movement in the centre is criminal. I bet Longstaff is in the top 5 slowest CMs in the league. Just a bit of pace and dynamism in the CM area would improve us immeasurably. They don't even have to be very good, just mobile
  9. We're getting knocked back by clubs, which isn't surprising given it's January and no one wants to lose their players. We're likely getting knocked back by plenty of players as well because we're pretty much certs. to go down. Absolute worst position we could be in
  10. Fucking League 1 Lascelles. That was embarrassing even for him
  11. He’s not exactly had the best service
  12. Time to bring Murphy on for a bit of counter attacking pace
  13. Trippier steps up to play offside and the rest just fucking stand there staring. Get the lot of them replaced FFS - thick as mince!
  14. Why isn’t someone telling him to do something different? Swap sides with Fraser, play one twos, try to buy free kicks. Anything is better than doing the same shit time after time when the defender has his number. He’s like the personification of groundhog day
  15. We’ve got to start putting chances away. We don’t make enough to be wasting them
  16. What?! Is that actually a thing?
  17. Maybe, but that doesn't account for him hoofing the ball over the bar every time he shoots and letting passes run through him. Something else has changed. It's most likely confidence but it could also be ASM playing shit. Everyone looked more alive when ASM was firing, now they just stand there and watch him run himself into cul-de-sacs
  18. As technically superior as our players might be (at a stretch), they lack pace. Bournemouth had pace throughout the team and that's one thing you can't coach. I'd take lesser players with pace over superior plodders any day of the week in this league.
  19. Arguably our players have played better this season under Bruce than Howe (with obvious exceptions) and i'm wondering if it's because a system where they don't have any clear instructions suits their lack of ability and intelligence, over Howe's approach that relies on tactical nous, following instructions and retaining information? It was just a passing thought but one i've never really considered before. Can a manager come in and be too technical and tactically demanding for the players he's working with, so much so that they play better under a potato who just tells them to run around a lot?
  20. Seems like the Chairman might've kicked some ass at the weekend and just told them to go on a spending spree to sort this shit out. He's travelled over twice now and seen us get battered by Spurs and humiliated by Cambridge. Poor bastard!
  21. I can imagine 'front foot football loving Eddie Howe' crying at the prospect of Dummett in his starting 11 but i totally agree.
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