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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. That's the shittest compilation video i've ever seen
  2. That post was not worded correctly - there should’ve been a couple of ‘or’s in there. I didn’t expect us to sign them all at all, but we haven’t signed any of them.
  3. It’s concerning we’ve got to deadline day with no CB, LB, winger, attacking midfielder or mobile striker. That’s a lot of business to try and conclude in one day
  4. Barbosa would be a nice surprise. We’re targeting the South American market as well so it might fit the bill.
  5. Suggests we've earmarked replacements for certain positions but if we see an opportunity to strengthen the first team even more, we'll make it happen. I love that! It's exactly what they should be doing and so far removed from our approach under Ashley
  6. A #10 and a proven PL striker?! Snap them both up! Wages might be a problem with our frugal setup though
  7. We need to sign some attacking end product now, whether it's goals or assists. Preferably both. Wide players and a quality #10, to replace the likes of Ritchie, Murphy, Fraser and Almiron, are absolutely essential
  8. The messiah?! Don't be daft, I was referring to Longstaff and Shelvey
  9. Like a rose between two turds in our midfield
  10. Holmesy

    Dan Burn

    Problem is the defence will likely still contain Lascelles - ideally we need 2 CBs so we don't have to see that plum in the starting 11 again
  11. I dropped in to see who else had a new transfer thread and the first name I saw was Paul Gascoigne
  12. Someone start a thread!!! Quick!
  13. Holmesy

    Jesse Lingard

    Top 6 team being a cunt because they're scared of us challenging them. Toys out the pram! Fuck em!
  14. Fair enough, that might have been an over-reaction but i was hoping they might make another shit appointment. If we make some decent signings this week things might look more promising. If the playing staff of the two respective teams were to stay the same, and Watford got Woy, i would stand by my outlandish suggest that i think we'd drop
  15. They have no problems creating or scoring goals. Their problem is conceding goals. The thing the Woy has always been adept at is making teams organised and difficult to play against. He's about as good an appointment as they could make in their current predicament.
  16. If Roy gets the Watford job, I think we’re down tbh. He’d sort them right out and quickly.
  17. We seem to be chucking £30m bids around all over the place so there's got to be a good chance
  18. Is that the same as Billie big balls? Asking for a friend
  19. Burnley v Watford next game week. A draw would be spot on. We can afford a Burnley win. We can’t afford a Watford one
  20. Nope! He’s shit. Might as well have kept Carroll - he’s mile better in the air
  21. This shit needs an independent investigation. It’s so blatant!
  22. If we stay up the most miraculous thing about it won’t be the unlikely points accrual, it’ll be the fact we’ve done it despite every official in this league trying to send us down. Set of corrupt fucking cowards!
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