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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Autocorrect can do one!
  2. I don’t think he’s a real man because he dances like a twat every time he scores a goal
  3. What’s a mega offer though? Even with Mane and Salah away, if Liverpool sign this chap from Porto, Origi will want out asap
  4. Nketiah and Origi would be spot on. Both are seemingly available as well.
  5. I really like Almiron as well but he's frustrating as fuck and he's never going to get any better than he is now. I'd also be happy to pass on Cantwell. He's decent enough but he just comes across as a proper little prick and I don't think he'd grow on me even if he was our player. Much better options out there, whether they'd come or not who knows
  6. His decision making would be a significant upgrade on Almiron's.
  7. I just can't picture the whole crowd singing na na na na na na na na Botman It would be great if it happens, proper comedy value!
  8. Holmesy

    Jamal Lewis

    He just isn't though. Hendrick, Clark and Krafth have him beaten comfortably
  9. £30 million seems to be our new number. I like it!
  10. We've got to be aiming for better with the money and newly found pulling power we have
  11. Holmesy

    Lucas Digne

    Yeah, fair enough. Check me out on my newly acquired high horse
  12. Holmesy

    Lucas Digne

    So do their fans. It's all they have to cling to
  13. Holmesy

    Lucas Digne

    I just don't feel anything for them at all. In my 33 years of watching football they've never done or been anything. They had a brief period under Moyes when they were ok but that's it. Nothing, anonymous club! Their financial fairplay woes seem to be down to not being able to attract decent sponsorship because no one cares about them. Sad plight really.
  14. Welcome PAINFIELD, great to have you on board mate. It's going to be some ride
  15. Our CBs have undoubtedly been shit but if you've look back at the goals we've conceded, a lot of the trouble has come from the full back areas. Ritchie, Krafth and Manquillo (although i like him) just haven't stopped balls into the box or given any sort of protection at all. Couple that with a pedestrian midfield offering no protection as well and we've been on a hiding to nothing. I'm happy we're targeting CBs but if we went into the rest of the season with no new CBs but new fullbacks on both sides and new CMs i'd still be confident of staying up
  16. No out-and-out CM rumours since the window opened that i can recall. A couple of CAM/#10 types mentioned. Barbosa, Cabral, PEA and Brereton-Diaz have been mentioned for up top but nothing concrete
  17. Yeah, he had some good periods but when he was out of form, he was wank. He wasn't helped by some of the dross he had to play alongside mind
  18. I hadn't seen enough of him to judge but I thought Irish international, might have a bit about him. He scored a goal in his first couple of games as well didn't he, but that was the only highlight of his time here. Typical Ashley signing
  19. I kind of feel a bit sorry for the lad tbh. He's nowhere near good enough, definitely not the player we thought he was when we signed him and we literally only snapped him up because he was free - none of that is his fault. I wish him no malice at all but his future undoubtedly lies elsewhere
  20. Frenkie De Jong is one of the world's hottest prospects FFS! Could we afford him? Yes. Would he want to leave Barcelona to join a relegation scrap? Not a chance
  21. Sean Longstaff will likely be off Matty Longstaff out on loan again but to a team that actually plays him
  22. I'd love us to get Daniel Podence from Wolves. I knew he was good, but watching him the other night against Man Utd he was different class. Must be one of the most underrated players in the league right now
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