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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. It is disappointing but to be fair to the lad he is a current France international . It's not too surprising he prefers a Champions League club over a relegation dogfight
  2. Coutinho wants to prove Barca wrong and win back his place in the Brazil squad - to say he's finished and looking for a payday is just re-haahsed, ill-informed rubbish. Yes, Ramsey is made of crisps but if we get him on a no-risk deal and get 10-15 games out of him, it's worth a gamble. PEA i'm more concerned about because he looks like a genuinely can't be arsed any more. The fact is we're not an attractive draw right now. We're odds-on to go down so players won't be desperate to join us. It would be different if we were mid-table, but players are selfish and want to maximise their short careers - spending a season here in the championship won't look very attractive to most
  3. Take it?! I'd be absolutely over the moon
  4. Trippier Digne Botman Ramsey (loan) Coutinho (loan) Barbosa
  5. He’s better than mid-table IMO. He became the butt of a lot of jokes on social media because of the faces he pulls but he’s always been a very good player. To step into a Man United side after 2 years of not playing and comfortably outshine Varanne shows how good he is. Ok, it’s only game but the ability is there.
  6. After last night’s performance Phil Jones has shown he’s still a very good player! If Botman doesn’t work out I’d take Jones as a fallback
  7. Are you seriously questioning the integrity of our fine journalistic talent?! Shame on you!!
  8. Our current options include Clark and Lascelles. I’ve never seen Botman play but I’ll be fairly confident in saying he’d be an upgrade on those two muppets regardless of his age
  9. I think they’re just making up what they think. Clearly the discussions have already happened, we know how much they want, we know he wants to come and we’ve had to wait until today to put our formal offer in.
  10. I’d suggest the reason the fans of the rock bottom club are telling him to fuck off back to his parent club, is the reason we should go nowhere near him.
  11. Half of our fans rated Bruce and thought Ben Arfa was lazy ffs! I don’t know any Villa fans to ask them personally but I’m definitely not taking the opinions of fans of forums as gospel. I’ve seen Barkley play with my own eyes, for Everton, Chelsea, Villa and England and we’re crying out for someone with his directness and creativity.
  12. He was plenty good enough for Villa but he was injured a fair bit and that scuppered his move.
  13. Ross Barkley has to be a realistic option?! He’s having a shit time at Chelsea at the moment. Cue some inevitable muppet saying he’s not good enough…..
  14. And Ruben Neves please Amanda
  15. On the replay Cavani scuffed it off the side of his foot and that’s the only reason it went in. We had numbers back, doing the right things and it was just unlucky. Proper shit FIFA goal, the type that makes you hoy your controller out the window
  16. Holmesy


    What does a world class box-to-box midfielder cost you these days?!
  17. 12 - injuries to Wilson and ASM! We’re down
  18. Holmesy


    Who was the muppet saying he was still playing below average and we should reign in the praise?! Dickhead! Linton’s a man possessed!
  19. Dzeko has been pretty scathing about England when asked if he would go back. I can’t see that happening at all.
  20. You can’t organise a PL defence when it’s made up of Championship players. We could have Mourinho trying to organise them and it still wouldn’t fucking work
  21. This shit needs investigating now. That is a fucking outrage! 4 fucking games running!
  22. I said it last time he played and I’ll say it again - play Championship cloggers in your Premier League team and you have to expect dumb shit like that to happen. Terrible call again by Howe
  23. ?? Governmental denial always settles the nerves around a situation.
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