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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. I heard a really interesting take on this the other day, and if the person who told me is right it will be coming out in the press soon. Apparently when Covid injections are given into the bloodstream (accidentally) rather than muscle they are causing heart flutters and irregular heartbeats. A guy I play with has experienced it, then there’s Aguero, Lindelof and a number of other players. It could be bollocks but his son is a scientist and reckons it’s being investigated heavily.
  2. I think he intends to - that’s why Inter have agreed to release him from his contract. He’s only 29
  3. If he goes with anyone at Liverpool we’re going to get bummed!
  4. I think there’s enough talent in the squad to stay up but not enough heart or end product. ASM has gone from being one of the best players in the league to a shadow of himself. If we go down, we go down. We’re still shot of Ashley and there is hope. People need to stop acting like it’s the end of the fucking world.
  5. Holmesy

    Joe Willock

    Drop him, he’s been crap all season. There’s a good player in there but we can’t afford to allow him time to play himself into form in the first team.
  6. That’s a fucking scandalous call by the referee! Having said that, are our players aware of our current predicament?! They just keep doing daft shit that costs us games FFS!
  7. Not sure my nerves can take the next 10 minutes
  8. What’s happened to Almiron?! He’s terrible!
  9. Whatever Howe and his team are trying to coach into these players isn’t working at all.
  10. I’m beginning to think that Willock spell last year was just a purple patch. He’s absolutely looked shit since
  11. Again, reminds me a lot of myself….
  12. He’s just really impressive. Every time I hear him speak I’m more and more confident he knows exactly what he’s doing. Reminds me of myself in a lot of ways! ?
  13. Holmesy

    Jamal Lewis

    He’s a bit clueless when he gets near the opposition box but defensively he looked decent. Hopefully the attacking side of his game comes on with good coaching and confidence
  14. Must be the worst trainer in the squad. It’s the only possible reason he hasn’t been playing. He’s laughably better than Lascelles. It’s not even worth mentioning Clark in this conversation
  15. Sorry mate, but I couldn’t agree with that less. We’re rock bottom of the league and Clark has started most games at CB this season. He is a key reason we are where we are in the league and it’s no surprise he’s just done what he did.
  16. Pick championship level cunts in your starting 11 and you have to expect dumb shit like that! Awful decision by the manager. Awful!
  17. We need a new captain so we can bin Lascelles immediately. Any promise he had as a top level CB has gone, he’s now a total liability. Tarkowski would be a good start to the window, Coady would be another strong option.
  18. They scored 2 world class goals! Other than that I can’t remember Dubs being troubled too much? Ritchie let his man go a few times but that’s to be expected because he’s shite!
  19. Add a proper creative CM to that list as well
  20. They arguably have 10 better players than us on the pitch, they’re at home and they’ve scored 2 worldies. I doubt Howe marked this down as a game we’d win. Learn from it and move on.
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