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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. Our lot couldn’t score in a brothel with a diamond encrusted penis
  2. Would love a true story more
  3. I wasn’t expecting 10 signings in the first week, but they should have had at least 3/4 ready to come in
  4. We should have had at least 3-4 players in ready last week, not fucking 1 player, it’s the constant hesitation from day 1 that’s going to make sure we’re relegated this season
  5. Last time we got one of those was under glen roeder
  6. Aye they have both just phoned up and said “forget about it”
  7. His attitude to lower class of opposition has always stunk, he’s more interested in being funny on twitter than showing the correct attitude on the pitch
  8. Which is why I said we might see a different ASM if we get a right sided AM, teams might think twice about putting 3 players on him if we have another outlet, but currently teams know we’re nullified if they put 3 players on ASM and until we do something to change that, this season only ends 1 way. this in no way excuses some of the shocking decisions made by ASM though
  9. What I would say is, we might see a better ASM if we get a good right sided attacking midfielder to take some of the creative strain off him, ATM so-called lesser teams know if they put 2/3 players on ASM and that’s us completely nullified, we need another player that will make them think twice about putting 2/3 players on him
  10. I was slated months ago for questioning his value to the team, looks like more people are seeing the same thing, the worst thing is his attitude when we’re playing the so-called lesser teams, which really stuck out today
  11. Having watched the game, the bare minimum we need is 2 centre backs, 1 left back, 1 defensive midfielder, 1 right sided attacking midfielder and 1/2 strikers(depending on how long Wilson is out) and even if we were to get all those, I still don’t think it will be enough.
  12. I said he was the wrong guy for the job before he came in, nothing I have seen has changed my mind
  13. That’s a relegation team if ever I have saw one
  14. This lot would struggle to break down a rich tea biscuit in a cup of tea
  15. The cunts in this team couldn’t finish a cup of fucking tea
  16. I don’t think it matters how much we spend, the rot is just too deep, no doubt in my mind we go down this season
  17. If there was any doubt that we didn’t need 2 strikers, this game puts that to bed
  18. nufcnick


    Run along nonce lover, you will always be remembered as the fan base that cheered for a guy after he admitted that he touched school girls
  19. People keep saying that we also need a defensive midfielder, I think fab schar would fit that role perfectly
  20. Put it this way, I’m that confident we won’t sign him, if we do I will get my picture taken in a Blunderland shirt and keep it as my twitter pic for a year, even if we were talking to him as soon as ManCity/Chelsea got wind of it they would hijack the deal
  21. Not a chance, he’s a hot headed loon, and would get sent off 4-5 times a season
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