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Everything posted by Awaymag

  1. going to try and stay off N-O today, wonder how long I will last. Reckon 2 hours max
  2. Throughout this transfer window we have had everyone winding us up. We dont need people in this forum starting to do that as well. Its not funny at all.
  3. Can we all take eggs to the next home game and just bombard the press section for being absolute bastards!
  4. totally agree....Romano again just changes the wording and everything thinks he transfer god!
  5. LOL, this is just getting bizarre! Wonder if another team has come in?
  6. This is being used to flush out Arsenal or Juventus. It has that feel about it
  7. Im really surprised at the hostility that Amanda gets through the press etc. They really dont like newcomers and a woman at that, heading a football club.
  8. That's exactly what he does. He's never the 1st. All he does is wait till someone else puts something out there and 30 mins later he then pipes up with just repeating the information in a different way.
  9. Oh Im just muting you, you breakfast spread of a man!
  10. so give them another hour and they will start to report as if they knew all along!
  11. slow down - I can't keep up with youtube scouting of these
  12. I bet you're one of those people that wins the lottery and then complains that it will mean you have to move house.....negative nelly!
  13. and then Inter, West Ham are also interested. It so predictable bullshit.......where are those days where the breaking news was player on way up for medical and to sign. Now with the twitter twats, its a pile on to come up with anything that may remotely turn into something
  14. Good old Romano.....never 1st to break a story. Always follows - he's done well considering he know fuck all!
  15. Awaymag

    Diego Carlos

    Emery, Lille and Seville voodoo dolls for sale. Payback can be glorious
  16. Awaymag

    Diego Carlos

    30, 40, 45, 55, 70 million. Roll up Roll up, anyone else want to add a figure. Hope they have walked away
  17. exactly that - we need players that can get us to safety as quickly as possible and then in the summer, with structure in place, that is the time to go for the superstars, if they so desire.
  18. So to me, this just proves that everything the media writes is 99.999999% bullshit. Do we honestly believe that NUFC let it be know that they were pulling out of the Carlos deal and in the next sentence said, oh by the way we are going after the Brighton lad now? Just absolute garbage
  19. Awaymag

    Diego Carlos

    its all negotiating tactics if it is indeed true. Relax, and watch it all unfold........
  20. Awaymag

    Diego Carlos

    new contract for Clark..........imagine the scenes!
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