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Everything posted by RUHRLYASLEEVESUP

  1. Trippier oozing class as per usual, what a man
  2. Without doubt the singular most depressing day of my football life, the 17th July 2019 Not so much the absolute & total resignation of apathy which enveloped my entire soul with his appointment, but the abject hopelessness I felt about ever feeling pride again in the club iv'e supported since 1971, the spectre of that complete oaf lumbering his way around my club, embarrassing everyone connected to it just ripped my insides out, I honestly didn't think I would ever get to feel good about NUFC ever again & yet here we are my heart bursting with pride every time I watch them run out, the unbridled joy every time I see Eddie Howe, Trippier, The Joes, Bruno, Isak, Gordon et al, Its a funny old game innit & Im forever grateful to the people in charge for giving me that hope again & never again having to worry about self promoting, self obsessed knackers like Bruce ever again polluting Newcastle United.
  3. 6/4 16 Months 5/2 10 Months 4/1 8 Months 15/2 6 months or less 14/1 His missus marries me
  4. Well that changes the narrative a little
  5. I wonder how much support he would be given if it was discovered he had bet on our games whilst playing for us ?
  6. Was talking to him at Newcastle races last night, he's kind of meh about the whole thing, watched him after the 8.30 race chatting up coupla birds from Howdon, final straw for me after Spoonsgate, the betting ring & couple of indifferent games, but cheating on the lovely Juliette tips me over the edge like. Loan him to the Madams I reckon
  7. 8/1 Paddy power, just saying
  8. Wor Sandro loves a back heel, Went to spoons for his 1st meal, He lost his last dime, But we win all the time, One little bet is no big deal
  9. Respect to @MrRaspberryJam for the pivotal part he played in this on the very day he got his new nashy health gleggs #respect ? https://www.facebook.com/reel/1292747951391116?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V
  10. Like a flock of seagulls Ear ear ear
  11. Tonalis had a stinker, Pope not good enough, Bruno booked yet again (3 game ban incoming) Burn slow as a boat Just getting the negs in early
  12. Very disappointing he didn't finish the game off at 1-2, questions to be answered for me
  13. Without a doubt the best signing we have made in the last 20 years imo
  14. Rasbo v Regulars in a one off winner takes all thumb war
  15. He is struggling to defend, was fairly evident by his half arsed attempt to stop the shot, turning your back on any shot is unacceptable ffs
  16. Struggling to defend this lad now like
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