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Everything posted by RUHRLYASLEEVESUP

  1. He is terrible, anyone says anything else is deluded, he is as bad as any premier league defender
  2. This lad is as important as Bruno if not more, he's an incredible talent & he makes me so proud
  3. Piece of piss if wallet correctly loaded, problem you may have is people in front of you in queue may not have done so, been a hell of a lot better last couple home games though so seemingly more people are doing what's required with the loading into wallets etc.
  4. 1st time seen, love this, this team makes me moist
  5. Should of been closer, touch tight, dropped next game These things happen
  6. Cool the jets, I won't dead them both as ya a canny kid
  7. No excuse then, I hope your doctors got a good remedy for dead arms, that's all am saying
  8. For me CW needs to channel his inner Billy Whitehurst, bit of aggression coupled with that killer instinct makes him 1st name on the sheet, after Sean Longstaff & Botman
  9. So Eddie knew what he was doing all along ? who would of thought man eh
  10. Whey man give over will ya Anymore of this & @MrRaspberryJam will be dusting off the Nunchucks
  11. Horrible skinny white awkward gnarly antagonistic dyed haired twat Just love him like, he's the player we all hate playing against us & he's going to cause havoc for years upon years for us, lads got the world at his feet here with us
  12. The lad is going to be a great for us Fucking immense with the fighting spirit of a pit bull, love it
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