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Abra Dubravka

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Everything posted by Abra Dubravka

  1. I thought that, he tells it like he is milking the club dry and its a right jolly up him expecting the payout with Carver and Stone waiting in pub for him. Have to see it from his point of few, going to be looking at a lot of money that he’s never seen before. He’s going to be a bit miffed that Carver and Stone both paid out, but apparently Ashley wanted him around as he’s a good laugh! Ended up getting a negotiated payout, apparently nowhere near Carver and Stone, so in end club would have saved on his contract.
  2. Was that offered separately to the Pardew 8 year deal? Initially just for Woodman. Turns it down in fairness, saying that it would cause unrest with Pardew, Carver, Stone - so he ends up giving them all an 8 year on full payout. He says Pardew didn’t really want to leave for Palace, really loved the club, but it was so toxic he said to Ashley that it would be best for club and Ashley to let him talk with Palace/Parish. Woodman says Charnley gave Carver and Stone payouts sacked end of season and kept Woodman on much to his disappointment as he wanted his payout on 5 years. Pardew wanted to take him to Palace, and he tried to cause a rift with Schteve when they first met as Stechve wanted to keep him on too! Desperate to get his job lined up at Palace and move back down south, he spoke to SMc to explain situation and ideally he’d want his own GK coach in anyway, so SM said he’d speak to Charnley about it all. Times passes without Woodman hearing anything, and he’s on USA tour and tries causing a row in Chicago airport to force Steve’s hand to get him out All the while McClaren is apparently the most likeable guy, and impossible to fall out with. Mental stuff Speaks well of the club, fans and pretty level assessment on it all, just comes across as a total wide boy spiv
  3. Andy Woodman on Undr the Cosh podcast, coming out tomorrow but listening to it on their Patreon with him talking about his time here. Mental story about the 8 year deal I’d never heard from. Basically all off the back of Woodman going for dinner/on the piss out in Jesmond on Friday night before a game, bumping into Ashley who gets the shots in and offers him up a 8 year deal to sign next day
  4. Cutting out our best attacking outlet and one of few rays of hope of late, sacrificing Almiron’s form and quality to play him wide just in the hope he’d make Krath less s***. Systems fine, Joe’s not perfect in front of him, but can’t be thinking so defensively akin to playing Jonas just to defend the left side. No amount of help could save Krath at this level. Doesn’t have to make him any less of an attacking outlet. Almiron & Fraser still have the pace and skill to be a threat from wide but they’re also a bit more switched on defensively. Traore & Semedo against ASM & Lewis could be a car crash for instance. Semedo had about 4 scoring opportunities himself against Leeds on Friday night and they’re half decent. We also saw what Lamptey did to us for Brighton earlier in the season. Who’s going to play through the middle of Almiron wide? Without Wilson, it’s nobody worth it to change. Almiron’s been miles our best player last few games. What you might gain playing Almiron wide, you instantly lose by having whatever dosser you choose to play up front, all whilst it being a net loss with Almiron being wide. Simple fact of having Joe wide and Almiron central is far better, as wherever you put him he’s a donkey, so may as well wide and play to strength and form of Almiron. Squads a shambles, and few players of the quality we need at best. Out of them all, only ASM and Almiron are in the side. Dubravka can’t get a game, and Schar, Wilson injured, Lejune playing in La Liga! ASM apparently isn’t even fit still, and had his heed up his arse tonight (goal aside) because Bissaka didn’t just roll over for him. So basically leaves Almiron as only hope! Which is plain and evident on that showing, running by himself with no one bothering past a jog to support in 30yards
  5. The way he addresses and answers Easy Ryder’s question at the end “Lee!” Straight from How to Win friends there.
  6. Cutting out our best attacking outlet and one of few rays of hope of late, sacrificing Almiron’s form and quality to play him wide just in the hope he’d make Krath less s***. Systems fine, Joe’s not perfect in front of him, but can’t be thinking so defensively akin to playing Jonas just to defend the left side. No amount of help could save Krath at this level.
  7. Shaw playing up against Joe doesn’t help. Maguire regularly found easy to move into that left side, our right and pass, dribble into. Clear as day that they were overloading our right and targeting Krath. Proved by how little they played through Fernandes and how quite he was in first half. Everything offensive wise was to combine Shaw Rashford down our right side
  8. Sadly one of many players from that Robson era that feel the game and Newcastle as a city and club owes them something. Bellamy, Jeans, Dyer, Bramble will all be first to jump up and say they played for Bobby and how great a guy he is, but their spend rest of time slagging the club and fans off despite them playing Champions League football for the club. Fans granted can be harsh when it’s going wrong, and doubt I’d want to play in front off us when it’s going wrong - but Jenas and so many players were fortunate enough to play in front of amazing crowds on special occasions. Cunt. Darren Ambrose is the only player recently I’ve heard talk the other way, that the club and crowd can be amazing. Instead of piling on because we’ve paid fortunes to put up with shit for years. Says a lot about Jenas as a person that he can’t see beyond some petty bollocks, to appreciate that playing for Newcastle was amazing for him, and playing in front of a great crowd at St James is an honour earned. Head up his arse thinking that just because he’s wearing the shirt players should be wholly supported and cheered with no correlation to attitude and performance. Would love Jenas to have played at somewhere like Marseille like Barton did. Barton loves us as fans, loved Marseille. He appreciates that adulation from supporters is earned, and expectation is a good thing.
  9. Then it'll be the players aren't good enough. 'He just simply hasn't had the backing from the club needed'. 'We'll leave it there Gary. Coming up next on Monday Night Football, is Joelinton at a whopping £45M the biggest Premier League flop ever. Thoughts from Jamie and Gary coming up' "The manager can only do so much. Once the whistle blows it's the players who have got to go out and DO it!" Not to give the simpleton an inch here but that’s actually a valid point... We’ve so much dross in the side, we all always up against it. Standards are so low, meaning consistency is never there. Once in 20 or so games we put something together that resembles a performance. Always up against it relying on Krath, Lewis, and Shelvey, Joe to somehow get a 5/10, in the blind hope they put in a 8+ performance. Like Almiron running free, and Joe loafing nowhere near him. Clark far post header back across goal, Joe stood in the D of the box. You can’t legislate for such pure incompetence. Krath too square and being nutmegged by Rahford, then in his brain dead panick to atone gets done inside when only way he should be shown is 4 yards to by line.
  10. Was reading Norwich forum a month or so ago, they were sad that we all thought he was a bag of piss and giving him stick constantly on Twitter, but still rated their Spanish lad they’ve got now better than him.
  11. Total joke of a player. Coward. Second half barely laid a glove, or could keep hold of the ball. Just let the game slide, and time tick by. Pundits/morons say he’s good on the ball, but that’s the circumstances when you need him to be getting on the ball. Totally anonymous, like slenderman
  12. Fed up of hearing ex-players trying to justify the existence of this footballing oxygenarian. He’s past it at being to impact positively on a Premier League club, and progress them. 15 years ago maybe when he sustained Birmingham in the league, and lifted Wigan somewhat. But couldn’t meet standards set for him at Mackem’s over time, and took Hull down. Shouldn’t be in a PL job. False trajectory, should be in League 1 like Paul Lambert. That’s his standard. Nothing overly complicated, motivate a team of head-the-ball’s to play for him, and be hard enough to play against to be play-off/top League 1, or lower middle of Championship
  13. Ex-convict Pennant likes an easy ride manager. Who’d have thought. Did some YT interview with that oversized child Tubes playing golf, said basically every manager he played for was a bell-end. Think that says enough about his character as a professional, played for Wenger, Benitez! Wouldn’t be taking anything Jermain Pennant says seriously.
  14. He’s just such a fanny. Can’t compare him to Shaw in quality, but look at Luke Shaw - short little guy, but so strong in any 50/50 or touch challenges. Aggressive and proactive in every he does. Jamal just a dweeb
  15. A carrier bag in the wind would give this knobhead a run around. Struggle to remember a fullback that comes close to being as bad as him. Sold twice for Rashford’s goal, think he only got past right side to get a cross in once, and can’t remember him making a tackle or winning anything.
  16. As much good as an avocado on Bruce’s full English
  17. That was painful. Krath and Lewis totally hopeless. Supporting this club just makes me angry again.
  18. Struggling to give a toss about this. Had a couple of games few weeks ago that I was back to looking forward to, now just get it over with. Don’t care who we have up front unless it’s Wilson. All as bad as one another in their own ways. Kraft, Dummett, Shelvey, Hendrick, whoever of Gayle/Carroll just nowhere near PL standard, would be shock result of the season if we got a result here.
  19. Bielsa when he was in Bilbao - Javi Martinez, Llorente, Herrera, Munian, Susiata
  20. Loved Maddison call out Allison going through a shitter, but he's a quality keeper End of the day, their the same lads we are - they just happen to be really good at football. Refreshing to hear some of them talk to media like the normal guys they are, and let their personalities come across - not like the boring ass robots we've watched for years. Bit of a throw back, but always thought it was quality that Rooney shouted at the camera in 2010 after that Algeria game, showed he was normal. Always hated him up to that point.
  21. Jake Humphreys isn't letting it go like, fair play to him. Bruce must absolutely hate him by now. He’ll have his dense as f*** son on Jim White’s show on Monday saying Jake Humphreys has been sending death threats off a fake account no doubt. Honestly he is an absolute embarrassment. Every club he’s been at he’s played the “woe is me” victim card, other than Hull. He knows he’s a s**** football manager and that’s why criticism gets to him so much. If he had came in and shut his mouth and got on with it, instead of the cheap digs at the fans and a man whose arse Bruce isn’t fit to wipe in Benitez then maybe he wouldn’t be as despised. Same with his mates that stick up for him in the media, funny that they’re all either failed managers or no mark journeyman footballers. Every club he's managed he's had his home broken into, and there has been some sob story press agenda put out. It baffles me why he's even bothering anymore, why does he need to go and manage Sheff Wednesday when he's failed to achieve managing high levels for last 20 years. 10 time multi millionaire, it's all about ego. Heard it on a podcast while ago, but Clinton Morrison was going out with/banging his daughter whilst at Birmingham and he didn't like it one bit. Wanted him gone but the Dildo Brother's wouldn't let him sell him and he couldn't afford to drop him because he was scoring
  22. Just seen that from Jake Humphrey, tweet says it all - simple and effective. Never taken to him as a presenter at all, makes my skin crawl, but Tweets like that - proves that you don't have to have played the game to have an accurate take on football. He's got a platform, and said what hundreds of thousands of us fans have been thinking for a long time. Might have to take a rethink of that Jake
  23. Howay, glad you didn't send that to Alex on DMs, would have ruined the Sunday roast. Maybe, not ruined, but at least distracted Bonemarrow Bruce from the crakling that was on offer...
  24. Talking about post match interviews - James Maddison's was a class post match yesterday. Comes across as a decent lad, and talks about what happened in the game like he was playing Sunday League. All of players come across like they couldn't give a toss about the interview their engaging in, but he treats it like a chat - ends the interview with a 'cheers Des' - top guy, proper quality all round!
  25. Saw the Ryan Taylor podcast posted the other day, just nearing the end watching it. Remember him playing for us well enough, but he goes under the radar for me - probably due to his injuries, but always liked him. Back then I had devoted higher powers to hating Pardew, James Perch, Jonas and Santon playing both on the left and cutting inside, and that lofted Willo back post corner routine, and unearthing Romain Amalfitano. Really enjoyed listening to him speak on his time with us. This might sound simple, but he sounds like he actually likes fan(us), and Newcastle, whereas you listen to Kieron Dyer on True Geordie and there is a player who boils ya p*ss with how little he appreciates how much he was loved, and what Sir Bobby/Newcastle gave him. Even last week Darren Ambrose was talking fantastically in a few minute sound bite, whereas Jenas is on BT every weekend and I've never heard him speak about us that way - he's a 'Spurs guy' now. Like organising the Christmas fancy dress, but rigging it to make sure he was a Basketballer because of his knee - eventually getting bored of carrying ball to fifth bar before Jonas boots in a river! Also telling that he said lads had 3 days for Christmas do, but French Lads weren't in the picture (HBA, Marvuex, Sissoko, Cabaye...). Got shown a picture of a yound lad probably at training ground, getting Ryan to hold up a SMB on a white A4, and Ryan just says 'yeah I remember that, I knew what it was, it's just banter'. It's probably the cynical side of me, but I just see that human side of banter/rivalry totally gone. Chances of Dan Barlaser, Adam Campbell giving it the biggun to Sunderland next time they play them - zero. Was refreshing to see Vardy's reaction to score at Bramhall Lane as a Sheff Wed fan before all the fans lockdown!
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