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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Did you delete the post calling me a cunt then? Pathetic.
  2. Can’t believe they’re gonna fuck this up, again They’ll be miserable as fuck when their new sugarbaby owner doesn’t spend millions in the summer.
  3. I hope your predictions on the takeover are much better than your banter. Tiresome.
  4. Fantastic and thoroughly depressing all at once.
  5. Is Geordie Dentist the one who talked absolute crap during that fakeover with the group who also failed to buy Derby?
  6. *insert Portuguese manager’s name* will get the job, I reckon. As someone else has said, the Mendes recruitment is unsustainable. A bit like when we went all-French. They need to sack that off or they’ll end up deteriorating further.
  7. He’s just a complete tit. Desperate for likes, clicks and views. He’s like a 14 year old girl on TikTok trapped in a grown man’s body.
  8. Hopefully we’ll all get a solution we deserve eventually, through whatever means possible.
  9. How are they a fully democratic Trust where you get a voice if the only voice you get is to vote to appoint the Board? They’ve made two key decisions so far, without consulting their members, resulting in two outputs that doesn’t represent the voice of their members. You’ve even said yourself, you don’t think bad of them because you’re friends with two key players. It’s the equivalent of Shearer not criticising Bruce. I don’t agree they are in their infancy. They’ve been around for ages. The ‘new’ Trust has also been going since before Rafa left. We’re not talking about a group set up 6 months ago. What’s the best course of action you ask? Consult with your members about what they want. It’s simple. Don’t write off options because you want to sit in a posh seat at Newcastle and get on with the sole job you have - being representative of your members. I’ve asked time and time again for someone to tell me something the Trust have achieved - there is never a credible response. Because they’ve achieved fuck all. Despite having a large membership and large bank account. All the resources available and they choose to ask some apprentice at NUFC to sort some bogs out.
  10. What vote did you make in the decision to not protest, or the decision to start up a pledge?
  11. Really? I think that’s the entire issue with the Trust. More concerned about their own profile and/or getting into bed with the club rather than genuinely being a voice of their members. The key reason they’ll never ask serious questions of the club or encourage a real protest is because they know their STs will end up getting booted. As others have said - trying to organise the Dulux colour of the walls in the lounge whilst the house is burning to the ground. Pointless.
  12. People actually applauded Bruce? Fucking hell. So much part of the problem it is unreal.
  13. Gonna venture onto RTG for the first time in a while. Might wank myself into a coma.
  14. Choudhury - he was first choice. Maitland-Niles second. Willock eventually coming in.
  15. Just a reminder that Maitland-Niles was Bruce’s first choice and we had to scramble around for Willock after losing out to the mighty MBA.
  16. Didn’t even need a ballot may as well have just asked people to turn up. Referee mocking the crowd by adding 4 minutes on.
  17. Some poor fuckers actually paid to watch this thinking they’re doing the right thing. Incredible.
  18. Not even sure if that’s aimed at the PL or how shit the performance is.
  19. Tottenham, Everton & West Ham all trying to finish the season the worst. Wonder if Leeds have an outside chance of Europe. Needs a big GD swing (4 from West Ham) but not impossible. Arsenal still in with a credible shout now too.
  20. They’re looking incredibly shit so far. Could do with a good 2-0 Lincoln victory here.
  21. Someone has just tweeted to say the East Stand toilets are looking delicious. NUST doing a sterling job to advocate for the fans. Right - I’m done now see you all on the other side.
  22. None of the sort. If you listen carefully enough you can hear people saying how it’s the same football as Rafa’s.
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