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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Reading this thread, no wonder that we stagnated as a club. We hounded out our best players/managers just for having a little poor form. Happened with Ben Arfa, Roberts, Dyer, and worst of all Sir Bobby Robson himself. Why would you want to sell one of our best players to rival club like West Ham, Villa, Everton, or even Man United when we still have so much garbage to dispose off?
  2. Perhaps his content is not our taste (old people like me), but his content definitely is younger generation's taste. From what I see his fans are generally kids.
  3. Johnny

    On this day...

    People always forget that the club, the original one, Stanley FC founded in 1881. The 1892 is when the supposed merger between West End and East End happen. And the club only legally became Newcastle United in 1895.
  4. People being defensive about the potential of PIF dumps us for Man Utd. For me it's a win win situation. PIF stays, then good, bright future for the club, the city, and region. PIF leaves, it's okay at least we got rid of Cashley and the club would be free once again.
  5. I dont see Burn anywhere on the photos/videos
  6. Legend, the Mackem Slayer himself
  7. The sportwashing is progressing nicely...
  8. The problem with Pele is we dont have enough video of him playing and showcasing his skill. So, now we have some kid spouting garbage like CRonaldo/Messi or even Maradona as the better player than Pele.
  9. Johnny

    St James' Park

    The club : We wont move away from SJP The fans : The club should abandon SJP The club : The city center location of SJP is perfect for the club so we wont move away from SJP and look for a way to expand it The fans : The club should move away from SJP
  10. Johnny

    Kieron Dyer

    Apparently Laurent Robert was hard bastard, didnt know that. You learn new things everyday...
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