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Alan Pardew

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Everything posted by Alan Pardew

  1. "dust ourselves down.." Did he really fucking say that in the post match interview?
  2. One shot on goal in the entire game, at home against a Watford side on a 6 game losing streak (7 if you count the FA cup) in a must win game. It's simply not good enough.
  3. It's Everton... they've been a nuthouse for years now. They are in complete shambles.
  4. He's done at Everton. It just hasn't worked out. now IF we get relegated then Howe surely has to go in my opinion. Would you take Rafa back? I think I would.
  5. Just get rid. Not good enough for the Prem, not good enough for a team challenging for promotion in the Championship. He has terrible fitness - he is close to his prime age and can't play 90 minutes.
  6. Apart from the goal that second half was just as bad as under Bruce if not even worse. Spineless cunts.
  7. Serious questions must be asked. Abysmal game management.
  8. Shades of Moyes' 81 crosses. Absolutely got it wrong today. Still backing him but questions must be asked.
  9. Bring on Anderson to switch things up! Do something!!!
  10. Embarrassing this - at home to a midtable League One side. These players don't care. They know they'll be gone within 18 months.
  11. WTF was Howe thinking with this starting lineup??
  12. Very good constructive post. From an admin no less.
  13. Willock has been shocking all season but comparing these two is pointless anyway. Willock is a CAM who doesn't fit into Howe's system while Longstaff is a much more traditional CM/CDM. Problem is he doesn't have the stamina or physique to play this role. He was completely useless in the last 15 minutes tonight again.
  14. Friendly reminder that Dubs was dropped at Esbjerg, one of the biggest joke clubs in Denmark, for exactly these erratic incidents - He has been shook ever since he punched the ball into his own net at the Euros. I think we need to look for a long term replacement.
  15. Alan Pardew


    I'll happily admit I was wrong about Big Joe.
  16. Longstaff always knackered in the final 10-15 minutes. He's 23 ffs what's going on?
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