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JonBez comesock

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Everything posted by JonBez comesock

  1. Maybe, However he was the same when he played under Bruce. Could be a player locked away in there somewhere but I always think he flatters to deceive.
  2. I hear what you are saying but I think he hasn’t got that extra something to be a premier league player He has a fantastic attitude/ work rate and a nice touch at times , he is also a very good team player (can hold a ball up as well) However he seems to have the knack off over hitting and under hitting passes , slips over all the time , lacks that extra burst of pace , doesn’t score anywhere near enough goals and doesn’t get many assists. I do agree though he has been great lately at doing the dirty work.
  3. He annoys me , he has all the attributes to be a good player but there is something missing Always looks for the backwards pass and throw in. Only goes forward if he is forced into it Put in some nice meaty challenges but he switches off too much for a left back We need a new left sided defender , I think manquillo is better than him , which says it all !!
  4. He is our best defender - no need to say more.
  5. He is much improved in his new position and in the two games arguably one of our best players But….and a big but ……he can’t keep his feet and slips over at crucial parts of the game , gets the ball tangled up in his feet a lot , he very rarely hits the target and his crossing is woeful Don’t get me wrong , his work rate has been outstanding , and he is definitely improving , I just think we need better and should be replaced in January I don’t think many other teams in the premier league would start him or would get enough from him to make it worthwhile Cant fault his effort last night though , outstanding work rate and commitment.
  6. Stop talking shite clueless post
  7. I still don’t rate him , but in a good tackle but that’s about it always looks to go backwards Ritchie does more work and crosses a better ball, however I don’t think either are good enough for a team looking to stay in the premier league Left back is a priority for me
  8. Stinking patter , clueless Having watched girls/womens football for the last 6 years , the standard is higher than most people appreciate I’ve watched hundreds of training sessions / games ….and some of the skill / technique is on par with mens. Obviously the mens game is much quicker and more physical (and better to watch) I fully agree. However I have to admit watching some of the mens premier league games during covid (on the tv) with no crowds was abysmal (no tempo, poor standard) ….looked like Sunday league Same goes with the womens football on tv (when the crowds are super low) ..it makes the standard look poorer. I’ve been to a few of the womens international games and been at pitch level - standard is excellent and the crowd gives them an extra 10% Your post is very outdated (caveman - like) and shows you haven’t a clue on the actual standard of womens football today. Your post below that is also ‘lifting’ …about as funny as your morning breath
  9. Huge game tonight. Really looking forward to it , hoping to see us move the ball quickly and attack like we did against Brentford , with signs of improvement in regards to our defending. I have huge confidence that we will improve week on week , albeit a slow process following years of decline in terms of taking a game to the opposition/attacking / forcing play /enjoyment/etc match prediction 2-0 Also hoping for a fantastic atmosphere and get back to the Keegan days when the full ground would get behind the team !
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