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Everything posted by Joelinton7

  1. Villa only won one of last 5 league games. Spurs looked awful yesterday and have a horrific run in and Man U are just completely unpredictable. Just win our games and miracles may happen.
  2. He’s gonna’ want a new contract isn’t he, and he’s probably going to want to be our top earner. How high will we go?
  3. Never mind Klopp’s wheels coming off, they’ve completely blown a gasket. Carra fuming ?
  4. We’re crushing these on our way to an unbeaten end to the season.
  5. “So it’s as we agreed. Isak on 30” and then Gordon straight after. You told van de Ven he can’t leave Pop World til closing right?” “Oh yeah he’s rat arsed mate”. “Good. Just pass it around our box, kind of look like you’re gonna’ do something so people don’t get too suspicious, but don’t actually do anything… you know, a typical Spurs performance”. “Two in the second and off ya pop Angie”. “Yeah course old mate no worries (cough). Listen, Exile from RTG has been like Columbo on crack with this for the last 3 years. I think I’m gonna’ break, he’s onto us boss” “It’s part of his therapy for PTDD, Post Takeover Delusional Disorder. I wish him well in his recovery”.
  6. Would really fancy us to win that Conference League. But if we carry this run on CL could be mighty close.
  7. I know some don’t like the YouTube stuff but has anybody checked on Expressions Oozing?
  8. My friend. They’re chumps. Gordon is god
  9. Best English player in the world currently
  10. With Liverpool getting battered in Euro, Man U losing this and I suppose Brighton dropping points, these last few days are Michelin star levels of delicious. Especially for the fume. In fact no, solely for the fume.
  11. Schooled old mate today
  12. What did he do in particular, can’t see the game.
  13. I’m expecting marauding Dummett runs from centre half, Bruno popping balls over Sonny’s head, Burn crashing headers 100 yards down the hill straight into the top corner, Dubby shooting off his line like a greyhound to fettle Richarlison. Gordon breaking ankles, Barnes with more mazy runs than Richard O’Brien. Murphy with a 80 yard raker before dislocating his jaw in the celebs. Alex Ikea to fold them into flatpacks. Mad Dog’s teeth to blind every single Spurs staff member and Eddie to smoke a big fat one right in front of Impostercoglu and Spurs fans to be shouting “again blud, again fam”.
  14. Thought they were “just going to blitz them in 60” ?
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