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Everything posted by Joelinton7

  1. While we have Isak, Bruno and Gordon, players with technical skill and game intelligence, who regularly display moments of individual brilliance, they have Luke O’Nien. This is what constitutes being a “legend” up there. “You’ve been O’Nien’ed” ?. Did the same to Miley and tried to do it to Isak before he danced past him laughing his arse off at some league one journeyman trying to make a name for himself. https://x.com/liamrand4/status/1777810200889610422?s=46&t=DcLbGwd6hoDY9gGMy-ZgEw
  2. 2 starts, 8 subs apps. 1 assist, 0 goals. 3 yellows. 317 mins total for Frankfurt. Was not involved in last matchday squad due to injury. What a contribution. Njoy.
  3. Mr Singla KC, representing Sports Direct said; “If Newcastle fans were unable to buy their kits at Sports Direct then they wouldn't buy other goods there either and "may never come back", with people "losing faith in the credibility" of the store. Oh no, how sad.. Anyway
  4. Joelinton7


    Hello my friends, you are talking about me ? don’t worry Joelintoon is here to stay HWTL
  5. Literally everyone in a stadium: that is a very good goal, no need to check it again, everything was fine. Only absolute weirdos would check that. VAR - OMG did you see that Howard Webb? Too right I did Mike Dean! Super VAR powers activated! Zoom in 1,000,000%, reduce playback speed x500. Make sure to keep replaying the same incident over and over and over, stopping and starting it to remove all context and to really let that illusory truth effect kick in. Literally everyone telling VAR to look at a player punching another player in the stomach VAR: want another scone Webby? Don’t mind if I do. Lovely day for it. Oh shit I think i’ve left the gas on Deano! I’ll be back in a min. Ok I’m back Deano, just a little explosion, check complete. Good process Webby.
  6. Carragher “just pass Mo!” Shut up. I don’t want to listen to a Liverpool cheerleader on paid subscription
  7. Spurs v Forest still going ahead despite a stabbing which resulted in a death on a road near the stadium
  8. What the hell has happened to Ajax? 33 points off top, prob wont get CL, ensconced between Nijmegen and Go Ahead Eagles and signing washed Mackems (not many of them about I know).
  9. Eddie’s shithouse Mags are back https://x.com/jordancronin_/status/1776662921948344368?s=46&t=DcLbGwd6hoDY9gGMy-ZgEw
  10. Think it’s just a trial for now. Not getting much game time at Spurs.
  11. 18’s were at Blackburn today, lost 2-1. Not much in it to start with. Blackburn took a quick fire 2-0 lead. We weren’t great tbh but got stronger and more competitive as the game went on. Joe Brayson came off the bench and bagged after a Blackburn mistake at the back, rounded the keeper and slotted. Theo Adelusi started for us at RCB and did ok I guess. Was previously at Spurs. Not many standout performances today. Sam Alabi came on and looked combative enough with some good passing range. Pretty disheartening defeat. Definitely could have nicked a draw at the end but couldn’t quite get there.
  12. Joelinton7

    Harvey Barnes

    Harvey Danger
  13. Bayern chucking a 2-0 lead to lose to Heidenheim. Kane is truly cursed and cursing whomever he touches.
  14. Third time we have beat Ful-Ham this season. Pretty much played out like the cup game this. Loads of possession for them but we end up winning because we have better individuals and a better manager. 6-0 on aggregate. They’re fuming. Caviar all owa the Thames.
  15. Current value? I say £80m
  16. He comes across as a sensitive person in his interviews but you can’t deny the reality that he’s not it. You can blame fatigue or injury but there are weaknesses to his game which have been consistently with him since his debut six years ago. He’s never improved at scanning to make sure an oppo isn’t gonna’ rob the ball off him. He dawdles on the ball seemingly not knowing what to do with it. He never tries to stay on his feet. Doesn’t score enough goals. His passing is limited (that may be Eddie’s instructions). He’ll run and get about 2 yards from an Oppo and then just not put a challenge in. Next to Dummett he’s the least technical pro footballer I’ve ever seen. Just about as meat and potatoes as you can get. I hate saying it ‘cause he’s a really nice guy. In terms of ability, if he’s still here in a few years I’d put Anderson, Miley, Hernes and Sanusi ahead of him. He’ll just be bypassed.
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