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Newcastle United 3 - 1 West Ham - 23/09/07 - Post match reaction from page 14


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Re Owen, limping off injured again:


How long is it going to take for this club to send Owen off for some serious, sustained, world class analysis on everything from his running action to his preparation to his muscle state? We're paying the man 100k a week, surely it makes sense next time he is 'fully fit' to not throw him into a game but to instead send him off to the best biomechanist, physio, strength conditioner etc we can find, wherever they are in the world.


There is clearly some underlying problem going on. It's simply beyond belief that Allardyce, who is supposed to be cutting edge in the physical rehab side of the game, can't see that a string of groin, hamstring and knee problems are not simply flukey 'bad luck'. You can't just say he needs a run of games and a bit of luck. It has become exceedingly obvious that it isn't just bad luck, there is a source to all these problems and the staff at nufc don't know how to fix it. Send him over to America, China, Zimbabwe, wherever the hell the best biomechanist we can get our hands on is. If he needs to change his running style slightly, work on a muscle group, use a different pre match routine, follow a different diet, so be it. Get him out to the experts to find out.  :rant:



<- suffered groin, knee, hamsting problems consistently for years until I finally went and saw a good (and expensive) physio, who sourced it all back to a lower back that was functioning incorrectly. Took a solid 6 months to retrain the muscles to work in the right directions etc, played a full season for the first time in years last year. I have no idea what the problem is with Owen but the physio setup at nufc clearly do not have any kind of handle on the situation.


He went to America and Germany. Saw the granddaddy of all injuries that is Dr Steadman.


Isn't Steadman just a knee-specialist?

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West Ham: Green, Neill, Ferdinand, Upson, McCartney, Bowyer, Noble, Mullins, Ashton, Cole.

Subs: Wright, Ljungberg, Spector, Collins, Camara.




Did we win because West Ham were playing with only 10 men? :(


Oops. :lol:

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At half-time I wasn't really sure what to make of the game. We'd been second best for much of the game in terms of possession but found ourselves in front. It's harsh to say we were lucky to be ahead because neither goal was a fluke, both were good goals. Similarly, West Ham had only created half-chances. It was a tight, nervous contest and I felt at times we were showing them a bit too much respect.


Second half though was a different story, I thought we were very professional while 2-1 in front and thoroughly deserved it. The most encouraging thing was that West Ham put in a decent performance, and yet Martins should have made it four. We played the way a team in front should, we never let up and tried to punish them on the counter.


When Enrique came on and Zoggy moved into midfield we looked a much different outfit. N'Zogbia had it tough last season, he had lost his father, picked up a serious injury and his manager didn't seem to have great faith in him any more. He played very much with his head down and he couldn't find form. Now he's looking revitalised, he gets his head up and looks much more like the player of two seasons ago. His ability to cut inside or go on the outside keeps defenders guessing, which is something Duff lacks.


Releasing N'Zogbia into the midfield will give this team a lot more going forward and defensively. Similarly, Beye might just be the right back we've been searching for for years. Beye and Enrique could turn out to be our most important signings, because we haven't had a pair of decent full backs for years.


This wasn't vintage stuff, but it was a professional performance against a good West Ham team. I felt that in the first half West Ham gave us a real challenge but in the end we rose to that challenge, we raised our game in the second half and saw them off.


Arsenal on Tuesday will present a very different challenge, but I do feel that freeing N'Zogbia into midfield will give us a different dimention. I suspect Sam will revert to the safer 4-3-3.

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While I think that Cacapa & Rozehnal should be first-choice centre-backs, I feel Taylor would have been better than Rozehnal against Ashton today. For someone who normally likes to base his team selection on the opposition he faces, I'm surprised he didn't go with him. Overall though, good recovery after the Derby debacle.


Aye, we struggled with Ashton all day. He looks a good player.


Dont agree with th criticism of the centre halves today.  Did their job, yes ashton won a few balls but was put off enough for them to not lead to anything.  Being a centre half isn't always about winning every ball and we at last appear to have two centre halves who appreciate that. 

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Chuffed to pieces with that. Shame i didn't get to see it, but i'd argue that there's few better feelings than coming home from a long day at work, and seeing that we've won. Get in. Fantastic news about Beye, also about Enriquq - ecstatic that he got a game. Can't wait to see them two both against Arsenal.

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When Enrique came on and Zoggy moved into midfield we looked a much different outfit. N'Zogbia had it tough last season, he had lost his father, picked up a serious injury and his manager didn't seem to have great faith in him any more. He played very much with his head down and he couldn't find form. Now he's looking revitalised, he gets his head up and looks much more like the player of two seasons ago. His ability to cut inside or go on the outside keeps defenders guessing, which is something Duff lacks.


Releasing N'Zogbia into the midfield will give this team a lot more going forward and defensively.


Great player today, and this season so far as a whole. Pity about his haircut, though...

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Good game today, WestHam had some good spells but overall it was a well deserved victory, Beye looked good which is promising.  Ashton was always going to be a danger and i think for the most part he had the best of Rozy, his goal could have been avoided IMO.  Viduka def MOM first touch reall is sublime biggest let down of today was the ref....a really pathetic performance from him today !!


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Guest Magnetic North

Beeb online


West Ham manager Alan Curbishley:

"You can't defend like we did and expect to get something from the game. You can't let in goals after two minutes - otherwise you don't give yourself a chance.

"We got back into it and were the stronger side in the first half but more poor defending at the end left us 2-1 down at half time.


"Overall I feel we've done enough to take something from the game. We played well to get back into it and it's desperately disappointing.


"Our attitude to defending, especially stopping the cross, was poor today."


Earth to Curbishly, earth to Curbishly, do you copy?  :cheesy:


*line crackles... ...audible laughter*


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Which end of the Newcastle Online Delirium Spectrum are we at this week?  From deliriously unhappy last week, fed up with the manager, unsure about the future, have we moved to deliriously happy, insanely positive about everything, and grossly exaggerating expectations for the remainder of the season?  I do hope so. :razz:

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Guest sittingontheball

Which end of the Newcastle Online Delirium Spectrum are we at this week?  From deliriously unhappy last week, fed up with the manager, unsure about the future, have we moved to deliriously happy, insanely positive about everything, and grossly exaggerating expectations for the remainder of the season?  I do hope so. :razz:


Holy Biorhythms Batman!

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Another reason im very happy about this win is that all top teams are able to bounce straight back from a defeat, Normally we tend to go on a no-win streak after we lose a game but hopefully this is a sign that things are changing.


Viduka was deadly today, His 1st touch and general control was special. I thought Martins was good when he came on but he's to erratic, The chance he missed wasnt as easy as it looked and his touch was poor so it dragged him to far wide.


Overall i thought we deserved the win but West Ham showed they aint gonna be the push overs they were last season.

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Just got in from the game.

Tense in parts but feel apart from sitting a little deep at times we deserved the win,

few points:


Charlie was amazing and is our real pace in the team(back to the wing soon I hope)

Butt was my mom, everywhere!

Viduka will never be a Shearer as some at the Game seem to expect but play a half decent ball to his chest and he is immense, amazing touch!

Still so impressed with Rozenhal, keep waiting to the Bramble/Boumsoung cockup.


Great result/still no atmosphere!



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Some of the player ratings aren't giving Butt enough credit. His two performances this week are baffling. I'd give him an 8 for today and 1 for Monday.


This must be the first time Viduka's been fit. What a difference being able to run makes.


Referee - Very strange



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Some of the player ratings aren't giving Butt enough credit. His two performances this week are baffling. I'd give him an 8 for today and 1 for Monday.


This must be the first time Viduka's been fit. What a difference being able to run makes.


Referee - Very strange




Arrogance sums Riley up.  Corrected by his linesmen on countless occasions but not once did he reverse his own decision

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