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James Milner & Charles N'Zogbia

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After watching other teams this week I think the lack of quality we have on the wings  stands out , both Zoggy and Milner do not do enough durrign games, the quality of their crosses is not good enough, its always a hit and hope instead of a pin point cross/pass, can we really exspect  to get into Europe next season with those two as first team starters.

I think we have got way to over excited about Zoggy and Milner, yeah they may make it as top players but in a  few seasons time, we need to buy ready made good wingers and soon!


Milner , (05/06 some time at Villa)


2004/05 Season Totals 18----23----1-----2----24-----17-------9------18-----1-------0

2005/06 Season Totals 37-----2-----5----9-----53-----20------30------39----4-------0

2006/07 Season Totals 44-----7-----4---11-----74-----27------32------50----5-------0

2007/08 Season Totals 10-----2------1---1-----11------6-------14------15----1-------0




2004/05 Season Totals 10-----9-----0----1-----9-----3------14------13-----2------0

2005/06 Season Totals 33-----7-----5----7----47-----33-----45------38-----3-----0

2006/07 Season Totals 18----15-----0----2----23-----12 ----16-----14------3-----0

2007/08 Season Totals 12-----1-----3----3----22-----13-----17-----15------2-----0





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We need something more than what they are offering us I know, niether of them seem to take the fullback on anymore, nor do they play a good early ball into the box, its usually a check back and then play the ball back up the wing or square into midfield.

We need them to create a whole lot more, if Duff comes back and finds form then we only need to buy a right winger.

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I was just going to say about Duff, just compare Zog's performances this season against Duff at the start of last.  I think you will agree that Zog gives us a lot more than Duff in terms of up and down the wing, decent defensive positioning as well as a powerful shot.  Granted his crossing is weak at times but, that will come with experience.


People say he is a sulk and has an attitude, well he has just recently signed a contract extension committing to a further 5 years up here.  I think his sort of attitude is good, he hates being beaten and like Milner never gives up on a lost cause (ball rather than Newcastle being the lost cause!!).


Milner has more skill than most at our club, could do with a couple of extra pounds of body weight to help him against the bigger full backs but, he is young and could develop into a real star.  Great attitude, even though he is often the team scape goat when we a looking to make a change on the pitch, he is usually the first to be withdrawn.

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I was just going to say about Duff, just compare Zog's performances this season against Duff at the start of last.  I think you will agree that Zog gives us a lot more than Duff in terms of up and down the wing, decent defensive positioning as well as a powerful shot.  Granted his crossing is weak at times but, that will come with experience.


People say he is a sulk and has an attitude, well he has just recently signed a contract extension committing to a further 5 years up here.  I think his sort of attitude is good, he hates being beaten and like Milner never gives up on a lost cause (ball rather than Newcastle being the lost cause!!).


Milner has more skill than most at our club, could do with a couple of extra pounds of body weight to help him against the bigger full backs but, he is young and could develop into a real star.  Great attitude, even though he is often the team scape goat when we a looking to make a change on the pitch, he is usually the first to be withdrawn.

Zoggy has decent defensive positioning?? we have conceded a few goals so far this season because Zoggy did not track back!!

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If played on the correct wings and told they can push forward I don't see a problem with either. If they are on the wrong wings they either put in crap crosses or have to back track to whip one in with their correct foot which happened constantly last Saturday.

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Zoggy has far more potential and shows moments of real class.


Milner is too slow and lately has become very predictable and easy to defend against.  If pushed I would stick with Zoggy and see if a better alternative was available for Milner - question would be who?

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If played on the correct wings and told they can push forward I don't see a problem with either. If they are on the wrong wings they either put in crap crosses or have to back track to whip one in with their correct foot which happened constantly last Saturday.

I think they both attack and defend better when they're played on their correct wings. I hope Allardyce now sees playing them on the wrong side as a failed experiment.

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If played on the correct wings and told they can push forward I don't see a problem with either. If they are on the wrong wings they either put in crap crosses or have to back track to whip one in with their correct foot which happened constantly last Saturday.


Agreed. They are both fine young wingers but have to be played properly (i.e. Zoggy has to play on the LW) and consistantly too imo. Hopefully Duff can find some form soon, if not flog him and bring someone else in to compete with them.

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Basically imo Zoggy has it in him to go all the way and will become a full french international which is quite some going. Milner mainly due to his lack of pace won't ultimately be better than a good squad player.

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Zog's plenty good enough for us at the mo and if we did get in Europe he'd have another seasons experiance under his belt which would make him even better. Would like to see him operate in the center a bit more too. Milner, a good squad player, shouldn't be in the first team in my opinion, needs replacing.

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Guest RodrigoPalacio

There are worse players in the prem.  Plus both have age on their side, hopefully they will progress even further than they already have.

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Milner mainly due to his lack of pace won't ultimately be better than a good squad player.


Nobby had no pace and that's the exact type of player Milner should be pushing himself to become.

He's absolutely nothing like Solano and never will. About the only similarities are their positions and their lack of pace. Two different sorts of players.

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I think they should both be brought through a bit slower and I agree they shouldn't be first team players at all for me. When Duff returns and Sam has decked him into shape he should start on the left ahead of Zoggy. We should get a decent experienced right winger to start ahead of Milner on the right.


They should be brought along the way Nani at Man U is or the likes of Diaby and Theo at Arsenal. They definitely shouldn't be in the first team right now. They are just way too inconsisent and naive.

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We need something more than what they are offering us I know, niether of them seem to take the fullback on anymore, nor do they play a good early ball into the box, its usually a check back and then play the ball back up the wing or square into midfield.

We need them to create a whole lot more, if Duff comes back and finds form then we only need to buy a right winger.


Zoggy has far more potential and shows moments of real class.


Milner is too slow and lately has become very predictable and easy to defend against.  If pushed I would stick with Zoggy and see if a better alternative was available for Milner - question would be who?


It amazes me that people are talking about how Milner and N'Zogbia aren't doing well lately and putting it down to them not being good enough..  Don't you think these recent problems might just be because Allardyce now plays both of them on the wrong side of midfield?  Blame the 'master tactician', not the player!

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Both are promising, but I don't like to see them both play together. It gives the midfield a very lightweight and inexperienced look. One or the other I'd say, and at the moment I see Milner as that bit ahead.


Zoggy is very useful as an impact sub though, because he has the pace to exploit open spaces.

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Two promising players that should be brought along a lot slower in my opinion. They are playing way too many games right now and they really aren't quite good enough yet to be doing so.


Their lack of experience and nous really costs them and us in so any games. Just not quite their yet. Imagine if we had Duff at his best and Wright-philips at his best on each wing just as an example. We would be twice the team we are right now. We need that level of experience and performance on the wings in my opinion.

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Two promising players that should be brought along a lot slower in my opinion. They are playing way too many games right now and they really aren't quite good enough yet to be doing so.


What a load of bollocks, "aren't quite good enough yet"? N'zogbia is far and away our best attacking player when used properly.

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