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Allardyce interview on SSN


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I thought we'd be in a situation this season where the teams you'd expect to finish 6th to 14th would be completely interchangeable at only separated by a few points come May. We'd be in with that lot and so far I think i'm spot on in what I predicted.


Bit of a wide margin there, mate.  :lol: 

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I thought we'd be in a situation this season where the teams you'd expect to finish 6th to 14th would be completely interchangeable at only separated by a few points come May. We'd be in with that lot and so far I think i'm spot on in what I predicted.


Believe I said from 6th to 10th and voted 8th.

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Tbh i would of been happy so see a bit of progress but so far nothing has changed, Under SA i was expecting to see us harder to beat, more organised, better at dead ball situations and an all round fitness improvement. When we were after SA i was happy because i thought he was the 1 realistic manager who we could get who would sort out most of our major problems but so far he has looked out of his depth.


His team selections, tactics and subs have so far been baffling. I dont think he should be sacked after 13 games but if things dont improve by xmas then perhaps we should start to look for a new manager, Just because we have a reputation of hiring and firing managers it doesnt mean we should stick with SA no matter what, if SA doesnt show some sort of improvement then he should rightly so been under huge pressure.


The poor football i can tolerate but the negative tactics against teams like Derby, the lack of passion and fight in the team and the piss poor shape to the team, i cant tolerate that. SA has in the past been quick to big himself up so now its time to prove it, he wanted his chance to prove he is a good manager at a big-ish club and he has that chance but tbh he hasnt impressed.

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I think people were really critiscing because of the performance against Liverpool



It was honestly the worst i have ever seen newcastle play

try watching in the 70's 80's and 90's and 2000 onwards like me and many others when we have had many ,many games worse than that and that is why it is so frustrating and why people are getting angry .
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Guest microbar

Allardyce doesnt have the balls to come out for the end of match interviews,

He cant bury his head in the sand forever shape up or ship out sam.  :weep:

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We are performing far below the capabilities of our squad. it's no use looking at numbers or stats when we can see with our own eyes Sunderland, Derby, Reading, Boro and the rest suddenly looking like competent teams when they play us, then the very next week getting twanked once more.

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Hopefully with the regime change we've also lost the demonic drive to find new and better ways to make ourselves look like laughingstocks.  Sticking with Sam through a bad patch would go a long way to convincing me we have.

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Guest justin99.

well if reports are true that Allardyce has the changing room/players respect etc.  what choice is there but a change of manager? Would MA just let him continue in the hope he can turn it around?



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well if reports are true that Allardyce has the changing room/players respect etc.  what choice is there but a change of manager? Would MA just let him continue in the hope he can turn it around?




Doubt they are, before the Pompy debacle he was being built up by the press as this uniter who was managing to keep Martins happy ("I'll stay here as long as Sam stays") and there was even talk about him getting Owen to sign a new deal in the summer.


Allardyce doesnt have the balls to come out for the end of match interviews,

He cant bury his head in the sand forever shape up or ship out sam.  :weep:


Doesn't his lack of after match interview stem from his dislike of the BBC over the whole bung investigation.

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well if reports are true that Allardyce has the changing room/players respect etc.  what choice is there but a change of manager? Would MA just let him continue in the hope he can turn it around?

And what if it's easy/lazy journalism to make a shit-stirring article about a Newcastle manager after a few poor results?  God knows that's a dead easy article to write -- internal unrest, owner unhappy, manager feeling the pressure ... the f***ing thing writes itself.  And it's the easy thing to believe as well because it echoes some of our worst fears but only now they're in paper form and of course that lends credence to them. 






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The only ans to all this is to invade France.

I think you're right Parky. France is usually to blame. Prepare the troops.  :clap2:


...and expensive lagers...I refuse to invade without adequate sustenance..!


Invade....Bloody catholics!  :cheesy:

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NUFC fans are not patient but how can we be more patient when:

- We havn't seen a trophy in more than 40 years

- We have come so close to winning the premier league in the 90s and being entertained on top of that

- We have finished 4th, 3rd and 5th not that far ago and played regularly in Europe

- We had good foundation of players when Keegan and SBR left and instead of moving up and forward we screwed up the two best opportunities by appointing sh*t managers who destroyed and ripped apart all the good work done by their predecessors


Allardyce can buy some patience from the fans if he:

- Stops FU*KING around with the formations and tactics

- Stops the chopping and changing of players after every game or so

- Stops putting players in unfamiliar and incorrect positions and asking them to do things they are not good at

- Shows some balls and a winning mentality instead of cowardly seeking draws against teams like Reading, Derby


Not getting good results is not the reason why fans are becoming inpatient. It is the way we are going about loosing these matches that is what is frustrating and angering the fans

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If he wins the next 4 games all will be right as rain again and talk of new contracts will be bandied about, such is the fickle world of football


There would be nothing fickle about backing a manager who had finally come to his senses and starting at least getting the basics of Football right.  Because that's the only way he'd have a chance of winning the next four games.  He's not likely to win any of the next four by picking the wrong players and playing them out of position in an unbalanced formation..  Which is why people are actually sick of the sight of the man already, rather then this stupid myth that its all just down to results and a win or two will have people singing his name....

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