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Allardyce gone if we suffer defeat on Wednesday


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We are the only team to lose to Derby. That just about sums up Allardyce's reign.


yes because our Managers not a tactical genius we lost to Derby, no blame can be put on the players.

It's the managers job to motivate the players and get them up for the game. Also in case you don't remember it Allardyce's genius idea to start Amoebi instead of Martins.



The team we put out that night motivated or not should have been capable of beating/not losing to derby, the 10's of thousands   they pick up every we should have been motivation enough to beat the likes of derby.

Based on that logic there is no need for Allardyce if the squad didn't need motivating. It's easy to go into the game thinking we would coast it especially after they had just lost 6-0 to Liverpool and it was Allardyce's job to make sure we didn't get complacent, the fact is we played shit that night, Allardyce put out the wrong team and didn't have the players up for it.


Nobody knows what SA said to the players before the game, iam fairly sure he didnt say, Liverpool have just beat these 6-0 play for a 0-0 and make little to no effort

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I bet you £1,000 we don't get relegated this season if Allardyce stays :lol:

Maybe not but we should not be having this debate. We have squad capable of getting in Europe and we should not be struggling like we are and putting in such poor performances.


A lot of teams have a squad capable of getting into Europe, we can't all get there.

It's Allardyce's job to make sure we do get there.

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We are the only team to lose to Derby. That just about sums up Allardyce's reign.


yes because our Managers not a tactical genius we lost to Derby, no blame can be put on the players.


He played:




Taylor - Cacapa - Rozehnal - N'Zogbia


           Smith - Geremi - Butt


Ameobi                                   Milner




Then to top it off he told them to go for the draw!!  After we went 1:0 down and looked completely and utterly hopeless against the worst side in the league he tried to fix things by bringing off Owen for Martins (still one up front).  When that genius move failed to bring us a goal he followed it up by bringing off Geremi for Faye!  On 75 minutes, with us looking as hopeless as ever and heading aimlessly to defeat he made his final killer move on 75 minutes, he brought on Beye for Taylor at right back.


Yeah lets blame the players :lol:


Owen went off injured.


Ok so instead of trying to fix something he actually thought everything was fine, just as bad if not worse.  With two substitutions he could have changed to:




Beye - Cacapa - Rozehnal - Taylor


  Milner - Geremi - Butt  N'Zogbia


            Smith  Martins

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load of bull.


we're expected to beat the top team at the moment.


As has been mentioned, our team hasnt gelled, especially the back four, and we dont really have a set formation.


As Alan Smith said, one win is ALL we need.

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If he gets sacked on wednesday it will epitomise everything that is wrong with this football club.

That's all that needs to be said.  End of thread.

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load of bull.


we're expected to beat the top team at the moment.


As has been mentioned, our team hasnt gelled, especially the back four, and we dont really have a set formation.


As Alan Smith said, one win is ALL we need.


The team hasn't gelled because the manager changes it every game and he also change the formations every time he picks a team.  I don't want him sacked but I'm not going to make out that a lot of our problems aren't down to him.

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The one thing we need right now is continuity. Funnily enough, it's the one thing that Sam doesn't give us - always changing tactics, formations and lineups.


I'm indifferent. If he gets sacked on Thursday, fair enough. If he doesn't, I don't really care.

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i was behind big sam, but recent results show he is just a square peg in a round hole. would be a great manager for the likes of fulham or middlesbrough but for a big side like ours with our massive fan base him and his methods dont work. he plays for the points but we like to watch for our enjoyment so he is never going to be the right man. i honestly think that shearer now is the man to lead us forward. just how well did we do when he was in the dressing room with roeder! he would have the full backing of the fans and players. and those who say they wont support him are wrong because i can guarantee they would be cheering him on if he were made manager!

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i was behind big sam, but recent results show he is just a square peg in a round hole. would be a great manager for the likes of fulham or middlesbrough but for a big side like ours with our massive fan base him and his methods dont work. he plays for the points but we like to watch for our enjoyment so he is never going to be the right man. i honestly think that shearer now is the man to lead us forward. just how well did we do when he was in the dressing room with roeder! he would have the full backing of the fans and players. and those who say they wont support him are wrong because i can guarantee they would be cheering him on if he were made manager!



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If SA was to get sacked it would be an embarressment for this club, for one season i would like nothing more than us in the news for good reasons or no reason at all. Another sacking is not the answer, and i dont think that the board would get all the blame if it were the case, the fans that boo non stop need to take a look at themselves. I genuinely belive that the fans are the most important and influential people at this club, and it would be us not SA perfomance as a manger that would force Morts hand. End of.

I cant believe people are after his blood after so little time, surely there isnt a single person who can thoroughly justify his sacking after just 15 game

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i was behind big sam, but recent results show he is just a square peg in a round hole. would be a great manager for the likes of fulham or middlesbrough but for a big side like ours with our massive fan base him and his methods dont work. he plays for the points but we like to watch for our enjoyment so he is never going to be the right man. i honestly think that shearer now is the man to lead us forward. just how well did we do when he was in the dressing room with roeder! he would have the full backing of the fans and players. and those who say they wont support him are wrong because i can guarantee they would be cheering him on if he were made manager!


Do you really think we should risk giving the job to somebody because they may have had some influence while somebody else was caretaker manager?  I would expect Shearer to have one look at our defence and think "Shit, what do I do now."

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I bet you £1,000 we don't get relegated this season if Allardyce stays :lol:

Maybe not but we should not be having this debate. We have squad capable of getting in Europe and we should not be struggling like we are and putting in such poor performances.


No we don't.


seconded, wake, the fuck up people, we've been shit for 3 years

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Ultimately it's a transitional phase, it's a rickety squad and SA has only just got here. I would suggest we take another look at it in the summer and weigh up the season as a whole.

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The loss yesterday can be explained with the names of those four men that supposedly formed a back four: Carr-Beye-Roz-N'Zogbia, pretty different to Beye-Taylor-Faye-Enrique. If he's sacked I will be very disappointed with the board.


Exactly. We were the better side, but we lost because, for the 2nd and 3rd goals, our centre backs were too easily muscled away.

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