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F*ck off to you all

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Knightrider

The media, the pantomime fans and every fucker else who have tried to undermine the club in recent weeks with their hysteria, fickleness and downright mischeif.


That's what last night said to me, from Mort and Big Sam's lingering handshake of solidarity to Ashley and Big Sam laughing and joking, all the way down to the players' united, full of commitment, passion and work ethic performance, and of course the support from the stands.


That's the way to do it people.


Well done all.


Now we must keep it going in every game as much as we can otherwise this will all have been done in vain.


I am the first to criticise our atmosphere and fans, but when we want to, we can't half get behind that beloved team of ours.  :thup:

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Guest Brewcastle

Undermine the club?  :crazy2: -No way, even I haven't applauded Sam for his tactics during last games. And didn't do it against A'nal either. That doesn't mean I don't cheer The Lads and praise NUFC. The fact is: It's just because I love NUFC I'm engaged in Sams tactics, the lads passion etc. I can't see any conflict in having opinions and cheering at same time. Who knows? Maybe it was because fans have told their disappointment The Lads pulled them self together so we got a positive change yesterday?

The Lads fighted well. But was the tactics that well? Tactics is f.ex. to play with Zoggy as a defender. He was deeply involved in A'nal's goal. OK, maybe Enrique could have done the same mistake(s). But probably not, because he IS a defender (with good offensive qualities). What about Milner on LW instead of he's usual place at right, and what about Emre and Enrique on the bench?


Anyway, the result calms down the disappointment built up during last games for a while. Now is it up to Sam and The Lads to show their standard in the next games. Really excited and full of hope here!


No undermining, Cheers!  :clap2:

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I think the key here is Sam has bought himself some time by using his players to their strengths. If he gets results and performances with what he has available, he's more likely to get funds to carry on re-building. At least it's now clear that there is enough ability and desire to give anyone a game, now we have to want it enough to produce it week in week out.

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