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Oba Martins Thick As Mince.

Crumpy Gunt

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Alan Smith has his best game without doubt and comanded the airial encounters winning more than his fair share of flick ons - Martins, the thick twat never even tried to position himself once to recieve the flick on. One glaring example was the throw in that went straight across the 6 yard box brilliantly won by Smith and thick boy nowhere near getting onto it.


Hope he's been told the error of his ways for tomorrow



Oba with the striker mind of Michael Owen would be really high class. To bad he NEVER tries to get in those positions that Owen, do. Thats one of the reason Owen should be a starter when fit for me.

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Big Sam needs to realise Martins is gash, so he should have signed Anelka last month rather than hanging about till January. What the fucks he playing at?


????  Martins isn`t gash, he is just low on confidence I would say. Seems to be trying too hard again. Once he gets a few goals in a few games he should be great again. He doesn`t seem relaxed enough maybe he should get some tips off Ameobi or Luque on how to relax a bit lol.

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His "gash" movement got him into a good position only to be wrongly ruled offside. Also got him into a good position again which he didn't do too well in but its not as if he was up against average defenders either.

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I always get the impression that those out there that hype up and over rate Martins are either younger or from abroad.


For my part, I'd say Martins is a good player with good abilities who can bring some good to the team.


He's not going to form an effective partnership with any of our strikers.


Owen, Martins and Smith are all No. 10 strikers, while Viduka has been very slow so far and has rarely got into No. 9 positions.


The best possible striking partnership is when there is someone doing the hard physical work and scoring goals, while someone else feeds off scraps created by others to score, while helping the team out on the deck by moving out to wide areas.


I cant really say any of our players fully fulfil any of these roles apart from Owen who showed (ironically in an England game) that he can still be an excellent No. 10 in the right team.


Martins and Smith will never be a successful partnership as these are two No. 10's whose worstattributes are that they don't get in the box enough to score goals and put the opposition defence under pressure.


As mentioned, Viduka seems too slow at the moment, and gets left behind, so he cant properly fulfil the No. 9 role.


Thus the team needs someone else to come in and play the No. 9 role. It cant be Martins, as although strong, he isn't suited to the ball winning role the No. 9 requires and doesn't make runs into the box.


Long term, we should look to sign an effective No. 9 striker as someone Martins, Owen and Smith would have to battle over playing alongside.


For now though, we are asking for a No. 10 striker adapt their game to compensate our lacking of a No. 9. For that, Owen can provide the goals and Smith can play the more physical ball winning role.

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It was a big, big mistake of Roeder to sign Martins, Rossi and Sibierski last summer to replace Shearer, Shola and Owen mind, as these were all second/supporting strikers and we completely lacked an alpha striker, and we are still sufferring for it now.


Even chasing Kuyt was a mistake for he was another secondary striker.


Good thing Martins is a very good supporting striker mind, otherwise instead of scoring a lot less goals due to having no players attacking the box, we'd have scored no goals at all and then got relegated.

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As mentioned, Viduka seems too slow at the moment, and gets left behind, so he cant properly fulfil the No. 9 role.


Thus the team needs someone else to come in and play the No. 9 role. It cant be Martins, as although strong, he isn't suited to the ball winning role the No. 9 requires and doesn't make runs into the box.


Long term, we should look to sign an effective No. 9 striker as someone Martins, Owen and Smith would have to battle over playing alongside.


For now though, we are asking for a No. 10 striker adapt their game to compensate our lacking of a No. 9. For that, Owen can provide the goals and Smith can play the more physical ball winning role.


Sorry James but you are completely missing the point. This thread is about Martins being thick as mince, so long term doesn't address the problem wh have now. Your suggestion of Owen alongside Smith is great...surely Sam needs to be sacked for not realising this and starting him on Wednesday?


The only solution would have been to have signed Anelka last month tbh.



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As mentioned, Viduka seems too slow at the moment, and gets left behind, so he cant properly fulfil the No. 9 role.


Thus the team needs someone else to come in and play the No. 9 role. It cant be Martins, as although strong, he isn't suited to the ball winning role the No. 9 requires and doesn't make runs into the box.


Long term, we should look to sign an effective No. 9 striker as someone Martins, Owen and Smith would have to battle over playing alongside.


For now though, we are asking for a No. 10 striker adapt their game to compensate our lacking of a No. 9. For that, Owen can provide the goals and Smith can play the more physical ball winning role.


Sorry James but you are completely missing the point. This thread is about Martins being thick as mince, so long term doesn't address the problem wh have now. Your suggestion of Owen alongside Smith is great...surely Sam needs to be sacked for not realising this and starting him on Wednesday?


The only solution would have been to have signed Anelka last month tbh.




I'm merely pointing out that what makes Martins 'as thick as mince' ie his inability to anticipate and run into the penalty area means that other players make a better partneship and that we need to sign someone else to have a good partnership that involves Martins.


BTW, I don't think Sam could have started Owen on Wednesday, and I dont think he could have signed Anelka last month either.

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Martins is probably the least of our problems striking wise. He doesn't get into very good positions and doesn't make good runs enough of the time.


However i'm more worried with the striker who can't score.


The other one who is old, slow and injury prone and the last who is injury prone, lacks pace and doesn't off the team as a whole much at all.

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Martins is our best striker imo and i'd look for a better partner for him in Jan. His best partner thus far is Smith but we need someone else too.


Owen and Viduka are both Luxuary players. They are good finishers yes but they do very little else and you need more than that nowadays (look at Man u with Tevez and Rooney etc who all drop deep at times looking for the ball). Smith and Martins both worked their arses off defending fron the front and dropped back into midfield to help out well. In general we defended very high up the pitch V Arsenal  starting with Smith and Martins and Arsenal found it tough to play their passing game through our midfield. This would simply not have worked with Viduka and Owen.


At the moment we need grafters, i hope we employ the same tactics today V Brum. Make it difficult for them defend high up the pitch put them under pressure, i think they will crack under it far more than Arsenal did. 






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7 goals in 12 starts.


Suck on that.


For every goal there's another that he could have scored if he'd get into the positions and make runs. Noones questioning his ability to score a goal here but a stat like that glosses over so much that passes him by. I know it seems like i'm moaning but for fuck sake we all want him to get 20 prem goals a season (which he could) and there's so much more he could offer some times. By far the most frustrating player in the team.

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7 goals in 12 starts.


Suck on that.


For every goal there's another that he could have scored if he'd get into the positions and make runs. Noones questioning his ability to score a goal here but a stat like that glosses over so much that passes him by. I know it seems like i'm moaning but for fuck sake we all want him to get 20 prem goals a season (which he could) and there's so much more he could offer some times. By far the most frustrating player in the team.


If he keeps scoring as consistantly as he has then I think we can forgive him the odd sitter. Ok he has missed some he should have scored but on the other hand he has scored some he has had absolutely no right to put away!

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7 goals so far for someone who isn't an out and out striker is pretty good, could be better obviously but not bad at all. There is a lot of pressure on him also at the moment since Viduka and Smith are hardly topping the scoring charts.

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Why is Anelka constantly referred to as if he's the only striker out there who could improve us? No denying there are other options but there are so many other players who could do well for us and a lot of them without Anelka's age, price-tag, reputation etc. I don't get why some people on here are so obsessed by him.

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Probably because he will more than likely be available, likes Allardyce and we could attract him.


Its always the way though Melan, look at this Arshavin fella who most probably have barely seen play but is on their list of players we should buy in January.

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