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Whisper it quietly, but at Wigan...


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...we only have Peter Ramage on the sick-list. Duff obviously returned yesterday, while Owen and Carr are back in full training and back in the squad.


Rampage would hardly get a look-in these days, so we essentially have our FULL first-team squad fit for the first time in I don't know how long.


Expect some injuries either in training or during that game because it surely cannot last, although can there possibly be a better time for everyone to be available for selection with the Festive programme combined with the upcoming ACN?


A small glimmer of hope in what has otherwise been a miserable weekend for NUFC.

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Where's Faye? Is he back? Was he involved at all yesterday? Mind you like can't really see the point of putting him back in if he's buggering off to the ACN soon!!!


He was practically fit for selection yesterday, so should be ready for Wigan.

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Allardyce has said Owen is unlikely to be fit until New Year.


He's back in full training now though, Allardyce's latest interview says that Owen/Carr's return is very important with the next 3 games in mind - two of which are before the New Year. We might see him before Man City, although I agree it's probably unlikely.

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Allardyce has said Owen is unlikely to be fit until New Year.


Surely he'll be at the races on Boxing Day. Cant see him making the trip to Wigan.

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Having Faye back is massive for us. Caçapa was shaky at times but made some very important interventions; the game was lost because of a horrendous error by Rozehnal. I thought Beye was very good again against Derby, so we'll have our three best defenders playing against Wigan. Personally, i think Beye and Faye are mint defenders.

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Rozenhal needs to be dropped. And quickly. And by someone who knows how.


He and Cacapa together are a shambles, both need a partner who'll do the bulk of the physical work. Cacapa has been generally the better of the two so I'd start him alongside Talyor or Faye.


Be great to see Emre get a start, but can't imagine it'll happen.

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capaca hasn't been bad since the pompey game. sometimes shaky but he's regaining confidence. rozy is a different story. you can see he's low on confidence and doesn't want to make a mistake. I think he is a good player but at this stage faye is much better for various reasons. don't give your hopes up on rozy but it will take some time for him to become a good premier league player.


Oh, and it is amazing we have an 'almost' 100% squad for a while - for me, ramage isn't first team.

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Guest Brewcastle

If I was Emre I'd walk out the door in January and go and play for someone who has a clue.

blueyes.gif -Sad, but easy to understand if happens!
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I seem to be saying it with worrying regularity but as good a footballer Roz is, he just doesn't seem hard enough for this league. Oooh-err.


I don't think he looks like a particularly good footballer tbh, not the last while anyway. He's graceful, looks very assured on the ball but is he really? Put under any sort of pressure he tends to panic horribly and his distribution is very poor.


Bit of a poser, iyam.

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