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If not Sam, who then?

Guest Knightrider

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Can't believe for a moment that Jol would be a candidate if there was a vacancy.  Kemsley knows only too well what Jol did wrong and he'd never let his mate make the same mistake.


Jol is a good coach who took Spurs up to a certain level and probably could do the same again for Newcastle.  The point is that both Spurs and Newcastle would want to go higher than to the point where Jol could take them.


So you appoint him, get into the top 6, and if it's obvious things are going wrong, you're in a better position to get a manager who can get you to that next level. Would someone like Ramos have even looked at Spurs before Jol went in there? Not a cat in hell's chance.

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You only have to look at where Spurs were in the league when they attracted Ramos to not have any worries about attracting a quality manager here IMO.


I know, Premier League managers are the highest paid group in the world. The coin talks.

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You only have to look at where Spurs were in the league when they attracted Ramos to not have any worries about attracting a quality manager here IMO.


Minus capital pull we should still attracts some good candidates especially if the money is good.

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This club won't be happy till Alan Shearer is appointed manager!! Absolutely now point in employing foreign managers and the rest are just sub-standard! If only Sir Bobby was 20 years younger!!!!!!!!!!!


I dont believe that, All the fans want is a manager who seems to have a clue. If we got a foreign manager who got us playing decent football and is taking us in the right direction there wouldnt be a problem, There wouldnt be a problem with SA if there had been clear improvement from the past 2 managers but in truth SA has been just as poor as them.

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This club won't be happy till Alan Shearer is appointed manager!! Absolutely now point in employing foreign managers and the rest are just sub-standard! If only Sir Bobby was 20 years younger!!!!!!!!!!!


Lets hope when the time comes, be it tomorrow or in five years time, that Ashley and Mort don't listen to people like you.

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This club won't be happy till Alan Shearer is appointed manager!! Absolutely now point in employing foreign managers and the rest are just sub-standard! If only Sir Bobby was 20 years younger!!!!!!!!!!!


Lets hope when the time comes, be it tomorrow or in five years time, that Ashley and Mort don't listen to people like you.


Unfortunately he has a point.


The club simply won't be happy until we've seen what Shearer has to offer us as a manager.


It might be worthwhile getting him in just so the next managers can stop looking over their shoulders.

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So why is it all these managers have failed? The only two managers in recent years who have done a half decent job have been Keegan and Sir bobby...each have massive respect and legendry status within the club and the fans...why couldn't Shearer follow suit? Unless someone can think of a better option!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!! Im not saying we should get rid of SA, quite the opposite because changing managers every 6 moths isnt a good thing at all but im just saying a Shearer might get the feel good factor around the place again and im sure it wouldn’t take him long to pick the managers role up and if he dosnt then we’ll be back to square one..but we are used that aren’t we………..  Just an opinion!!

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With a billionaire owner all the old arguments about getting good candidates are moot.

only if the billionaire wants to hoy more cash at it.


...well seen as he's already put in £200m (inc debt reduction) its not something I'm worried about.

we could get a quality mourinho type manager if he he was told "you'll have a £200mill transfer kitty" and pay him top wages. however that type of manager wont want to know if he's told "you can only spend what we create as a business"


i suppose our next appointment will see this answered one way or t'other


True. I think you can look at the fairly conservative comments of Mort as an indicator of his 'nature' rather than a line drawn in the sand. But quoting those comments is fair enough. I have a feeling Ashley rather than Mort (although Mort has spent much time and energy deflecting attention from MA) will be the one who finally makes a call regarding the direction for the club. This is a very crucial time with regard to revenue streams and other things in the offing reg Euro wide hankerings for change to competitions and suchlike. We wouldn't want to miss the boat.


Mort is right in that the club must be run as a business and the structure must to a certain degree be able to absorb 'spend'...But it is also the case that the best doesn't come cheap.



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I dont think any manager with a proven track record would want to come here. I think our record with managers preceded ourselves. Add SA name to that list of sacked managers....


We'd only get someone who has a screw loose or is very keen to manage in the premiership.


My wild card would be Van Gaal. 

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Why not?


A man with a point to prove


A man with premiership experience


A man who took a team from mid table shite to top 6


A man who is looking for a new challenge


A man who will enjoy being able to sign his own players and build his own side.


I think he'd be a great appointment.

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Van Gaal would be fantastic.


However as mentioned there's no way our players are tactically our technically astute enough to play in a team of his.


I think some of our players are quite technically astute, maybe not so tactically but it is hard to tell when they are playing in a long ball 4-5-1 formation or whatever it seems to morph into.

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Please, if we're going to get rid of SA don't replace him with any of the other British midtable managers, whilst I tink they're decent it would be a stupid sidestep and i'd hope Ashley has more sense.



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Why not?


A man with a point to prove


A man with premiership experience


A man who took a team from mid table s**** to top 6


A man who is looking for a new challenge


A man who will enjoy being able to sign his own players and build his own side.


I think he'd be a great appointment.


I think he'd be good but i dont see long term sustained success with him. The oppurtunity to appoint managers is something which will shape the entire club and id rather go great while we have the chance. I wouldnt exactly describe Jol as great, in the higher echelons of club management. Id see him as a fall back option though when we get knocked back by all the great ones.

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HTT your completely up Allardyce's arse and have been since day one, and any manager any one suggests your going to just pick faults with and reject as inferior. So suggesting any other manager for this thread becomes completely pointless.


Pretty much summed up what I was just about to post. HTT was the fella who was telling us how brilliant Allardyce is and how great we are going to be when he was linked/took over in his numerous mega posts he likes to make.



Wrong, I was obviously delighted with his appointment and it showed in my posts but guess where I had us down as finishing at the start of the season? Mid-table! While others had us anywhere from top 4 to mid-table. Hardly the reaction you're referring to, eh? I've said since day one it is going to be a long hard slog to turn this club around and that the manager needs time and money as well as good fortune and that goes for anyone whether it be Big Sam or another manager.


You think we're going to finish as high as mid table? :lol:  What a joker..

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Guest SellSholaFor1M

As said on another thread:


Would you rather stick with Fat Sam just because you are unable to name someone available who'd do better? It's a flawed and bizarre way of thinking considering Fat Sam is doing a horrendous job and most people could do better.


Nobody knows who's available, so it's a stupid way of thinking. When people wanted McClaren out, did they know Capello was available? Did they know Mourinho WASN'T available (he turned it down)? We don't know.


But what we do know is that Fat Sam has to go. I am struggling to name any managers who could do worse with this squad of players we have than the fat mackem.

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