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And another one to add to the pile marked "c**t"


Step forward Andy Dunn of the News of the world (formerly of the people I believe, says it all really). Another who labels Newcastle a small club yet can't seem to write about anything else.


What a tool

Andy Dunn is an absolute cunt.  He's slated us quite a few times now.
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Its amazing the amount of column inches generated by a so called nothing club for these idiots many of whom where putting the boot in long before Sams sacking then more knee jerks than the ministry of silly walks.


An awful lot of regional snobbery and the facts are that they really dont like Mike Ashley and just cant get their heads round him at all.

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Guest sittingontheball

The press may be having a field day now, but in terms of treating the manager, Chelsea and Liverpool are the big laughing stocks this season. Not us.


All we did was ditch a never-was. The former ditched a two-time league winner and the latter wants to ditch a CL champion and CL runner-up who says he can't catch Man U (50 million in the summer) without similar funds. Now that is madness.

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The press may be having a field day now, but in terms of treating the manager, Chelsea and Liverpool are the big laughing stocks this season. Not us.


All we did was ditch a never-was. The former ditched a two-time league winner and the latter wants to ditch a CL champion and CL runner-up who says he can't catch Man U (50 million in the summer) without similar funds. Now that is madness.



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The press may be having a field day now, but in terms of treating the manager, Chelsea and Liverpool are the big laughing stocks this season. Not us.


All we did was ditch a never-was. The former ditched a two-time league winner and the latter wants to ditch a CL champion and CL runner-up who says he can't catch Man U (50 million in the summer) without similar funds. Now that is madness.


So true, shame no journos are mentioning that in these articles.

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Theres one character who every now and again does a 2-3 page special attacking Newcastle - team, city and fans. Full of spite and loathing, they are always full of half-truths, exaggerations, outright lies, and selective facts - like the ever present 7,890 crowd against Norwich in 1978 (due to boycott of game by fans after we were relegated - no mention of seasons average of 28,000, of course) and the average of 16,000 due also to the mess and similar boycott to get the McKeag/Rush etc cancer OUT and get in John Hall - again, no mention that the following season the attendance average almost literally doubled - and his name was Bill Barkely I believe - an Everton supporter (who I wrote to and asked as Everton got a 19,000 average the season before the won the championship, would he care to make that point plain in his petulant rants ? No answer of course - and apparently, Anal Oliver also knew the tw*t, and tried to get him to answer questions but he was as gutless and cowardly as you'd think - the same applied to Phil McNulty of the Liverpool BinRaiders Gazette or whatever passes for an evening rag there, after HE attacked Newcastle, people city and fans after Dalglish departed in his disgusting "If you lie down with dogs" article - again, McNulty was too gutless to answer.


But it's a regular thing.

In the past couple of days an attack on us in the Barkely/McNulty manner by "Gavin Brown" in the Metro free paper just shows the spite never ends.....


(Actually, the tone and substance was similar to Barkely* - wonder if it's the same p*ss-stain with a different name ?)


Maybe someone can put me right on his name - I think it's Barkely, but may be wrong. Also wrote a 4 page attack on us during our good years in Four Two Four  magazine - I stopped buying it thereafter, and haven't ever again.


So true, shame no journos are mentioning that in these articles.


Oh they are - but NOT attacking the mirror-kissing scousers, or the Kings Road pearly king fans of either club.

They ONLY do that against us.

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See tonight's Look North with smoggy Clemett and Mackem Brown showed manchester united's near misses as well as their six goals while not showing nor even mentioning Owen's "goal which would have put us 1-0 up at half time or Zoggies run or shot.


Whatever happened to regional bias ?


Clemett's a proper odious little inbred t***.


Jeff Brown's a nice bloke for a mackem though tbf, sometimes gets in my local.



I'm sure he is a nice guy - certainly comes across that way - but someone in Fenham is putting the boot into us for whatever reason.

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Jeff Winter anyone? He is, after all, a "refereeing legend and top media personality". Loves us "Brown ale-addled Geordie dickheads" after all. Inbred gobshite


I'd love to cut his head off with a shovel, i really would.

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Jeff Winter anyone? He is, after all, a "refereeing legend and top media personality". Loves us "Brown ale-addled Geordie dickheads" after all. Inbred gobshite


I'd love to cut his head off with a shovel, i really would.


If I ever see him in the street, I will slap him.

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Jeff Winter anyone? He is, after all, a "refereeing legend and top media personality". Loves us "Brown ale-addled Geordie dickheads" after all. Inbred gobshite


I'd love to cut his head off with a shovel, i really would.



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He'd probably like it.


I'd toture his ass big time, tie him up the works. His secret phrase to stop the pain would have to be "toon toon black n white army"  Other wise the pain continues and I introduce him to my fellow gimps.

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Phil McNulty is also the BBCs website Chief Football writer. That might explain the absolute constantanti NUFC bile that comes from that site.


The guy definitely has a problem with us, just read some of the stuff on 666 where he posts a lot of articles.

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Guest Dr. Richard Kimble

I stopped buying papers years ago as well. You get more useful and information reading subway and underpass graffiti.

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From NUFC.com


No slight: Sami


Having hit the headlines earlier this week with comments comparing Liverpool to Newcastle in terms of turmoil and press coverage, Reds defender Sami Hyppia (who early in his career had a trial for us) has distanced himself from those reports:


"It's not true and I was very disappointed to see the stories. We've listened back to the tape of the interview and there's absolutely no mention of Newcastle so I've no idea why journalists at the game have fabricated these comments.


"I've a lot of respect for Newcastle so I'm not going to make disparaging remarks about them and quite frankly it's none of my business to do so."

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interestingly, did anyone read John Gibson's little rant in the ronny about the Fleet Street press who try to blame us for our failings?


It brought a wee smile to my face actually.  Seems that he too is getting pissed off with what he reads.  The only thing missing was an attack on a fellow ronny writer.....


Can't find it on icnewcastle though  >:(

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From NUFC.com


No slight: Sami


Having hit the headlines earlier this week with comments comparing Liverpool to Newcastle in terms of turmoil and press coverage, Reds defender Sami Hyppia (who early in his career had a trial for us) has distanced himself from those reports:


"It's not true and I was very disappointed to see the stories. We've listened back to the tape of the interview and there's absolutely no mention of Newcastle so I've no idea why journalists at the game have fabricated these comments.


"I've a lot of respect for Newcastle so I'm not going to make disparaging remarks about them and quite frankly it's none of my business to do so."


Good man. Yet more shite just casually added in to make the headlines.

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From NUFC.com


No slight: Sami


Having hit the headlines earlier this week with comments comparing Liverpool to Newcastle in terms of turmoil and press coverage, Reds defender Sami Hyppia (who early in his career had a trial for us) has distanced himself from those reports:


"It's not true and I was very disappointed to see the stories. We've listened back to the tape of the interview and there's absolutely no mention of Newcastle so I've no idea why journalists at the game have fabricated these comments.


"I've a lot of respect for Newcastle so I'm not going to make disparaging remarks about them and quite frankly it's none of my business to do so."


Good man. Yet more shite just casually added in to make the headlines.


He probably said something along the lines of "other clubs" so they instered the words "Newcastle United" instead, the probably have a special "Find/Replace" function on their Word Processors

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